Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 95: Trails of level 0 players

   Stare said before leaving: "...Peace hasn't been back for ten years. Let's find a little time to talk to us. Most things don't need to worry about Peisi, but there are important things."

   "No need." Kraunpisi snapped his fingers, activated the skill [Heroic Warrior], and summoned three clones.

   "Peace has really gained a lot." Stare didn't have to look back to envy him.

   "But the distance is impossible to cross many countries, let me know if you have something to do." Kraunpisi said, a clone followed Star and left the "temporary studio."

   When I arrived at the place where Nasta is sometimes used as a bedroom next door, watching Stara sitting on his vine bed and starting to read the documents, Crawnpies (clone) said, "Is mine the same as last time?"

"Yeah," Starr shook his head, "I have exercised it with one mind and two use. Now the religious system is quite perfect, it works well, and there is no war, so there is no Piss business, please be happy, and this is what I want. Said."

   "The body of the abyss is solved?" Kraunpisi sat next to Star and said.

"Well, I started to find their respective strongholds gradually six years ago. Fortunately, no magician of the dark night dead can resist Granbell's dominance skills. If you find one and ask all the information, you can continue to find more. Basically cleared two years ago. Three escaped." Star said.


   "Well," Star became dignified while looking through documents irrelevant to the topic, making marks or signing names from time to time, "Two are not enough to be afraid of, but one of the 100 levels appeared."


"I have a good knowledge of hot weapons and can be considered a player. A tall, skeleton-faced warrior with a black full-body plate armor, holding a scimitar and buckler, claiming to be the ruler general of the dead, but I suspect it is a fake." Said, "It is true that I am better than me as a fighter, but although I understand that some means will be reserved, the skills of a fighter are not surprising."

"This period? It hasn't been a'hundred-year aftershock', it shouldn't be." Kraunpisi also became nervous, if it is a lone ranger, you can get rid of it quickly, "But how does Star judge the opponent's level 100? If it's such a player, there is no reason not to do intelligence defense, right?"

   "I fought with him, in order to test me, deliberately not to dodge my attack, just take advantage of this time." Star said.

   "What is the possibility of deliberate disclosure or false information?"

"Idiot? Who is going to deliberately pretend to be a level 100 player in front of a level 90 monster?" Star said in a huff. "My attack didn't cause much damage. I threw dozens of Jiǔ ranks made of my own skin in a row. The magic scroll is quite effective. When I was about to use the meteor ring, he teleported and fled on the spot. The moment before, he installed a pure warrior and suddenly escaped with space magic, huh, I'm an idiot."

   "Magic item possibility?"

"Didn't you say it before? As a warrior, it's not even the basic skills of a warrior. I am also a magic caster, but I also use a sword, Piss, you forgot." Star took out his sword. Played a few swords.

  The sword is like a bamboo snake whip. When did you change the snake sword?

  Crown Pith thinks about it and said, "Does Star have too much brain supplement? Isn't it really scared?"

Star listened, threw the papers on the bed, jumped onto the bed, and danced for a while with "Oh ah ah ah ah", akimbo and looking down at Crowen Pith: "Do you think it looks like this? ?"

   "Very similar." Crown Pith smiled and nodded.

"Like your sister!" Star made a kick on the face of Kraunpisi. After the passive skill was invalidated, he said, "Aren't the undead of that kind of skeletons are'forced not to panic'?" Why do we show fear continuously! It is completely conceivable that it is just a test of our details, and the reason for retreating is to find that we seem to be rich in resources and troublesome props. Pretending to be afraid is to let me be careless next time.

   "That's right, at least that guy is a player, it's still very tricky, yes, there is another proof, it is more suitable for other compatriots."


   Luna Cherud side

   In the newly opened tunnel in the large underground cavern, Kraunpith (another clone) followed Luna, and echoed in the quiet passage.

   There is no timely communication function between the avatars, and the main body can only send messages actively, so it failed to link with Star. This avatar is just looking forward to whether Luna has any new mechanical inventions to show.

   The passage is completely dark, but the fairy with good night vision has no intention of lighting at all. However, there is a nearly dazzling light in the depths, which is quickly amplified with the familiar sound of violent slapping and friction.

   "Dang!" With Luna reaching forward and kicking out a loud noise, the fast approaching light stopped.

   "Caught from the body of the abyss and modified to become a pet, in line with one of the key naming principles of our compatriots, I call her the flame cat (super hellcat), usually just call it Ah."

   "You don't have such a fun, right?" Crown Pith moved her gaze Hellcat closed the top cover and replaced it with a big tube? There was a girl in black mourning clothes with red hair and cat ears sitting on it.

   Although it is the head of the Kraunpi Ribbon, is it getting more orientalization? No, is it the motherhood of the chariot?

   After the chariot stopped, his eyes became dim and weak. Although it was interesting to lie on the turret like a female leopard, he didn't seem to be active.

"This'catgirl' is an accessory I added. It is a real part of the tank. The dead soul made from the newly dressed corpse is incorporated into the connection of the tank, so it can't be far away from the tank. The principle is here. "Luna jumped onto the turret and opened the hatch.

Kraunpisi flew up to see, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable. The inside of the chariot was completely solid, not to say that it was an iron bump, but it was completely filled with various bones and dead flesh and blood internal organs, and The twisted and dry faces that have no entity but overlap with bones, flesh and viscera, the expressions of pain are looming.

   This is an intermediate-level undead made up of a collection of undead, but it's just a skin of a steel chariot wrapped around it.

   Combining the undead and forcibly turning them into a higher-level undead is not an unknown technology. Cronnpis has seen it, and some indigenous people have seen it or even fought. There are various types of undead. The most uncomfortable one is the undead maze or the undead aggregate traps in the strongholds that are completely made of floor walls or even ceilings. People who step in will be dragged in and turned into a part of the composition. .

   Then, what is this?

(to be continued)