Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 3: Concerns about the protagonist's halo

The only way for the undead army to cause damage to the goblin chariot is to overturn the chariot with an absolutely strong undead, so that it temporarily loses its combat effectiveness, but whenever a chariot is overturned, it will immediately be inside the chariot. Midori released magic, manipulated the plants that broke out of the ground to turn the chariot back and continue the fight.

There should have been another way-

Kraunpith: "What if troublesome undead such as undead dragons, undead spirits, soul eaters appear?"

Alice No. 5: "If there are troublesome guys like Undead Dragon and Soul Eater, let the ten-digit sequence shoot. If the enemy invests more combat power, our single-digit sequence will shoot with our strength. , Enough to force the magician of the night dead to appear in person. If the core characters of the night dead magician are killed with red eyes, wouldn't it be right for Dad?"

"Report!" A liaison officer Alice raised her hand and shouted, "A Soul Eater appeared in Area B of the battlefield!"

"Notify Alice 45 to fight! There is no Soul Eater that can pass through the armor and make the tank troops in Zone B retreat temporarily!" Alice 5 shouted to her.


"It seems very busy, I'm bothering you here," said Kraunpith.

"No, no, dad will come to care about us, we are really happy! We will try our best to win without sacrificing any compatriots!" Alice No. 5 stretched out her hand and saluted enthusiastically.

"Oh, come on. Then, I'm leaving." Crowenpies looked at the battlefield in the distance that looked like a battle in another world, and suddenly became a little worried about the "world in the painting" that Star was working on, and immediately went to find Star to "inspect." Let's work.

"Daddy, go slowly." Waved to the disappeared Kraunpith, Alice 5 continued to concentrate on directing the battle.


Titanya, a large hollow in the center of the underground——

This is when Kraunpisi personally spent a few weeks desperately digging a hole underground, and then summoned on the spot a large hole made by a magic tree that stretches the body. The top of the hole is about 50 meters above the ground, and the height of the hole is about 100 meters. The area is about Two square kilometers, there are countless passages and small rooms drilled by tree roots.

There are also a large number of rooms dug out by the fairies themselves, and they can use the knowledge and information inherited from Crowen Pith to do their own exercises and things. In addition to self-sufficiency, they can also go to the open surroundings of the forest. Township to trade.

Among them, there are also places where Stara studied and fiddled with the "world in painting".

"Why is it happening like that?"

Star’s reports of successive failures of a test of "World in Painting" made Kraun Pess very distressed.

"Wao Lu Ji really doesn't know more? Is it a mistake to completely cut off the human memory she got from her "previous life"?" Kraun Pith sighed.

"Why? She really doesn't know more. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to bring her back to life, erase those memories, and return to the pure mermaid princess of this world? So she can relax her mind and go back to her hometown to get married according to her parents' request. As a result, we have gained the friendship of mermaid. Although the strength is not as good as the sea dragon, there is no need to worry about the safety of water transportation anymore, and the income from customs duties will also increase." Star said.

"I know, but I'm flustered." There is always one thing in Kraunpith's heart that is flustered, except for the forces that may threaten her now and in the future, the most flustered thing in her heart is that--

Since it is a different world in the pen and in the painting, does the so-called "protagonist halo" exist?

If it exists, then who can definitely win the final "protagonist halo", or has the absolute fate of being killed by the plot at a certain time?

This test, how to control the variables, theoretically can do this——

Try to save the doomed characters in the original book, and try to kill the characters with the "protagonist halo" in the original book.

For this experiment, after the economic income in his own sphere of influence stabilized, Kraunpisi managed to raise 100 million gold coins to be responsible for it.

It doesn't hurt the people and money-because the gold coin exchange box only pops out gold coins, so even if you throw in the wheat or metal ore that can only sell copper coins, you can also pop out gold coins.

However, the gold coin exchange box is a bit dissatisfied with Kraunpith. She spends some time to craft the hand-made, even if it is only made of ordinary stones, it can be sold anonymously at the auction market and the auction can sell for dozens of them. Hundred gold coins can be thrown into the gold coin exchange box. The gold coins that come out are actually calculated according to the weight of the figure, up to three gold coins.

Does the gold coin exchange box only calculate gold coins based on the practical value of the input items? Pure artwork is meaningless, and strange places are more similar to games.

In this way, although it took a lot of effort and time to raise 100 million gold coins, it was never a waste of money.

The value of game coins is twice that of indigenous gold coins, thus opening up ten animation worlds.

The test body traversers sent, without exception, could not save the bento characters, nor could they kill the male pig's feet that seemed to be opened by the "protagonist's halo".

For example, sending level 40 zombies to kill the protagonist team in the zombie disaster film "School Apocalypse". As a result, it directly conformed to the rules of the world and turned into slow-moving ordinary zombies, and was killed by the protagonist team as passerby zombies.

Then the zombie fell out of the painting intact, still the level 40 zombie.

Maybe going to a world without magic is a mistake in itself, but what —

Seeing the "world in the painting" reject those who are out of the game and automatically shut down the function, Star sighed and said to Kraunpith who was sitting on the side: "The only thing to be thankful for is that you won't really die in this world." But Piss, can't you draw some cartoon or light novel illustrations that fit our current power?"

" I don’t have so many complete dramas in human memory. Haven’t I tried it out? If I don’t think about the world when I draw, I can draw pictures. After starting the "World in Painting", can it become a set after entering? For this, 60 million gold coins (not included in the 100 million allocated) were wasted. "Crown Pisz sat on the ground and hugged. Chest, expressing helplessness.

Star: "Obviously that guy likes anime light novels, why is it not enough?"

Kraun Pith: "Not to the level of A Zhai, the owner of the fish tank is basically a successful person, let's just leave it."

"However, the experimental body becomes useless after removing the magic power or negative energy, which is also an important reason?" Star thinks about it, "I can basically draw a conclusion after seeing so many experimental samples."

"So, how? In order to ensure the use of magic power, how about going to the Magical Girl Fan? Let us be the same as the experimental body, and find an Alice?" Kraunpis seemed to say casually.

But Star agreed: "Well, yes, I agree with Pace, the only problem is..."

(to be continued)