Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 20: Facing the joy of death calmly

Jack interrogated the man repeatedly for ten minutes, but the man finally couldn't stand it anymore.

  【Please, you kill me, give me a good time! Like them! 】

   "Oh, they, everyone is allowed to die for an hour, so are you?"

   [No, no, what the **** is an hour? ! How do you keep alive? ! 】

   Jack the Ripper is a murderer. He dare not have absolute confidence in his personal combat effectiveness, but he has absolute confidence in torture and murder. He is also very patient in searching for prey and killing. Even the role of a cameo looking for a murderer can be analogized.

Around Jack, there are three other male companions, which give people the feeling: first, is this raw meat sold at a vegetable market stall, how much is a pound of raw meat; second, it is slowly placed on a shelf with charcoal fire Is it a tender and juicy steak that is grilled to runny oil? Third, this is - sorry, this may be able to ask the Sunshine Boy Yusheng Ryunosuke.

   This is the side of Jack the Ripper as a murderer.

   As a child resentful who was aborted by a prostitute, it was not the case that she only avenged the prostitute at first.

   As Nietzsche famously said, "When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you". It is people's fear of Jack the Ripper and their random conjectures that shaped her like this.

   "There is no way, they always don't give me satisfactory answers to all the questions I ask, so please, tell me, okay?" Jack said with a smile in a coquettish tone.

  【As long as you have a firm belief, you can survive all the difficulties and obstacles... As long as the belief does not slip, the solution is always more than the difficulty. It is indeed a lie! I said, I said everything, of course everything! Please, pull out these **** nails, and don't pull out the things in my stomach, knit knots and hang them on the beams, sit on me and swing! 】

   "Okay," Jack smiled happily, jumped off the swing, pushed and shook, and said, "Tell me--"

   She asked all the questions she had asked before, and even if they had already been asked, it was necessary to check between different people. If there is something that is not right, the next round will be on the lower body that is still intact.

   The man felt relieved and was able to answer all the questions by himself. The companion who just wanted to go to **** first didn't lie before he died.

   Therefore, he was luckier than the others. Five minutes later, he realized his wish to face death calmly, because death is so happy for him now that he no longer has to suffer that terrible pain.

   "So that's it." Jack cleaned and put away the weapons and tools he used to torture, and then scorched all the corpses. It would be best to destroy such a horrible corpse after torture.

"There are some wanted bounty criminals in the gang. Take down the organization and hand in the bounty criminals alive. They can get a total of 2,350 gold coins, so that Meiyou and Shiroai can live better. So, then, that's it. do it."

  Thinking so, Jack walked out of the torture and murder site and sneaked into the night again like a ghost.

  Jack is a murderer. This is a perfect job for her, but she doesn't want the other two to see it. I don't know if they can accept themselves who have restored the memory of the murderer.

   Thinking of this, she felt uneasy.

  Jack is indeed a collection of resentful spirits born out of human fears and legends. The source can be traced back to a child resentful spirit born in denial. She who has never felt love before, is also longing for love in her subconscious mind.


Melissa: "We are going to perform'catching the crickets' to Lele for Master Clown Pess, but a guy popped out and trampled all the crickets to death. What should we do? If even the first attack occurs No, do those guys still dare to assassinate Master Clown Pith?"

  Lace: "Perhaps this is why Rampads asked to monitor those children?"

  Melphiss: "Impossible, I have spent more time with Master Clown Pith than you have been learning magic. Look at it first."

   Jack's efficiency in solving the case is really high. There are multiple clones wandering around the city. There are still three or four hours before dawn. Those temples and churches have spent ten years of painstakingly planting intelligence networks and opposition forces that are almost uprooted.

   Does it make Meliface feel like a joke that she has done for a few years?

   As Jack's actions progressed, something terrifying finally appeared!

Meliffis involuntarily said that with the contact magic, multiple lines between the Fairy Temple and the Imperial Army were connected at one time: "Emergency! Emergency! Two of the six-color scripture troops of the Church of Slane appeared! Repeat... ..."

  Crown Pith: "Do you need me to take action? Although I don't think it is necessary."

  Melphiss: "Well, that's... how can this matter be handed over to Master Clown Pith, we will take care of it properly."


  Jack lurks in a dense forest on the outskirts of the Imperial Capital.

   I want to ask why the chasing after the murderer came here. The answer is that on the way to uproot the root of the problem, I met a few people who are from the Slian Church.

   I tried the same way, but I didn't expect everyone to ask three questions and they would automatically After all died, I added a necromantic search for information and got the content I wanted.

   These people have important tasks, and they have a lot of things in their minds before they die——

   The crown of the wise man was robbed of the secret treasure of the country! The looter is a very trusted person sent by the religious nation to be a spy for the empire. He has penetrated into the nails of the nobility and has been lurking for more than ten years. He even had close contact with Kraunpith and Sonny in the dance party. It was only found out a few years after that dance party.

   was originally a trusted spy who gradually settled down on the noble staff and entered the top of the empire. Because of the recent action, "Going Abroad" not long ago actually stopped by the guards of the water maiden who was going out and took away the crown.

   The high-level leaders of the religious nation were shocked. You must know that they have set a ban on the people they sent. Once they rebel or confess, they will die. Even if they are resurrected, the ban will not disappear. Could the technology be cracked?

It’s not like that, it’s really just a mistake. That person was exposed from the first meeting of the Crowmpice and Sunny Dance Party. He didn’t expose it, but was included in the suggestion that the Fairy Temple took turns. "I can kill" among those in the ranks.

This makes the person who is already close to the dark sacred scripture full of confidence in his ability to give a little color to the fairy temple, but he still retains his senses, needs the corresponding props, and submits an application to his country to get someone who can exercise high-level magic. Props, the result is naturally not allowed, only a magic seal crystal is given, how is this enough? So he robbed the wise man's crown under the impulse of "I can definitely fight against the killing."

(to be continued)

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