Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 82: Viper 0 Art

Hei Liyato cautiously held the beating heart of "his" with one hand, unable to exert any force, stepping on the telegraph pole under her feet could not move easily, and could only jump up.


   "Boom!" The blow that was supposed to hit the back of the neck was stabbed by Crowen Pith on Black Elia's back.


   Why is it a thorn?


   Hei Yi Liya only felt the tingling of viscera exploding in her body, and she wailed and fell.


   "Hey, isn't the people's teacher's assassination technique [Viper Baiyi] really so easy to use? But, hehe, it's over."


Kraunpis converted the lightning-shaped dagger "TraceRuleBreaker", which was made by the Caster rank card that slipped out of the cuff, back to the card, and jumped back to the ground, squatting and expelling. Hei Liya, who has a rank card but no change in her figure, is in front of her.


   Although "openly" squatted one by one in the middle of the street, there was no one else. The concealment of the street battle was left to Kallen and his clone.


   "You, what did you do?" Hei Yi Liya felt weak, gritted her teeth and raised her head to ask.


"The Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City now consists of Einzbern’s destruction technique and another Holy Grail war technique related to rank cards. That’s it. You have fought with Anna. She is Einzbey. The Servant under the Holy Grail Spell of Lun, I am almost the same now, but before I re-contract with the former Master under the Einzbern Spell, I also made a rank card hero. I won’t finish it, but you Do you know his intelligence?" Crown Pith put the Holy Grail heart and magic circuit back in again, and molested him.


   "You originally participated in a Holy Grail War... and later reappeared as a hero of the rank card... Leaving the mirror world and re-contracting with the Master who teamed up the previous time... Formed a special status Servant?"


   "Yeah." Crown Pith nodded as happily as the teacher who saw the student answer her question correctly.


Hei Liya continued: "Then you follow our Einzbern's method... in the art to call the illegal Servant... make yourself a Master... then imitate yourself... the second time you were contracted. , Forcibly contract me as your Servant?"


   "Hmm." Kraun Pisi nodded like garlic.


In fact, she herself is not sure about the outcome of the attack, because her clone has learned the assassination technique [Venom Baiyi] at this point in time. She still has a tangible proficiency. In line with the use of "TraceRuleBreaker" "Stabbing the Servant must be more effective than fists and hand knives, so I added weapons to the empty-handed assassination technique [Viper Hundred Arts].


   It’s great to hear the truth from the little holy grail and expert of the Holy Grail War.


   and the one that is the same as myself-the short-term inability to fight after the transformation of the Servant form, the weak time also exists.


   But, it's really strange, the rank card that was discharged did not have black and cracks, and it was still a good rank card.


   "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you use Caster's knowledge to analyze it slowly." Crown Pith thought, put the card away, lowered his head and smiled——


   "Next, you have to listen to my orders. Since you can reply by eating, there is no need to ask me to be a demon."


   "Who wants to..."


"Since you are Einzbern, you know what it is." Kraunpisi showed the curse that entangled and curled like thorns that stretched from the back of the hand to the arm. "There is indeed a limit to the number. It’s okay to resist a little bit of perseverance, but if you are judged to be in the way, I will make you suicide with a plural spell. Anyway, the rank card is already in hand, do you think it is necessary for us to live?"


"The driving barrier should be able to run for a while, let's talk about it. It just so happens that they are about to arrive." Kraunpisi took out the "Lock of Heaven" from the "Treasury of Kings", turning it round and round. Hei Liya **** into a ball.


   Although I don’t know how effective the treasure is, it’s a very strong chain. There are enough loops to tie the guy with muscle A easily.


   The chain used up more than half, and there were two landing noises not far away. Meiyou and Anna ran over.


   "You left without ensuring your safety. You are also negligent." Crown Pisz hugged his chest and said dissatisfied.


   "I'm sorry, I was negligent." Meiyou bowed his head and apologized, because of the partial learning style and bad experience mentality-she is a child even when she matures, so she won't be too considerate.


  &Nbaster was resolved as soon as he shot, isn’t it the Master’s responsibility to fail to act before? "Anna added blankly.


"Come on, the necessary preparations for easy capture, that is, I did it a few minutes ago." Crown Pisz said, of course it is not an excuse. It is not so easy to catch the Holy Grail heart without letting Black Ilia cast the rat trap. .


   "Fine, now that you have caught it, let's start the interrogation." Then, she sat down cross-legged, bracing her face and asked as an interrogator, "Are you planning to kill Ilia over there now?"


   "Huh, isn't it a matter of course?" Hei Yili closed one eye and glanced.


   "Obviously she has nothing to do with the Holy Grail. I have removed all the transformations from her about the Little Holy Grail and magic. Now she is just a child of a simple human and a cyborg," said Kraunpith.


   "Huh? Does Ilyasfeier have such a background?" Meiyou was surprised, wouldn't it be with herself............


"Well, it used to be, but it was the result of body modification and forced memory infusion. Now it is not. Since she wants to be an ordinary person and doesn't want to fight, then I will get rid of them. The problem is that Ilia was sealed. Part of the born personality came out with the help of the Holy Grail function and rank card, and it was this Ilia." Kraun Pith stabbed Black Ilia in the face and added.


   "Thank you." Meiyou suddenly bowed sincerely, making the others present bewildered.


"So do you still want to kill her?" Kraunpis continued to ask. She had the memory of seeing the first and second parts of "Magic Girl Ilia". There should be no reason for Liya to get out of the Holy Grail completely. Isn't it because she wants to kill Ilia, who doesn't know how cruel she is, to vent her anger?


   "I have a reason for the attack, but I am in a bad mood and I don't want to say it." Hei Yili said in a **** way.


   "Okay, to make the curse--"


   "Hehe, I can still resist, if you force me like this, it will definitely not be enough for me to commit suicide." Hei Liya said hard.


   "Then use this." Kraunpisi took out a syringe filled with potion, "Veritaserum produced by Ruby."


Hei Ilia, who knows the ruby ​​urinary **** completely, is a bit restless, her eyes sharpened: "That unreliable wand will always make something useless... If you use this kind of thing, I can't forgive you anymore. !"


(to be continued)