Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 110: Hell Fairy VS Underworld Goddess

   Sunflower wanted to fight for the opportunity for Crow Enpis, raised his hand to open the plural magic circle, and fired a series of black rays to attack, but it had no effect on Migaris, and the birds were not birds.

   "It's useless, being drawn into the underworld can't hurt me." Migaris said quietly.

   "Underworld?" While catching the information, Kraun Pisz approached to a suitable distance, and took out the scroll from the infinite backpack to start throwing out——

   "[Enemy Identification [DiscernEnemy]]."

  Underworld Goddess: Level???.

   At this time, it was too close, and Migaris pierced directly at Kraun Pith with a light gun!


   The "door" of the "Treasure House of Kings" appeared above Kraun Pith's head, and a huge shield fell out to block the blow of the light gun.

"...The preparation time for a volley of treasures is too long to be used, it is really troublesome." Crown Pith turned the torch in his hand into a lightsaber shape, turned over the shield, kicked on the shield surface, and accelerated towards Miga. Liz.

  Megalith didn’t hide, so—

   "Puff!" The lightsaber pierced her chest directly.

   "Why, can you hurt me?" Migaris retreated a distance, covering her chest.

   "I still want to know why you don't hide, I never felt that my attack would be ineffective." Kraunpis threw the lightsaber and pointed at Migaris.

That’s how it is. If she is indeed the goddess of the underworld, she will be eroded, because her racial name is the goddess of the underworld, and she will be eroded just like she will partially assimilate to the Nymph Rampads of the underworld. .

If the goddess of the underworld pulls the target into the underworld, it will indeed be invincible, but Kraunpith himself also has a racial grade with the "goddess of the underworld", even if it is not the main racial grade, it is considered to have the blood of the goddess of the underworld. . Will the underworld goddess attack the underworld goddess invalid?

   "So the personal relationships of Rampads I rely on will be so complicated, because my racial makeup is too complicated... hee hee.

"The goddess of the underworld...the goddess Ishtar who killed Mesopotamian mythology in seconds...the same kind of, the native **** of Mesopotamia, surpassed the Elesh of Keishtar and the opposite Kigale, the mythology that was originally used to deal with the shining gold is almost useless, but it is not useless."

   Before Migaris fell, she was pierced through her chest, but her body did not have a heart. The blow was just a painful injury.

   "This distance-[Bright stars [S-F]]!"

   Countless star bullets flew around Migaris and exploded. A light gun appeared next to Migaris, blocking all the continuous crit attacks of the star bullets.

   "I saw the future with the smallest distance between the guns." Kraunpisi blinked through the gap between the gun arrays, and slashed at the light gun in Migaris's hand.

  According to the battle record of the past magic moon, destroying the main treasure of the heroic spirit can also make the rank card pop up.

   "Ding, Ding Ding Ding............"

   Several times in a row, cracks appeared on the light gun, and the short staff used as a lightsaber in Kraun Pith's hand was turned into ashes.


  Crown Pith's left eye glared, and the light flickered.

   The bubble that Kraun Pisi had hit with the light gun in the past, shattered, came to reality, reappeared several times, and thus superimposed several times the power.

   "Boom!" Most of the light gun was broken, and the fragments were flying in the air.

   "Okay!" The attack was invalid, but the sunflower hiding in the distance clenched his fists, but the excitement immediately turned into fear.

   Every fragment, and the remaining small half of the light gun, immediately turned into a complete light gun, surrounded by Kraun Pith, bursting away in all directions!

   Then, Crown Pith was tied into a hedgehog.

   "Hey, I have blocked the pain, and the HP margin is well controlled. [Torchlight Hecate]."

Then, all the light guns were infested with black and red lines, and purple flames ignited on them, which turned into the "torch" of Kraunpisi, and Kraunpisi remained like a flame hedgehog pierced by the light gun. Looks like, close to Migaris fiercely, and grab Migaris's arms with both hands.

"Let go of me, **** it!" Migaris struggled hard, but even though her muscle strength was greater than that of Kraunpisi, Kraunpisi used the octopus technique in a few seconds. Very stable.

   The two stuck together in the air like a pair of dragonflies, but the sunflower looked at it and felt phantom pain.

   "It's useless to destroy the treasure, so let's fight half to death. Hell [Evil Depths[]]."

   The blackened flame on the "torch" turned into a pitch-black pillar, smearing Migaris from a distance. Migaris screamed, and Kraunpis was impatient.

   "Let me bear it well, mimics (clothes), know that you are hurting, but attack with all your strength. Today is the last one, **** [evil abyss[]]."

   "Boom boom boom!" The wounded Kraun Pess couldn't catch it anymore. Migaris was blown to the wall of the huge cave, smashed into a huge hole, and his body was embedded in it.

"[Expansion of the scope of magic effect·Great Heal [WidenMagic·Heal]】." Klauen Pisi treats the large number of holes pierced by the light gun on his body and the mimetic clothes, and discharges the light gun that turned into a torch~www.mtlnovel. com~ grabbed one in his hand, flapped its wings, and slowly drifted towards Migaris.

   Megalith was already in tatters, but this level of attack didn't seem to make her lose most of her strength. She broke out of the pit and screamed, unexpectedly bursting into a stronger aura!

   She raised her hand, and she held a huge light gun that was even bigger and shining with red light.

   "How come!" Sunflower was scared to pee, and Crown Pith had used up his release skills in this wave, and there was still a surplus of magic power, but the opponent's magic power seemed to be stronger.

  Eleskigal is a diligent, serious, but negative goddess. As long as she is free, she will accumulate magic power in the gun threshold and use it in battle.

  Migaris has been doing this for the past few days under control, so it can release the magic power that can be restored for a few days in a battle, and the firepower is extremely strong-of course, the premise is to take out her real treasure gun.

   The red light gun in Migaris's hand is the real treasure now. The light gun in her hand before is nothing but a "normal attack" composed of solid magic power.

   "The treasure is booming? Interesting, I took it." Kraunpisi raised the torch in place, and the purple fireballs gathered, a total of eighteen fireballs, gradually swelling.

   "Pix, don't! Go straight up!" Sunflower felt the magic power released by Kraun Pess, which was obviously inferior to the magic power that Migaris had stored up to now, and hurriedly advanced loudly.

   "Kill you!" There is not much time until Migaris becomes mad. By then, she will not be able to activate the treasure by herself, but will go mad A past, while now............

(to be continued)