Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 134: It's time to find Lan Xiang

Einzworth Magic Workshop——

Sunflower set up a teleportation record point in the garden here, with a three-person group of Klauen Pith, Luna, Kachino, and Yayaka, and the regained Sanity of Cirno and Merifice. The group came here.

"This is..." Kachino kept putting his hand on the handle of the knife since he walked into the garden, "It really feels defenseless. Did they really go out before?"

"As far as I can see during this time, they really have this strength." Sunflower said.

"What! It's gone!" Cirno gritted her teeth and stomped her feet. "I actually controlled me and my compatriots to kill each other, and I want to find someone to avenge me!"

"Oh, this kind of house is more of the style of our world!" Yayaka said aloud, looking up at the tall castle-like villa with her arms on her hips.

"Papa." Crown Pisz clapped her hands, causing everyone who reacted differently to the magic studio to pay attention: "The task for you is very simple. It is to turn this place upside down and take everything that can be taken away. go."

"That's right," Sunflower remembered the matter and immediately raised his hand to add, "The space connected by the doors and windows of this house is messy. You must be careful when you pass."


As soon as he finished speaking, Eluru's screams sounded from a side door that had just opened in the huge courtyard, and gradually disappeared.

"What's the matter! Go!" Lei Lili very sensibly threw a summoning bat and flew over to check it while holding on to Yayaka who was a little impulsive to run in.

Summoning the bats added audio-visual sharing, and then saw that behind the door is just a normal room, but I don’t know why the door is actually a few meters away from the ground. This is obviously an unusual room. Eluru who rolled on the ground ate it. Covered in dust.

On the other side, Meliface asked Liz to try it, but when the garden gate was opened, it was connected to the maid’s second-floor bedroom.

"What kind of messy layout is this?"

"Didn't you work as a maid here?" Crown Pith asked in a avatar.

"At that time, our consciousness was all imprisoned in the puppets and we didn't have the opportunity to understand it in detail. I'm very sorry, but it's useless for us to trouble you, Lord Clown Pith!"

"Anyway, it doesn't seem to be dangerous. Just be careful not to fall. Take precautions in case you act in pairs."


Everyone left, and Luna was left in place, because the number of people was odd.

"Oh," she sighed, "Although I have basically not been a front-line combatant for a long time, but I have been left behind. Apart from Star and Igliya, is there no one who has a little bit of organization?"

In fact, Melifis and Yayaka have a lot of right to speak in the Bajas Empire, and they are still organized, but their status here is a small soldier, and they have no right to speak.

"But that's just right." Luna slowly raised her hand, spreading a huge magic circle on the ground in front of her, "[Summon Low-Order Undead Tank [SummonLassDeathTank]]."

Said it is a tank, it is just the name of this magic, the summoned object can also be other things, although it is still a crawler chassis, but its appearance is—

The legendary Lanxiang excavator.

As for why it was Lan Xiang, it was just a stalk left in the corner of Kraunpith's brain, and this stalk was given to Luna.

Luna summoned fifteen excavators in a row.

"Okay, go to work. Demolition from the garden and the outer wall. Also make a few holes in the walls of the building to see where the holes in the wall connect."


In the middle of the night, Wei Gong Mansion, backyard——

It was the hot spring time after dinner again in the evening, but this time it was a bit "desolate" compared to the last time because there were fewer people.

"Ahhh~you guys, you really like to soak in ‘hot springs’." Kraun Pith leaned against the pool, "gurgling" bubbling.

"Hmm~ No one will hate enjoying in a secret hot spring with special effects." Xiluoai lay in the shallow water, shaking her legs with her head exposed.

"Is the one who is responsible for heating the water and adding the healing herbs?" Kraunpisi exclaimed. Anyway, she was splashed with black mud, and she had to be purified. The bubbles around her body were blackened. The mud-contaminated place and the reaction of the medicated bath.

Tanaka is not here, heating the water is really a little troublesome.

Fortunately, the feeling of someone rubbing their backs is still making money.

"Hey, Meiyou, come down, too. Even if you rub Crawnpis's back, you don't need to be outside? And so is Jack." Xiluo Aichao knelt on the edge of the pool and gave Crownpisz. Said Meiyou on the back.

"But..." Meiyou glanced at Kraunpith's back leaning against the pool. Jack uses the white-haired Lolita's appearance and rubs her at the back of Meiyou.

"...I know." Crown Pith turned around, turned his back to the open water, and let Meiyu and Jack come down.

Although Kraunpith thought she didn't care about Meiyou's life and death, she was rarely able to earn impression points, and she had the courage to get things that could be easily held but thrown away casually. By the way, don't detract from Jack's impression too much. Her nature is still a bit tricky for Cronn Pith, and she definitely doesn't want to be an enemy.

This time Migaris also came to soak.

Sit quietly on the other side of the pool.

Kraunpis sat idle with his hands on his knees, tilted his head, his face to his arms, his eyes swept around Migaris unscrupulously. After all, it was his own creation, so it's not rude to look at it. .

Why is this? Migaris is already over 1.5 meters tall. I heard that she became a woman, but her figure is still very poor, but this curve is really the golden ratio. It seems that the figure of the goddess attribute is really perfect. The color and appearance have not changed much, but the iris has become orange now? It seems to be different from before. At that time, erosion and assimilation had not ended yet.

But why some exudes the atmosphere of old virgins without personnel? Ah, it's normal for the goddess of the underworld to be unmarried.

"Then, that...Peace. Looking at me like this, it's a little embarrassing." Migaris suddenly spoke.

"Puff...Migaris, are you serious? I didn't set you to be like this."

"I, I can't figure out myself, is Piss okay? Piss's erosion rate is not small, right."

"...I don't have any special feelings. Maybe it's because I have a higher level and passively resisted it."

"Shoo~~When does Pace plan to go back?"

"It won't be too long. Isn't it simple for them to copy a mansion?"


At this time Jack also suddenly said: "Claunn Pisi, does it matter if there is some foam in this bath?" Because the culture of this country seems to have to wash the body before soaking.

"Oh, I don't care." Crown Pith said casually, she was always casual in the bath.

Jack happily removed Mei Yupan's long black hair on the back of his head and said, "I'll help Mei Yu wash it. I haven't washed it well over there and here in recent days."

Meiyou nodded slightly.

Seeing you, Kraunpisi wanted to test how far Meiyou’s "abnormal" intimacy could be, so he put the long blond hair that he wiped in front of him on his back for convenience, and said, "Meiyou , My hair will be taken care of by you too."

"Well, leave it to me." Meiyou nodded again, and twiddled her hair for Crowen Pith.

"Now, Meiyou, what would you do if my compatriots and subordinates asked you to do this?" Seeing Meiyou so obedient, Kraun Pith couldn't help asking.

(to be continued)