Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 84: Mapo Tofu Breaks Through Passive Defense

Fuyuki Sanctuary Church——


  Claunn Pess, who returned to the church first, saw the "message" light on the phone flashing, and said to herself after answering, "Kiri is not here...this is not good news."


   "What happened?" Anna asked.


  Crown Pith put down the phone and said, "Clean up some of the mess I made in Fuyuki City. It won't show up in 18 hours."


   The "kidnapping" of the Baggett sent by the Magic Association seems to be aware of the clues-there are problems with regular reports.


  Budget Fraka Makeremitz, the front-line combat expert and seal-appointed executor, is not something that can be laughed at.


   Therefore, the Magic Association sent others to Fuyuki City this time. As the "landlords", both Rin and Kirei were present. It seems that they will not appear in the church before noon tomorrow.


   "Sure enough, Master should die once."


   "Go to death" seems to be one of Anna's mantras.


   "Then, I'll take care of those things. After Miyu comes back, I will continue to ask you." Crown Pith finished speaking, and disappeared in place.


   She is going to get rid of the memories of Bujet, who has been imprisoned somewhere and confused by the mental magic and "pryed" his head, to find a place that is not monitored by the Magic Association and throw it away. It won't kill.


   Anna looked at the cake next to the phone, picked up another piece and stuffed it in her mouth...


   It didn't take long for Meiyou to come back, but there was one more person.


   "Why would she?" Anna subconsciously touched her sickle.


"That...I can't live without Meiyou (in terms of magic power). My name is Xiluoai, please advise me." Hei Yiliya-the heroic dress is dark and it highlights her pale skin and hair color. Rubbing his hands embarrassingly.


   (Shiluoai is the antonym of Chloe’s katakana pronunciation, since it is pale white, it can’t be called that too much)


Miyu pulled Shiroai, who became a little stubborn, and said, "But, she has nowhere to go. Since she has agreed to coexist, she must have a place to live. The church should be able to take it in. Besides, the church gives me the feeling. Very comfortable."


   Xi Luoai felt it and looked around: "Well, it seems to have this feeling."


   Because Fuyuki Church was originally a suitable place for the Holy Grail, the two Holy Grail girls felt good.


   "But, is it okay?" It was Anna who was speaking, "My Master and the priest here are more worthy of guarding than home."


   "I... understand. But, I think it's okay."


It is difficult for Meiyou to have a bad feeling towards Qili and Kraunpith. On the one hand, Qili removes the Holy Grail War and writes and executes the script for pleasure. He is really a good man in the traditional sense-a grandmother who suffered a fall on the road. At the same time, Meiyou Daily gets along with Kraunpith and finds that this fairy seems to be quite simple in terms of emotions; on the other hand, the two have really helped her life a lot.


   "I'm going to clean up, let's have dinner together later, Anna and Shiroai are hungry, too." Meiyou walked quickly and went to find her monastic dress and apron to put on...


  Crown Pess returned to the church at night and was taken aback by the fact that they had a meal together.


   "What, this sacrificial feast?" In the dining room, Crawnpies looked at the terrible table top with a wonderful expression.


   Anna and Miyu are normal at the table. What is Shiroai? There are twenty large plates that Qili can eat for a full meal, right? She is still eating there now.


   "Where's mine?" Crown Pith said with her arms akimbo, looking at the other pots and plates that were still full, with a bad premonition.


"Well, I'll save it for Kraun Pisi. Let me give it to Kraun Pisi." Meiyou picked up a large plate and a large spoon and gave Kraun Pisi a large plate full of two kilograms. , Put it in front of the seat of Clown Pith.


   "Isn't this all Mapo tofu?" Kraun Pisi said, the red gorgon juice and the white tofu are like the color that comes out of a broken brain.


   "I'm sorry, only Mapo is left, and Xi Luoai has eaten up everything else." Meiyou apologized.


"Oh," Crown Pissi sighed, scooped a spoonful of Mapo into his mouth, just sighing monotonously. Since I live with Qili, Mapo tofu has naturally been used to eating it for a long time. , It should be like this——


   "What did you add to Meiyou ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Kraunpisi was hugged by the hot enough, shaking his head vigorously to get angry.


   How could this happen? After living with Qi Li for so long, it’s no problem to go to the Huaxia restaurant to eat a super spicy or even spicy sauce. How could it be!


   "Ah, Master is going to be so hot to death? It's really rare." Despite her poisonous tongue, Anna's attitude was surprised.


   "Hee~" Xiluoai's mouth, which was still taking a big mouthful, was obviously raised.


"Crown Pis, is it okay? Why is this?" Meiyou was also very surprised and panicked. You must know that she is very good at cooking Eigong's meals, and can be adjusted according to the tastes of different people. Spicy, I have eaten with Kriee and Crowpe in the past——


   At that time, Qi Li was sweating on her face and even took off her clothes with pride to reveal her muscular muscles, causing Crowenpis to laugh, but now what happened?


The reason is: as we all know, spiciness is not a taste, but a kind of irritating pain. Excessive spiciness is a kind of harm, so in the past, it was immune to the passive skills of Kraunpith, and only hemp was left on her taste buds. Po tofu is delicious.


But now the one who makes Mapo tofu is Meiyou. Naturally, Meiyou thinks that Crawnpies really likes so much spicy. Her current level has reached the level that can hurt Crawnpies, so her passive skills are attacked. Breakthrough, Kraun Pith was hurt by excessive spite!


Crown Pith, who had been rolling desperately on the dining table, suddenly sat up calmly like a personality switch, picked up the spoon again, and delivered Mapo tofu to his mouth one by one't It's better to be barely. I apologize if it's too spicy, it will hurt your stomach. "Mei You said worriedly.


   "It's okay, it's really okay." Kraunpisi continued to chew the snow-white tofu calmly, and swallowed it with the red soup.


   Why does Kraunpi Si like to eat mapo tofu with Qili: Qili not only likes mapo tofu, but also very pragmatic. The recipe he likes actually has three times the calories, and sometimes Qili only eats one meal a day.


In other words, Kraunpisi can get three times the recovery from eating Kirei’s mapo tofu, which is nothing compared to the HP consumption caused by those spicy foods. Even if the passive ability of damage immunity is broken by spicy food, it will only You need to use [pain dullness] to get rid of the spicy part and leave the deliciousness in your mouth.


   "Two more servings." He picked up the large plate and licked the remaining crimson Clown Pisce, and handed the plate to Meiyou.


   "Ah, yes." Meiyou stupidly went to add tofu.


(to be continued)