Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 79: 4The battle of loli, not mahjong

   Hogunhara Academy, Elementary School, Home Cooking Department——

   "Classmate Claus! What is this!" Teacher Dahe (Tiger) yelled at the "cooking" made by Kraunpisi despite her saliva.

   "Oh, it's rare that this time there are so many spare materials. Since the theme of this time is the free creation of cakes, I tried to challenge the British celebration cake."

Amidst a wave of dumbfounded pupils watching, Kraunpisi took fruits and made a hand-made assembly line, sculpted Q-version villains and flowers and other decorative objects on the "opera stage" composed of nine-layer cakes, and was at the same time complacent. Talking.

   Even though no matter what she cooks, she burns it into coke or even explodes like a curse, but her skill is definitely not bad, not to mention the fact that she has lived with Meiyou for so long, and it is not for nothing to eat the Wei Gong family.

   "There are so many spare materials today because Meiyou is not there!" Dahe cried, "Anyway, I will run out of spare materials anyway!"

   "Well, which school rule is not violated, right?"

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Are you going to do an opera?"

   "Teacher, you are so annoying." Kraun Pisi continued to cut the fruit carving and put it on the cake.

   "When can I eat it?" Someone asked with greed when he saw that Kraun Pith's fruit was about to run out.

   "Wait a minute, I will sculpt some patterns on the cream, and finally take a picture before putting it on the Internet!" Kraun Pisi put the last flower on the top of the cake, and while changing the knife, he secretly said——

"The first time Meiyou did not provide me with the materials, but although the oven is very convenient, I have no confidence in the cake embryos I made. Human taste buds are different from me and it is not easy to judge-put this." Secretly took out a bottle of potion from the infinite backpack, a leather improvement product developed by the big goblin.



   just took Illya on a beautiful tour of the jungle in the suburbs, and was forced behind by Black Illya.

   "Beautiful tour, back!" Illya reflexively raised her wand and opened a star shield.

   There was no obstacle, it was broken like paper. But this shield has been added a little bit of moisture-

   "Boom!" The star shield exploded, and the storm drove the two of them flying, rolling on the ground twice, avoiding a blow.

   "Huh!" Hei Yi Liya gave a soft sigh, laughed wildly and raised the red lightsaber that sparkled with the red thunder, before stepping on it, severely chopped it down!

   "Quadruple shield!" Meiyou unfolded the shield again, knowing that his defensive power could not be offset, so he thought about the countermeasures in an instant.

   The position where the quadruple shield appeared happened to be divided into two groups to clamp the arm of Hei Liya who was swinging the sword.

   "Maximum output, sniper!"

   Facing the blue high-pressure beam that came swiftly, Black Ilya let out a roar like a wild beast, and the red thunder burst out, dispelling the shield and beam of magical power.

"Hee hee, do you think it's great to hit me once? I was just taken aback, Meiyou, you have no meaning to be an enemy of me, right? Protecting the guy who doesn't know anything is good for you Is it good? Actually, I really like Meiyou." Hei Liya moved her wrist which was clamped just now, and said.

   "Holy Grail War, you can't pull in the irrelevant!" Meiyou pulled Ilia behind her and said sharply.

   "Hehe, irrelevant, what?" Hei Yili's tone seemed to know something that Meiyou should know but didn't know, but now it is not the atmosphere to talk about.

   When faced with the black cloak loli who suddenly appeared behind him and below him and was about the same size and full of murderous intent, Hei Elia was also surprised.

   It was approached by assimilation, but Heiliya, who had the knowledge of assimilation but couldn't realize the assimilation because of the different composition of the rank card hero, could not detect the approach of the attacker.

   But the ancestral intuition of King Arthur made her body react immediately before consciousness. One looked back and knocked the red lightsaber on the tip of the swinging scythe!

   The long-handled sickle is inconvenient to use because of the inward position of the blade. Compared with ordinary swords and spears, the extremely protruding blade can carry out surprise attacks on unaccustomed opponents in battle.

   I have to say that the ancestral intuition of King Arthur is really easy to use. If that sword hits the sickle hilt, then Black Ilia will be injured.

   Black Illia has the same muscle strength as a berserker, this block, with one stroke, blows the same petite Anna away.

   Anna was not discouraged, turned her body in the air, stepped on the tree, and faced the red thunders that were chasing continuously. Anna kept jumping, turning over, and sliding among the trees, perfectly avoiding all the lightning strikes.

   "Although I am not a Master, I will protect Meiyou."

   Anna said lightly, she had once again flashed to Hei Liya, and the sickle came out with a cold light!

Almost at the same time, Meiyou rushed behind her with multiple shields against Chi Lei, and condensed a sword blade with a density comparable to the C-level treasure Chi Lei's indestructible by magical compression at the tip of her cane, and pierced the black. Iliya's back heart position.

  Illya, who is a little bit soy sauce, seems to have found the value of her lack of combat power. Two star shields appeared on both sides of Black Illya, blocking her movement.


   What surprised Meiyou and Anna was that Black Illia became a dual wield in an instant, and the two lightsabers in both hands blocked the two blows that had the opportunity to severely damage or even kill.

   Black Ilia made a sound of irritation, turned her body slightly, avoiding the knife path of the sickle, kicked Anna's belly without armor protection, and was about to take a shot at Miyu——

   She fell on her back on the spot.

It turned out that at the moment Anna kicked her out, a chain with a pendulum was shot from the cuff to bind her Then Anna pulled the chain back and slammed it to the side, making Heiyi Liya flew up on the spot, breaking trees and breaking rocks in the jungle.

   But Anna frowned. Such an attack on the other party was harmless. Seeing that the chain couldn't hold on to be broken, she flicked the chain upward, causing Hei Liya to fly into the air.

  Since the other party can only let her slam her and it is difficult to stop, it means that Black Illia does not have the ability to stay in the air of Kraunpith and Meiyu, so that she can get her high in the air.

   "Beautiful tour!"

   "Maximum output, sniper!"

   In the face of the blue light beam coming again, Hei Yilia was about to deal with it, but the blue light beam suddenly "accelerated"!

   Not so, it was Anna who pulled the chain hard and threw Hei Liya onto the beam!


   There is a hole in the center of the body, and Hei Liya, swaying blue flames, seems to fall to the ground weakly.

   Anna ran to the "corpse" immediately, trying to give a few more stabs before the rebirth that might occur, but-

   "Boom!" Chi Lei Beng broke the chain and dispelled the blue flames, and Hei Yi Liya stood up again with fierce eyes.

(to be continued)


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