Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v7 Chapter 99: Level 0 player planning

  He saw the black long straight goblin offering the expensive krypton gold item meteor ring, and he was shocked.

  In order to deal with his enemy, do you plan to use such props? The same was true of throwing magic scrolls just now, and sure enough, the opponent has abundant reserve resources.

   "Without the backing of the guild, even if the solo player is strong, it is somewhat disadvantageous. Knowing this person's strength, style and props is also rewarding." He released the warrior magic to restore his own magic power, and launched the teleportation magic to retreat.

  Things turn back to the present——

He was still beating the skull with his bones, making a "bang bang" sound, and a green light flashed across his body. He saw that the Kung Fu lady used a simple "continuous normal punch" to blow up the high-order undead he had summoned. Suddenly he was not calm, and was suppressed by "forced not panic".

  How can this be? He has the ability to strengthen the ability to summon the undead. Even at the same level, the undead he summons will be higher in value. In fact, the value of the warlord exceeds level 80 monsters, which can be bound by the long-term seal developed by the indigenous people of this world. It's because the goblin who appeared as a paladin has a higher level.

  However, even level 100 players are fully equipped with the most advanced equipment——

  If you use several advanced skills or magic in a row, it is acceptable to kill or even kill the demon-dead warlord in seconds, but it is impossible to flatten the demon-dead warlord a few times.

  He can't calm down anymore.

  In the impression of this high-play player, only the top guild is qualified to challenge the maze boss or the story mission boss who can do this, and it is still close to the boss behind the level.

   "Think about it for a moment, since the player can travel to this world, and this world also has the legend and trace of the player's NPC (the subordinates of the King of Eight Desires), it is not surprising that there are game monsters appearing." He muttered to himself.

This can be troublesome. Although he has no impression of those enemies, he can't count the goblin monsters or humanoid monsters he killed in the game. Players kill monsters all day in the game. It is really an endless hatred that cannot be communicated. NS.

  In the era of games, monsters are all polygon images with AI that provide players with experience points and material props. Who can expect that all of these will become a reality one day?

   Then the first time I met, I was indiscriminately fighting as if I was killing my father and enemy, and it was understandable.

"It seems that we need to find a companion in the guild." He muttered to himself again. This is one of his long-cherished wishes. Although the hope is slim, the King of Eight Desires can wear it in groups. World possibility.

  If you can find other players, it’s a good thing. If the opponent is a monster in the game, there is a possibility of teaming up.

In order to find a companion, he needs new forces, and his personal strength is still too small. "The Body of the Abyss" was defeated by the elite forces sent by Titanya. He has only one, and it is difficult to help the "Man of the Abyss" fully defend. In fact, he has no plans to help defensively, because his dominance skills have a total level cap.

  Each level of "Abyss Body" is not very low, reaching a level that can inflict damage on him, but he has no power to dominate all members of "Abyss Body", and the control is close to the upper limit, and there may even be weaknesses in control.

  He used his dominance skills to question the Dark Night Dead Mage of "Abyss Body", what would he do if he found his flaws-the dominated person could not lie, the answer was a bite back.

However, "The Body of the Abyss" is still somewhat useful. They know that although their research is mostly useless to them, they know of some other undead kingdoms, such as the existence of the "King of Shadows", who sits in town. Regarding him personally as the center of ruling a country, it is the least easy to be crusaded geographically. As long as he secretly controls the "King of Shadows", there will be a power to "rely on" with confidence.

I heard that the "King of Shadows" can use ninth-level magic at most. If it is true, he is not an opponent that is difficult to control. Then set off immediately, but in case of prevention, you must be fully prepared and escape together first. Choose one of the two dark night dead magicians to test it out.


  Luna Cherud —

"Luna, you have been busy with a few children who are willing to follow for several years in order to select the most suitable parts for each part of the undead tank (the tank equipped for the summoning of the low-level undead), because it is estimated that I may bring back new ones. I’m very happy that I didn’t put anything into mass production without authorization, but your request just now basically negated all the technology during the Cold War and beyond."

  Claunn Pith was dumbfounded when she watched Luna’s tentative items covered with skins to prevent dust accumulation, and listened to Luna’s suggestion of the types of cannons and vehicles that best fit the world.

Because of the increase in the types of special materials, the surface area, and the number of parts, the consumption of magic will increase. In addition, the magic penetration of armor does not conform to the basic laws of physics. It can also block tenth-level magic, and only the accumulation of violence is the perfect way to block magic with pure physical the composite armor pass;

Because of the previous reasons and the types of materials in the world, the ability to operate the skeletons, the artillery can only use the simplest and rude full-caliber armor-piercing projectiles, armor-piercing grenades, and grenade, and can only be used for fast direct fire with a weight of no more than 35 pounds. Firepower, or almost no need to aim at a point-to-surface coverage of firepower that weighs no more than 70 pounds. Therefore, during the Cold War and afterwards, it was emphasized that the guns and missiles carried by the tanks used for precision strikes were almost all pass;

Because there is still no fossil energy found in this world and the above reasons, bio-energy purification technology is not good, and no samples can not be reproduced by magic, so the old and black smoked engine is the best, so the modern new material structure is also simple. Some engine pass;

Because it was discovered that magical summons, leaf springs and springs were the most magic-saving suspension structures with its own shock absorption function, and most of the roads in the world were dirt roads and uneven fields, the cost of similar materials of rubber was higher than that of metal, so during the Cold War and All subsequent wheeled vehicles and tracked vehicles pass.

"I feel like I've ran so much all over the world for nothing." Crown Pith said helplessly, reaching into the infinite backpack and pulling out a lot of books, and laying them on the ground, "Hey, here you are. There are books about metal smelting, processing, carbon and weapons. There are also books related to magic... Uh, books related to magic. Although the composition of the elements in this world is not exactly the same, there may be alternatives, which are common to the Moon World. There may be magic too."

(to be continued)