Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 6: Yanfeng Qili is a serious person

Although Yanfeng Qili was a little confused by the request of Clown Pith: Cannot be spiritualized, and then think of the previous request, it seems that this guy is asking for a full set of equipment, is there any heroic spirit that will do this? But all the things that should be prepared were done in a few hours.

Yanfeng Qili is really a very meticulous person.

At this time, Kraun Pace was in Kiry's private room with incandescent lamps, slapping the nun's gown she was wearing. The appearance of this nun's suit is nothing special, but the number of inner pockets in the dress is luxurious, and there are belts for weapons on the waist and legs.

Speaking of it, the Templar Church has a profession that specializes in dealing with magicians and other troublesome things, so this nun's dress should be prepared for that kind of person, but--

"Why do you have clothes that fit so well?" Kraunpith asked.

"The church also takes in young children."


Kraunpith suddenly punched the wall, leaving a small fist-sized pit and a large crack on the wall: "I just slapped the clothes with this force. The kid needs this kind of monastic dress. ?【repair】."

Repair the wall from the appearance afterwards.

Seeing that Qili didn't answer, Crown Pith didn't plan to pursue any secrets in the church, only if there was a fighting loli in the church.

She casually patted off the ashes in her hand and opened another weapon box that was as huge as a guitar case... More than a dozen black keys with only a hilt and a spell for dispelling idlers will not be mentioned, but some things are really out of place here. play--

"This is... Don't you think it's too luxurious? I thought you were all classical guys... No, this thing is actually quite old in human history."

Kraunpis took out the double-barreled shotgun from the box and held it up, and put the **** on the right shoulder like a pose. Moreover, the size was too big for Kraunpis, which would not be like her in the past. The world of life allows magic weapons to automatically adapt to the size of the body.

But it's not indispensable. Although it is only a casual level, Cronn Pith has managed to play shooting. Without a gunman profession, it is indeed impossible to pick up general guns. You can use weapons made by your own props creation skills, no matter what. At the same time, she also found out that in this world (not including the body of Klauen Pith), she was not restricted by the rules of the "Yggdrasil" game. She felt a little excited, but it also made Klauen Pith a little uneasy who was accustomed to the rules of the game.

Turning my attention back to the double-barreled shotgun, it’s not good to test it here, so I had to put it down and took out another long-barreled revolver. It was obviously a pistol, but it was as long as a submachine gun, but Kraun If Pix used this as a spear, the size was just right. Use it to enchant it later.

Putting the revolver and the black keys into the leg straps and waist straps respectively, Crown Pith finally couldn't wait to open the flip of the laptop. This kind of civilization instrument of the information age is the most important thing in her memory. It's heavy, but I haven't used it personally.

"Need help?" Qili asked kindly.

"No, no, the Holy Grail has given me the necessary modern knowledge."

Even so, I'm still quite unfamiliar. It's okay to turn on the switch, but the keyboard can't be tapped smoothly with all my fingers, and the system is actually Windows 3.0? What is Windows 3.0? The first system that Kraun Pith saw in his mind was Windows 98, and 3.0 is an earlier system. But there are network-related programs, so it's good to be able to surf the Internet. Hey, there are still games installed? Although it is just playing cards and minesweeper.

"Oh, it seems that this configuration can't play any high-end games, but it's still in the 1980s and 1990s, and there are not many games to play." Kraunpisi sighed with disappointment.

Seeing that Kraun Pess fiddled with the computer, it seemed that it would not turn it into a part, and Qi Li temporarily left the room.

After dozens of minutes-

Kraunpisi closed the flip of the laptop computer, threw it into the Infinite Backpack with the weapon box, glanced around, and by the way, after stuffing a few bottles of good vintage wine into the Infinite Backpack, he left the room and went to the church hall. .

"Kiri, I'm very satisfied." Crown Pess smiled and said to Qili who was reading the "Bible".

Qili closed the heavy book in her hand and stood up and said, "Follow me."

"Where to go?"

"Meet the teacher, you are Assassin, and be careful not to be discovered by others," he said.

"Understood. Then, [Invisibility]." Crown Pith concealed his figure.

"So that's it, is it really Assassin, is this magic, can it be applied to me?"

"Yes." Even if the other party couldn't see it, Kraun Pith nodded.

"Well, follow my instructions, then go."

While following Qili, Kraunpith was thinking about how to win.

It doesn’t feel very good. Let’s not talk about the strength, Yanfeng Qili has not shown emotion until now. It feels that Yanfeng Qili is like a part of a machine called society, following the operation and doing inherent Rotate.

If you don't have a strong idea of ​​victory, it might be delayed. It has nothing to do with combat effectiveness.

"Kiri, tell me about your relationship with the teacher, and also about your wishes."


Tosaka House——

One person is receiving a report from a spy who sneaked into the UK. He is a middle-aged man in a red suit and elegant posture. As an orthodox magician, Tosaka Tosaka is best at using the long-distance communication method of the Tosaka family.

In the underground workshop there is a black **** very similar to physics experiments. The **** has magical gems that can be manipulated to move. The ink flowing down through the sling is written on paper from The content of distant communications. This is what can be called a magic fax machine.

"This device feels suspicious no matter how many times people look at it." Qili appeared at the door of the studio, looked at the strange-looking magic fax machine, and commented unscrupulously to Shichen.

[Oh, can't you just use the fax machine? That thing has a few gems and parts, it seems to be the price of a few fax machines. 】Claunn Pess talked to Qili in the personal channel of the master and the envoy.

[The teacher said that this kind of thing doesn't matter if it doesn't have electricity, and there is no need to rely on emerging technologies. However, in my opinion, it is more convenient for anyone to use fax. But if anyone can use this inevitability, it must not be understood by the teacher. The teacher's style of use must also be the highest. ] Qili responded to Kraunpith's statement in great detail this time.

[It's the same reason that the ancient nobles wanted to look different from the common people. Ha ha. 】

[I think so. 】

(to be continued)