Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 114: Shilang is not allowed to be treated as

   Just as there was fun in the huge bath, the shadow of Shiro Eimiya appeared on the inside of the paper door.

   "It's very lively outside, why did everyone come outside just for dinner? Just right, ready to talk--" Shirou seemed to be about to open the door--

   "Brother?! Wait!" Meiyou screamed.

   "Wh, what?" It was obviously Shirou's shocked voice. Doesn't he know the current situation here?

   "Oh, can the current situation here kill a man in a flash?" Shiroai teased, she personally had no problem with seeing Shiro Wimiya frankly, "Shiro, you too—"


  Steno and Yuri Allie stood up.

   "Hehe, are you complimenting me for killing men?"

   "Of course, if it's for fun..."

"Brother, don't come here, you will die!" Meiyou hurriedly yelled. Although she couldn't understand the meaning of "killing a man in a second", but the scene where a man could die can't be let her brother die. For her, it is really only This reason.

   "Huh? What do you mean?" Shirou didn't understand at all.

   "It's a hot spring here. Girls take a bath together. If you dare to come in, kill you." Yayaka explained loudly that she was still a "normal woman" for the time being.

   "So, because I'm at home, I feel like I want to open the door compared to my sister. I'm sorry, I will pay attention." Shirou on the other side of the door scratched his head and smiled bitterly.

   "Huh? Did you take a bath with Meiyou in the past!" A girl exclaimed.

   Shiro: "Ah... it's better to say that she didn't know anything at all when she first came to my house for a while. She was quite big, but her head was like a child of two or three years old. I helped her for the first year--"

  Miyu: "Brother! Needless to say that kind of thing!"

   Shirou: "...Yes."

   Xi Luo Ai: "Yeah? Interesting discovery in the beauty tour~"

   There is no way for the bath design to be unreasonable for men and women. If Gilgamesh, I feel that I can imagine the unrestrained mixed bathing scene, and Kraunpis has no objection to mixed bathing, but it does not apply here.

   "Then, because of the appearance of the huge cube, I haven't had time to say anything. I will say it later or now?" Kraunpis said, leaning against the door.

   "...oh, I'll take a bath my bathroom, that's it."

   "Well," Crown Pisz nodded slightly, wiped off the mimetic clothes on her body, and walked towards the bath, "Next, I will also wash it."


   At two o'clock in the morning, the house in the palace, the living room——

   The people who took a bath together, Shiro Wimiya, gathered here, with different purposes.

  Although sharing intelligence and preparing for battle is the basic purpose, Kersteno and Yuri Aili play soy sauce on a daily basis, while Tanaka is asleep.

   Kraun Pith and Shirou, the owner of the house, face each other far away across the big table.

   "Sisters, would you like to change seats a bit?" Anna felt embarrassed and whispered.

   Everyone sat in a circle around the room, and Steno and Yurielli deliberately sat across from Shirou—that is, on both sides behind Crown Pith, with a sparkling special effect. Everyone felt that Shirou's eyes were difficult to move away.

   "Isn't it great? Let's just start." Kraun Pith didn't care about it.

   It's better to say that she also thinks that Sister Gorgon is really beautiful and cute, and it's good to be so close to herself.

  Because the gender of Kraunpis is "asexual", that is, the temptation of the goddess has half effect on Kraunpis, and a pair of goddesses is fully effective.

   However, Kraun Pith has lost the fertility of the living because of the excessive increase in the underworld attribute ratio, so it is not in the way at all.

   "How much do Mr. Shirou and Miyu know about Einzworth?" Kraunpis asked.

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and what they knew was that the world’s great source was about to dry up, causing the poles to shift. After a while, I’m afraid the earth will become "rolling". Now it’s obviously summer but it’s snowing and the sea level. It's not normal, it's a sign that the world is going to the end. Einzworth wants to make a wish to save the world with the ability to travel beautifully. They know so much.

   But even so, Einzworth seems to be a righteous partner and savior, but ordinary humans are very willful and unwilling to use family members as sacrifices. Shiro didn't want Meiyou to sacrifice for the world, and Meiyou didn't want to die now.

Kraunpis sighed and said, “It’s difficult to talk to each other because of insufficient information. Next, I will introduce the information I know, the information obtained from the consciousness of Qili Yanfeng and Julian’s sister Angelika (and Francesca’s intelligence and the synthesis of Snowfield’s research intelligence in the United States) are of sufficient reference value. I unilaterally stated that I hope not to interrupt the question for the time being."

   Everyone who knows little has no opinion.

   "Hee hee, then, let's start—"

It is not accurate to say that the world has dried up for several decades. In fact, the magic power stored in the earth veins can last for more than two hundred years. It stands to reason that even if the magic power of the earth veins is exhausted, the earth becomes "rolling" and the climate changes drastically. The distance between the earth and the sun is suitable, so that human beings cannot survive, and the development of science and technology is not a joke.

But the bigger problem is that the laws of the world are also gradually changing, leaving the existence of human beings with less than a hundred At present, with the reduction of large sources, the replacement of large sources appears to maintain balance. Certain kinds of particles and energy are also increasing. Some parts of the earth are beginning to be flooded with those things. Science and magic are unable to detect the substance. These are very poisonous to living things today.

   During his travels in Europe, Clown Pace and Jack the Ripper also tried to get in touch with the kind of things that happened to be on the way.

Klauen Pith is okay. Jack will be harmed if he becomes the Jack the Ripper, which is the legendary human form. The white-haired loli, the demon and the "Jack watch", which are a collection of children's resentment and resentment spirits, will not be harmed. .

   The U.S. has also conducted research on that kind of particles and energy, and how to enable humans to survive after the earth is flooded with new energy and particles. One of the products is the biochemical transformation of humans.

Of course, the earth will not be destroyed. In the new environment, suitable species will survive, and new creatures and other existences will be born. There is no doubt that most creatures living on the surface of the world, including humans, will Extinct.

   is like the past several mass extinctions of life on Earth.

   Einzworth has known this future thousands of years ago, and has been working hard for it. Of course, there has never been a magician so noble, Darius will indeed help the world, of course only by the way. In short, the research is going on all the time, and a universal wishing machine must be obtained.

But the universal wishing machine also consumes magic power, and the source of maintaining the existing laws is drying up. Using these magic powers to make a wish to generate more magic power violates the most basic law of equivalent exchange. It is impossible to do it, but it may be possible to do it. Human beings are transformed into organisms that adapt to the new environment.

(to be continued)