Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 97: Pisi doesn't know the good intentions of

"Forget it, Pace, you can be happy." Sunny stood up and pointed to the square in the center of the city. "Listen to Star, right? Go and solve that."


   "Wow~" After a while, Kraunpisi stood on the top of the ruined building around the huge square, put her hand on her brow, and looked far away, although it was not far away.


   "Demon Warlord of the Dead: Level 74." Sunny introduced.


   That was a warrior who was over three meters tall, dressed in a handsome dark armor, and knelt on one knee with a big sword swaying in dark red flames. But the hairstyle and the shape of the big beard under the nose-it really looked like a "mustache", a bit out of tune with the "devil's dead", as a "warlord" face is very qualified.


   The reason why he was kneeling on one knee was not in a bad state or on standby. The reason was that white light-emitting chains were tightly bound to him from the magic circle on the surrounding buildings of the square.


   "Is there anything in this world that can restrain this kind of ‘high-end goods’ for a long time?"


"Maintaining semi-permanent **** is an indigenous technique." Sunny sighed, seemingly uncomfortable to say, "Indigenous people sometimes use this technique to seal existence that cannot or cannot be killed for some reason, but it is also It just extends the time of the binding magic indefinitely. The price is that the caster’s MP limit will be permanently reduced before the restraint or seal is released. I am also uncomfortable, alas."


   "But I don't think it would be difficult for Sonny to beat him half to death." Crown Pith wondered, wouldn't it be better to get rid of it if it is so uncomfortable?


"It's easy to fight to death, but the owner of this product has some problems-the guy Star mentioned to you." Sunny said, "It seems to have the characteristic that you can't beat it next time after you fight it once. In other words, if I kill him, I will not be able to protect myself if I run into his master."


   "Isn't it, Saint Seiya crossed?"


"No, it seems like a super NB's high play. The opponent who has seen it once will never lose." Sunny explained with a wave of hands, "Because we have all learned to share audiovisual skills with the envoy, so we also ...Piss, you understand."


   "I understand, I understand." Kraunpith pulled out a huge bomb, "Just kill him without revealing yourself."


   "Is this?" Sunny approached the bomb that was covered with red stripes on the black background because of the Clown Pith skill.


   "Oh, this is a small-yield nuclear bomb. It is said that the damage radius is only a few kilometers."


"No, it won't work, this city is not our country, it will cause international problems." Sunny spit out very plainly. Star seemed to be joking about letting Kraunpi ribbon some nuclear bombs back ten years ago. It was not a joke, but a serious one, so Sunny was not surprised by the appearance of the nuclear bomb.


   "I'll just talk about it." Kraun Pith put away the nuclear bomb, took out the long-dust camouflage mask and put on a black-haired Oriental face, quickly gathered her hair with her hands and tied her head on both sides.


   "Just use a professional style that has nothing to do with you." Order the mimicry on his body to change into a costume that looks like a cheongsam.


   "Why is a cheongsam? Boxer?" Luna murmured.


   "Ah, I won't be home even after learning this time." Crown Pith squatted up on his horse, beat the air with his hands with residual shadows, and put on a few octopus fists.


"Well, it's handed over to Pess." Sonny didn't ask any more, she was confident in Crawnpies. You must know that Crawnpies had a level of over 100 more than ten years ago, even if she didn't reveal her abilities. , A bare fist level A can defeat opponents of this level.


   Seeing Kraun Pace slowly walking towards the huge figure, Sunny thought, "Clang", and all the chains of light broke and disintegrated in an instant.


   "Next, I'll call in some viewers. Collect prestige, little by little." Sunny muttered, turning around to call some people who are busy in the city.


Behind him was an explosion-like impact and cracking sound, accompanied by a slight vibration of the ground, but it was not enough. This level can only attract some guerrillas who check the situation, and others will take refuge, because everyone knows that this place was once a hazard. There are still many dangers that have not been cleaned up in the stronghold cities of the mainland organizations.


   Must try to bring more audiences, Sunny will protect them from the aftermath of the battle.


   Suddenly, the depressive feeling of negative energy that made the fairy unpleasant was loosened behind her, which made Sanny a bit of a bad premonition, and she turned her head back, suddenly embarrassed.


"It's dead now... Ah, sorry, Sonny, from time to time there is also fighting with people above the 100th level, and I can't grasp it for a while." Kraun Pith patted the undead on his body. The ashes scattered from death, he slapped awkwardly, "Is there a plan to ask for information after being beaten to a half-handed, ah ha ha ha ha..."


   The 150-level BOSS kills the 74-level high-level soldiers with three hits, five and two, no difference.


   Sunny picked up a spherical eye monster on the side of the building and muttered: "Star said that wherever useful pictures will appear, the decision to install ‘record monitoring’ is really right."




  ? ? ? ? ——


   "Is it finally interrupted?" In a room in a tomb, a skeleton in a luxurious black robe, consisting only of bones but with fingers covered with luxurious rings, tapped his head one after another, and the red light in his eyes was flickering.


   Summoned and mixed in the magician of the dark night dead to increase their combat power and take the opportunity to dominate their attack on Titanya Nation has failed, and finally gain the fighting ability of an enemy's cronies can't do it?


   "But, don't remember, the fighting style is completely unfamiliar. When did you offend this type of opponent in the gaming era?"


   He fell into a He couldn't forget. Not long after he came into this world, his opponent fought over, shouting PK to himself indiscriminately, and killed himself twice.


   Later, I wanted to use my unfamiliarity with the world and mislead myself by thinking it was a new map of the game. My own style is to lose once and observe the opponent, but the real world is dead if it is dead.


   After he was killed by releasing water and resurrected, a large group of opponents swarmed in the second battle, set up an anti-teleport barrier, and killed himself again neatly.


   If it weren’t for the multiple resurrection items that he was equipped with at the time, and the second item could resurrect himself in other towns after he did die............


   He can imagine that he must have died completely at that time. Whether he will wake up in front of the device where he logs in to the game is completely uncertain. If not, he is really gone.


   Now that I managed to escape from the dead, I must live in this world.


(to be continued)