Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 111: Nice to win against Poland? Does not exi

  Claunn Pess and Migaris floated in the air tens of meters apart and confronted each other. Klaumpace shook the torch of the **** fairy, and Migaris held the spear of the **** of underworld.

   The magic on both sides became stronger and stronger, and then began to chant——


   "Prison Symbol..."

   "【……Take a hug……[……Kigal……]】"


   "[...of the Hades...[……Irka……]]"

"It's a lie to you~" Before starting the "Treasure", Kraunpisi directly threw the torch that had been applied [PerfectUnknowable], and now, it finally hit Migaris The place where you hold the light gun.

   "Boom!" The explosion of fantasy collapse directly caused the huge light gun with huge magic power to come out of Migaris's hand!

   "I know that the magic power is worse than you at this moment. How could it be against Bo, idiot. I have become stupid after being controlled. Am I the kind of fairy who fights uncertain battles?"

If it’s the real Migaris, knowing that Kraunpi Si will use [Perfect Unknowable], she will use targeted detection magic from time to time. Sure enough, even if she can use her abilities, this , It's not her either.

Although there is no plan to attack Bo, the attack that Crown Pith is preparing to launch is genuine, and she still has the torch in her hand. After all, there are a lot of "torches" in her body just now, and it is normal to have spares: "Prison Symbol [Flash Stripes[]]! "

   Eighteen purple flames lined up, all hitting the red light gun. The red light gun made a metal mournful sound, but it was still strong, and it spun into the rock wall.

   "Come back!" Megalith yelled, and as soon as she raised her hand, the giant red light gun returned to her.

   Don't wait for Kraunpith to chase, no longer liberate his real name, just throw it!

Kraunpith's left eye flashed again, and the surface of the light gun that was rapidly enlarged in her eyes burst, but it still did not disintegrate. She had to lean her body and stagger the blow, causing the light gun to almost wipe her and fly to the rear. .

Regardless of the lightning flashes and explosions behind him, Kraunpis dodges a few stone pillars and lightning that flew in for additional attacks, and rushed to Migaris, who was stiffened by the shot. The torch turned into a lightsaber, which was a burst of Xia Ji’s eight cuts. .

   "Zhengzheng Zhengzheng!"


Immediately after that, Kraunpisi fell sharply, and the shadow enveloped Migaris for a moment, and a large number of black ribbons in the imaginary space poured out, binding Migaris into a "black and red dumpling", and a few black belts. Inserted into Migaris' body and corroded, preventing her from breaking free and violent.

   After doing all this, Kraun Pith was about to turn around to destroy the light gun behind him, but it was Migaris who spoke.

   "Pix...I, recovered..., help me...card, expel, or...kill...I, I'm about to...can't help but... go crazy..."

   "Are you awake? If so, just silently recite "Fantasy Collapse" to your own treasure." Kraunpis said that if she did this, she would prove that she had recovered her sanity, otherwise it might be an enemy strategy.

   Although from the previous battle that IQ dropped, the latter can basically be ruled out, but it can sail the boat for ten thousand years with care.

   "The spoiled treasure...can be removed, can you? I understand...I see, the fantasy collapses."

   "Huh? It seems that the sunflower is less than twenty meters away from the shot point of the light gun?" Crawnpies then remembered the useless sunflower, but it was too late--

   "Boom!" The light gun exploded, and all the magic power that Migaris had accumulated for a few days was released. As a result, Kraunpisi had to open the force field shield to protect herself and Migaris who fell to the ground with residual blood.

   Feeling that the weak connection between Sunflower and himself has not disappeared, Kraun Pace sighed with relief and looked at Migaris who had returned to her purple ruffled dress with a pair of rank cards lying on her body.

  Crown Pith just wanted to pick up the pair of rank cards, but Berserker's card was turned into ashes and dissipated.

   "Pix... I know you... want to take advantage of the enemy... But the enemy will not give... us more... Lah." Migaris gasped and said weakly.

   Berserker cards are blank. Blank rank cards are used directly without connecting to the heroic power. They will be damaged after the end of use or the magic power is exhausted. It is a one-time use.

   At this time, the space began to collapse!

"Quick! Dig up!" Migaris was suddenly anxious. "Here is...reappearing...the underworld of the gods...that is, the underground (the ancients can imagine the myths compiled like this)! If the gods of the underworld disappear... ………"


   The edge of the giant pit——

Francesca squatted next to the "corpse" of Kraunpisi and Sunflower, patted it from time to time, and then said with her face in her hands, "Ah, where did the soul go out of the body to fight? It won't really die." Already? Wait a second?"

   Francesca herself is also very risky. If she didn’t use illusion to deceive the world so that she and Cirno’s soul were not taken away, she would--

   can't play well with Jeanne.

Even if this Joan based on Ichiluno has only strength, without face and consciousness, Francesca dreams of bullying Joan. For her, who wants to escape death even if she does a taboo on her body, she doesn’t. The act of cherishing one's own life is a taboo among the Only when you are alive can you be qualified for self-realization. Realizing your ideals by sacrifice is just a dream.

   After self-sacrifice, you can't even see the result. Why do you say that sacrifice can finally usher in the ideal ending?

   Do you refer to the legends of heroes and doctrines in the book?

   Isn’t that what rulers and religions compile to make fools serve them?

   Self-sacrifice must be denied.

  As a human being, one must obey the instinct of human beings as a creature. This is a human being. On top of this, talents who fight for ideals (profits) are the loveliest and the most real human beings. Francesca loves real humans from the bottom of his heart.

But from time to time in the world, there will be very few people who have been brainwashed to become as dedicated as Joan of Arc. They are now common in all kinds of suicide terrorist attacks. It is simply a blasphemy against human beings. She will occasionally eat and support. Go to those places to make fun of people.

   Francesca dreamed of punching the saint’s foot and stepping on Joan of Arc for hundreds of years. It’s okay to eat and drink soup without meat.

Interesting things have happened since just now. The hair of the sunflower "corpse" had only a small amount of black hair at the beginning, and the black was invaded twice toward the golden red. Now it is nearly half way. The black and yellow hair is so ugly. But the skin seems to be getting better and better.

   Francesca understands what this is. She has completely assimilated herself from the past, but both are herself. Therefore, unlike the fairies who have replaced a certain mythological character for no reason, she has no sense of disobedience.

   can be so ideal only if you assimilate with your past self.

(to be continued)