Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 141: The silently sacrificed miscellaneous so

The world of Overlord, the Plains of Katz, the Altar of Destruction——

In the nearby big pit that was blasted by Meiyou's magic cannon, the colorful magic circle appeared again.

With Meiyou as the center, the colorful magic circle with a radius of two meters is full of figures.

"Goodbye, Clown Pith, and everyone." Meiyou wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"It's okay, since you know such magic, you are welcome at any time if it doesn't cause us trouble. So I won't say goodbye." Kraunpis shook his hand.

"Well, then, I'm leaving. The coordinates are fixed, and the radius is 30 centimeters to form a teleportation route, and start to return." After Mei's lobbying, the size of the magic circle was reduced to her feet and disappeared with her.

Clown Pith, Luna, Cirno, Cacino, Letty, Sunflower, Tanaka, Gorgon Three Sisters, Yayaka Trio, Meli Feis... the duo. There is really only a duo, and Lace has not been able to resurrect.

Francesca left this message before leaving: "Oh, because I switched my gender, and seeing the name of that person, I accidentally acted, but it was a miscellaneous soldier B, magic eye. I don’t need you to pay back the money for the train, so forgive me."

This happened to poke the weakness of Kraun Pith. Lace used to have a considerable position among the noble girls in the Fairy Temple, but that was the position among the noble friends, and had nothing to do with the rank of the Fairy Temple and the power seat. It's really a miscellaneous B for Kraun Pace. Besides, the natural abilities do not come from the human soul but from human organs. The organs of magic perception are still in Lace’s head. Unlike Luna’s view, Kraunpith felt that it was only necessary to transplant the organs to suitable subjects. Because of the magic of the gods, Crown Pith's organ transplant ability is higher than that of the other fairies under his own. Even the capillaries and nerves are transplanted to the fairies. The nucleus and gene fragments were washed asleep.

Of course, the magic of the gods in Medea's head is not at this level, but Medea's technique of removing organs is really good. After all, there are many species in the gods that deserve to be stripped of their organs as magic materials; and the healing magic of rank magic The principle is to let the lost part "return" to the body instead of cell regeneration; a combination of the two-perfect organ transplantation.

Set aside the matter of Lace first, after the safe zone formed by the dimensional jumping magic circle launched by Meiyou disappeared, everyone covered their mouths and noses together.

"What's all this?"


"This careful of poison! Poison girl is fighting nearby?"


Everyone climbed to the top of the pit and saw that Jack was sitting on the ground with his legs folded on one side, holding his face idly looking at the girl in the goblin Templar costume with long dark brown hair that was a few meters away. There was a pile of changed under her feet. The gray bones are being eroded at the strongest part of the irritating gas and slowly decompose and dissipate.

Just a few mobs with more than 10 levels and one mob with up to 18 levels.

"Jack, are you there? Isn't this a clone?" Kraun Pace asked.

"Ah, I divided my spirit base into two." Jack replied, because she has so many legends to do this. Jack the Ripper still accompanies the US tour, which is a group of children who were born and yearned for love; and what stays here is Jack the Ripper, who is more suitable for this world.

Then she was hugged by Tanaka who suddenly rushed forward, and was given a facial cleanser: "Wow, wow, wow, Jack, you actually followed... I thought I would never see you again."

Drag Tanaka down first.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, who will detoxify?" Liz cautiously asked, the weakest, she was upset in this poisonous mist that had no effect on others.

Klauen Pith doesn't know the essence of this mist, why not smell it if it fails? There are other followers around here, so he gestured to other fairies with his eyes.

Sunflower: "[Magic Destru]...Is this fog not magic?"

Luna: "Then, [weather control [trolWeather]]."

A gust of wind blew the poisonous fog in the opposite direction of the camp in the distance.

The poisonous girl Ilushina who heard the wind looked back, was shocked, and quickly hung the emerald green magic pendant around her neck, and walked hurriedly all the way, and first knelt down to Meliface.

"Merifess-sama, it would be better for you to return safely. May I ask how many fairy sirs..."

It is no wonder that the high-ranking fairies rarely show their faces in the empire, and even if they go to the empire, they will not be particularly public. Therefore, almost all human priests in the Fairy Temple have never seen fairies other than Alice and Midori. Pointy ears exist not only on fairies, but also on elves and a few demihumans. It is not correct to kneel at the sight of pointed ears.

"Exactly, report the situation first." Meliface said calmly.

"It has been nearly nine days since the large-scale space anomaly that occurred here."

Meliffis found that the time and confrontation couldn't be matched, but it was conceivable that they also landed in the Lunar World in batches at different times, and it was of course that there would be a time difference. Continue to listen to the report.

"During this period, there were four investigative teams from the Kingdom and 13 investigative teams from the Church. All of them were driven away. In order to avoid the escalation of the conflict, there was no pursuit." Ilushina replied.

"Really, this judgment is correct, and your abilities are suitable for discouraging others."

Ilushina shook, bit her lip, and finally bowed her head and replied, "Yes."

"Well... at this level." When Crownpis heard it, it felt boring, and said to the surroundings, "It's been delayed these days. Just do what you should do."

This is for my compatriots who have at least the most basic teleportation magic.

Luna: "Then, I—"

Sunflower: "Me too—"

Yayaka: "Wait, Lord Luna, if you are going to the Imperial Capital, please take us Sunflower leaves alone, Luna takes other compatriots and vampires and teleports and disappears. Sister Gorgon once again I took care of myself once.

"This lord it the front sequence?" Ilushina couldn't help but look up.

Meliphis: "No, knight Ilushina. Although she is in the'private visit of microservices', she is the real Clown Pith. She is fighting triumphantly with the culprit who made the change. Go back."

"?! Yes, Rampads?!" I always feel that this Kraunpisi is a bit higher than the intelligence data.

"Ah~" Crown Pith remembered that she was still in a monastic dress, and rang to instruct the mimicry to change back to the Stars and Stripes style.

Ilushina: "Congratulations on the safe return of Rampads...or, triumph?"

"Whatever, compared to this," Crown Pisz bent down and pinched the smooth forehead and scalp with his nails. "It's pretty hard?"

(to be continued)