Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 78: Mysterious Heroine X with Hanging

  Miyu did not answer Sapphire, but stared at the smoke and dust in front of her vigilantly.

   The smoke dissipated, and a large fragment of the ground with deep cracks was revealed, and the end of the crack was knelt on the ground, completely cut off from the left shoulder to the waist, and the remaining part of the body was weakly slumped. The armor is like a joke. The arm also disappeared, it seems that the arm was used for defense at the last moment, but the body was cut off together with the arm.

   "Fuck it, kill it?!" Illiya opened her mouth wide.

   Suddenly, Hei Yi Liya's dim eyes flashed red, and the broken parts of her body spewed out of red light!

   Meiyu's face tightened and she waved her cane, trying to make up for it before she seemed to be able to activate some ability, but the gushing red thunder hindered her movement.

   The red light thunder condensed a new body and clothing, and Hei Yi Liya stood up. She gave a mocking smile, as if mocking her effortlessly.

   "Maximum output, slash!"

   Meiyu made another sickle and exploded with a "boom". She pulled Ilia and rushed out of the smoke and dust, and walked out of the city in the void.

   don't have to wait for the explosion to disperse to confirm the result, she knew very well that the blow that could have been killed just now had no effect.

   "Hahahaha, don't run, coward!" The flightless Hei Liya jumped and walked on the roof and the wall of the building, and chased after her.

   "Really, I actually fought in the city. Think about those of us who are responsible for dispersing idlers?" Crowenpis vomited from the roof hundreds of meters away.

  Claunn Pisi didn't want to miss eating, and didn't miss school. Crown Pisi here is "another" existence.

   The reason why Kraun Pith exists as a hero of the rank card is that it occupies the Hassan Sabah card of the same rank and exists here. It’s not about substituting or substituting for the role, but has squeezed into the existence of Hassan Sabah, the servant of Qili Yanfeng, and has swallowed it. It is indeed related to Qili Yanfeng in the painting that it is "the world in the painting." "Was established.

   That's why Kraun Pith saw the assassin in the space where he "digested" the heroic spirits.

   At that time, the treasure "Snatcher" was activated.

   However, it is not a conventional way to kill and seize treasures on the spot, so it was not until the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, that it was possible to completely "digest" its own existence and rely on rank cards.

   This is not a weapon but a treasure of ability. It enters the body of Klauen Pith and is assimilated by "Yggdrasil", and the skill [Heroic Warrior] appears.

However, Kraunpisi does not have as many personalities as Hassan, and can only be divided into five avatars based on the number of "remaining machines" and the number of thinking circuits. Each avatar does not have MP, and HP is only one-sixth of the body. . [Heroic Warrior] It can be used once a day, and it can remain in existence before the cooldown expires and before the HP is exhausted.

   In other words, as long as you don't fight, Kraun Pith launches [Heroic Warrior] on time every day, and the clone will always exist.

When    the clone disappears, the memory can return to the main body.

   Therefore, all the clones were sent to other places to do learning without MP consumption (stealing and earning money require spiritual magic, so pass).

For example, Kraunpisi once visited Soichiro Kazuki, the people’s teacher of Suigunhara Academy High School. Although he is a human, he is the existence of the frontal hard **** hero in the animation. It is seen in the technology that no matter how small it is, it is fleshy. With an attitude that didn't seem to be lost, Kraun Pith used spiritual magic to find out where the organization was training him.

   Then he sent a clone to track down the kicking hall. The process was not very smooth. As an assassin organization, he was very cautious and his stronghold was not fixed. However, even if the clone had no MP, he still had skills to use. It was not easy to clean up, but it was not difficult. As long as you catch a "master" and induce the other party to say that you are a companion, you can use the Dark Princess professional skill [Puppet Puppet] to make a puppet and learn with another clone.

   The same method can also learn other things, such as Mapo's Bajiquan and the correct usage of black keys.

Recently, I also caught a magician sent by the Magic Association to compete for the rank card (despite an agreement with the church, but the Magic Association is not a one-hearted) magician, who has mastered Luen’s skills, and possesses treasures, a guy named Bachete. , Very strong, the clone of Crownpies was invincible, thanks to Qi Li's fickleness, he induced Bachette to speak the words of his companions, and launched the "Puppet Puppet" for Crownpies's clone.

   It's a pity that you can't do this to the lion robbery. According to the two-person teamwork of [Heroic Warrior] and [Puppet Puppet], you can only learn three techniques at the same time. The skills are exhausted, and one of them is still incomplete.

   Although these things are basically not as good as their own, they are better than nothing. Maybe they lose their weapons sometimes. No matter how hard it is, I can go back to teach a few children and let them find suitable children to teach it, which is good for improving the basic combat power.

   Then why not try to learn high-end technology to improve your combat power?

   Because it feels that the Moon World is too dangerous, Kraun Pith is worried about accidentally kicking on the iron plate. At the same time, Klauen Pith is still a timid kind of fairy, and he dare not go without adding a buff of [pain dullness] to himself in high-end battles.

   Besides, the "Treasure House of Kings" has not been digested until now.

   The topic was accidentally pulled away, and his eyes turned back--

   "But the body is injured like that, at least an internal organ should have fallen out, nothing is really boring." Karen said while maintaining the technique of dispelling idlers.

   "The heroic spirit will disappear if it is killed, so Karen, your pleasure is really not like Qili." Kraunpisi vomited, and began to check Hei Liya's abilities.

"Level 131, rank: ????, because the two rank cards overlap the judgment can not be? Strength ~ ~ Durability: A, Agility: A, Magic: A, Lucky: C, Treasure: A++, Are you kidding me?"

"What about rank skills... madness: EX, things will definitely improve their abilities while maintaining their sanity; Alter Liya reactor: A, convert a lot of energy into magic power, mainly sugar, in simple terms, it can restore magic power by eating. What the **** is this?"

   Generally speaking, the abilities of the non-self heroes that the Master can see are just that, but Hei Yili doesn't seem to hide her self-consciousness, that is--

"Have you seen the inherent skills? ∞ Infinite: EX, vitality continues to recover; Intuition: B+, has entered the domain of the sixth sense; the invisible hand of the king: C, its essence is to mobilize twelve points of strength such as the direction of the struggle All sorts of tricks like this.

   "The treasure is ‘Cross-Calibur’? The ‘God Hand’ appeared for a moment like a flower screen when it was resurrected? It’s totally inexplicable."

   "Anna, come on, your demon contributor may be dying." Kraun Pith yelled to what seemed to be completely air.

   "Master, I really hate it, so hurry up and die." Anna's voice echoed in the air.

(to be continued)


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