Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 152: Journey of the **** two-headed dragon

Pei Lu has certain confidence that the visitors who visited the guild this time will not be betrayed after upgrading their props, but there are also servants who are not at ease. After all, there are some lessons for players to cheat the guild's weapons.

"But, isn't there any intelligence that said that this group of players joined forces with the Dragon King for a while, and finally our guild weapon fell into the hands of the Platinum Dragon King?" A servant raised his paw and asked.

"Isn't this proof that Perizzi on duty last time is a stupid? This time I did not allow them to take away anything that would be dangerous to us, even if it is upgraded to level 100, as long as there is no equipment above the legendary level, They can’t do anything with me. Besides, most of the players who dare to lie to our guild weapon have fallen into the hands of the Dragon King, and let the guild weapon fall into the hands of the Dragon King." Pei Lu pouted, "Huh, the Dragon King gets along well with the players? Got it, it deserves it."

Another servant made a speech: "So, can those who visited this time believe it?"

"It's impossible to completely trust it, but they have successfully killed two dragon kings, and they don't shy away from spreading their merits as a fairy temple everywhere, so for the time being, the enemy's enemy is a friend. We borrowed the kind of props here, and it must be the bottleneck of the upgrade. If we use it, we will start to hit more advanced levels. Most of the life experience points in this world are very low. Mass killing of lives will become the real dragon king’s confidant. Let’s see. The opportunity is good, even if it is a unit of ten and a hundred years, the guardians who stay here will no longer have natural deaths."

However, Pei Lu missed a point. She underestimated the level of the "snail dwelling" of the fairies. Even if she upgraded, she would try to increase her "snail dwelling" as much as possible instead of slaughtering lives everywhere to gain experience points.

Judging from the class composition that most of the visitors have secretly analyzed this time, those people should have a larger proportion of combat classes, but-most of the visitors use the [Create Monster] skill to create summons, spawn modes, and Pei Lu These guardians who are pinched by players with guild authority and points are no different.

Pei Lu was originally not a guild think tank, and with the addition of Kraun Pith’s "play house" naming compatriots, it is not unrelated to the "Thirteen Heroes", which caused Pei Lu to misunderstand the composition of the visitor, and there is no way. Things.

Her notion that the visitors did not have a calm upgrade method and the source of high-end equipment are all wrong. From a general point of view, it is correct. The question is, who can think of—

It’s true that Kraunpith is not a player, and there is absolutely no guild to back it up, but he can get a "world in the painting" and **** a "treasury of kings" from it?

Maybe Pei Lu will know in the future, but not now.

"The meeting is over." Pei Lu got up and left, temporarily closing the [High-level Anti-Communication Enchantment], preparing to allow them to contact their rear once, and send the few visitors away.

Afterwards, even though Paige asked nonchalantly whether to allow Kraunpith and Star to meet, Pei Lu refused. Pei Lu had sufficient IQ but was not a think tank. She still had a certain degree of self-knowledge. The original think tank had passed away long ago. Now, when the average visitor encounters this kind of thing, most of the people who are sent to it are the combination of the strong and the think tank. With the precedent that the guild enchantment is ignored, it is uncomfortable to be seen through something or even to come and go freely.


Central Continent——

Wanli blue sky...Although this is a scene that can basically be used as long as it is sunny, the current blue sky is slightly polluted and filled with sparkling dust.

The cause is that a dark blue two-headed dragon close to the size of the true dragon king is flying through the air, and every time it **** its wings, it will sprinkle some bright powder.

Hell Two-Headed Dragon: Level 99.

This is the most powerful summoned monster of Kraunpith, but she doesn't like to use it. Even if she fights, she never intends to use it. In addition to being unaccustomed to it, the reason is-most of the attacks of this product are Full-screen AOE, it also comes with negative environmental pollution buffs. Even the powder that is now spread is also a passive skill called [Dragon Scale Powder], a large-scale light curse buff, which is absolutely impossible in the reality where there is no teammate to avoid injury, but with these The price of the nature is that the two-headed **** dragon is a level 99 monster, and its attack power is not superior.

Now this giant dragon had a new purpose after Star had fully understood the experience and gains of Kraunpith during this time.

On the dragon's back, there are two existences that are only small compared to the giant dragon.

It is Anna and Tanaka. [Dragon Scale Powder] has no effect on them.

Anna just sat quietly with her scythe and stretched her legs, while Tanaka sat with her knees tucked. It seemed that there would be a little crying every once in a while. The cause was that Ari, who was assigned to change the sportswear by Kraun Pith. The silks were forced off. Although they put on "sportswear" or clothes that are more convenient for the world's aesthetics, Tanaka seemed unsatisfied and felt a little physically unacceptable.

"Tanaka, is your clothes really such an important thing?"


"I haven't sworn that kind of oath." The next faucet vomited, and he just accepted the owner's command and acted, but the things that Tanaka had never done in the eyes of the owner were said to be true and he couldn't ignore it. .

It's okay if you don't mention it. Then Tanaka would just sit and cry. As soon as she raised it, she jumped up and said "Let me wear this kind of clothes is too dirty" and ran away quickly.

Where are you going?

She ran straight up on the dragon's back, and in the end she inevitably stepped into the air and fell sharply from an altitude of thousands of meters!

"What the **** is that guy dragon, let me leave first."

Anna followed and jumped down, but it was a pity that she couldn't catch up in free fall. If he used the Hell's two-headed dragon as a pedal to accelerate, it would definitely hurt it, so she could only chase it like this.

Anna secretly asked why did she come to do such a thing?

I remember that I and my two sisters relocated to the shattered altar where they were relocated to a suitable location. Not long after they were relocated to a suitable location, the compatriots of Cronn Pith came in, saying that they were helping to do something, that is, escorting this giant dragon to Tanaka. Do things in one place in the Central Continent.

Anna is very puzzled. Although Anna can easily manage this two-headed dragon, it is also quite strong. Does it really need to be escorted? Compatriot Kraunpith’s reply is that this world is not without a strong person who can rival the first-class heroes. Even if Kraunpith has almost been killed, this dragon is the same.

There are still some doubts, but it is a pity that Anna's simple head can't see the essence, the sisters may know something, but they will also say nothing with the mentality of watching sisters for fun.

(to be continued)