Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 21: Murderer in the foggy night

Because the religious nation has done tricks on one’s own head, if the confession is secret, it will be dead. The limit of the number of questions that the torturer caught by Jack can ask and the time limit of the time for searching for information in necromancy, Jack doesn’t know what the wise man’s crown does. , But it has nothing to do with what she is going to do.

   In order to chase the impulsive ghost back, the State of Education sent the Fenghua Scripture.

   Later, the Church learned that Kraunpisi was visiting the imperial capital to go shopping, and the guards had only the message of Meliphis, and sent the Dark Scriptures to cover the use of the cooldown of the "Allurement" that had already ended. The high level of the religious state believes that since the big goblin can be controlled, as long as it can withstand the wave of dying attacks before Cronn Pess is completely dominated, Croon Pess can also be controlled.

   There is teleportation magic, and the combat troops will be delivered on the same day.

   Because the mission locations are the same, some support may be needed. Although the two scripture troops do not act together, they know each other.

   Then, Jack the Ripper, who had destroyed the Fenghua Scripture, followed the clues to the dark Scripture temporarily lurking in the suburban forest outside the city.

It feels beyond the scope of his goal to achieve his goal, but Jack intends to eradicate the root cause that may cause trouble for himself after achieving his goal, just like killing and absconding must destroy all suspicious clues, or as the so-called assassination can also be to see all possible All his own people were killed.

   She cautiously, very cautiously, waiting for the moment that suits her.

   She secretly visually evaluated the 14 people who are staying here overnight (the staff is eleven, and the vacancy has been replaced by someone; the supernumerary Yugali and Deyasha are two people, using "Allure for the City").

  Most people are simple prey that they can easily clean up without pulling out their weapons. There is an older samurai and a half-black and half-white young lady who are a bit tricky, and there is a blue-haired girl who is the most troublesome, feeling that she will die on the front.

   bet on her own life or death, she wouldn't do it anyway.

If this is a densely populated urban area, then Jack can incarnate countless demons to collect fear and strengthen himself, drowning opponents with crowds of tactics. However, here is the suburbs, where he transforms into demons, probably even the weakest wave of the dark scriptures. People can also deal with a wave, but it doesn't make much sense.

   Then, it is true that the assassination of the old line should be used. The key to the problem is how many opportunities are there for killing, how to choose opportunities in the face of the group, and to ensure smoothness, the killing must be a unilateral killing, not a fight.

  In this way, when I was a Berserker, in order to protect Meiyou, it was quite unusual to have a hard **** with Kraunpith.

Jack recalled that he was unhappy. Although he was stalemate by the clone, even if Meiyou did not stop it, he would continue to fight, and he would fall first. After all, he had exhausted his means in that battle, and Crow Enpis was still not there. The few tricks have not been used, let alone the magic, at that time zero hour has passed, and the number of uses of the various terrain-changing map guns used in Einzbern Castle has been refreshed.

   "Compared with that time, this time will be a lot easier. It's not as flawless as that."

   The Dark Scriptures are the strongest troops in the human kingdom, but in the eyes of Jack the Ripper, they are indistinguishable prey from a lot of the guys they killed before.

   lost his madness, and although his strength became weaker, he recovered his memory and regained the abilities that Jack the Ripper should have.

   "That blue-haired girl brought a black and white match to the other side to chat? It's now-Treasure, [The   Mist]."

   symbolizes the industrial fog of London, and the dense poisonous fog that can quickly kill ordinary people quickly envelops this jungle.

   "Not good!" The mist that made the throat, eyes and even skin sting, made everyone in the pitch black scripture feel bad.

   The first reaction was to stand up and surround the people wearing cheongsams, or hold their breath, while the one-handed weapons covered their mouths and noses, and some of them dressed as magicians began to chant.

   "It's really stupid. Isn't this just telling me who your core is and are weak?"

   Jack smiled in his heart. Indeed, the man in the middle who was guarded by a large group of people seemed safe. Throwing a dagger with all his strength at this distance would also be blocked by the strongest warrior.

   If you kill and break through forcibly, it will be directly exposed.

   If you drag it down, not only the two strong men who went to other places to chat privately will be killed, but the magician of the dark scripture will also do something to this poisonous industrial fog.

   There is no problem even if this is the case, Jack the Ripper is here to kill, not fight.

   She did not hesitate, and relentlessly liberated herself from losing another ability that she should have for recovering her memory after she lost her madness: "From here on is hell. We are flames, rain, power -"

   Jack the Ripper killed five prostitutes-I'm afraid he was.

   Jack the Ripper kills in the night-I'm afraid he is.

   Jack the Ripper kills in the fog-I'm afraid he is.

   The protected person is a woman wearing a cheongsam with her legs exposed. It is night, surrounded by fog, Jack the Ripper's background environment is reached, and the murder case is established.

   No one knows what Jack the Ripper really is—maybe he is.

   Jack the Ripper has a high level of medical knowledge-maybe he is.

   Jack the Ripper is good at breaking down the human body-maybe he is.

  "Treasure, [Disintegration of Our Lady [Maria the Ripper]]."

   There is no need for Jack to show his true face in the murder incident. The victim was dismembered, his internal organs were separated, blood was lost, and the state of death has been achieved dark scriptures are shaken, and they don't know where the attack came from!

   The blue-haired girl and the black-and-white girl had noticed that something was wrong and rushed back. They were in the fog as if nothing happened, making Jack tense for a while, but it seemed that they didn't have the ability to disperse the fog, and it was even a bit difficult to rendezvous with the large forces?

   They started yelling at each other and running towards each other. A man dressed as a fighter did not forget to carry the corpse in a cheongsam.

  "Such a corpse too? Is there a baby in the human body or the dress is a baby? It seems that the mood is stabilized. As expected, the two most terrifying women are the key points?

   "So, do this."

   Reliable support is on the scene, it is a moment of emotional relaxation in battle, and the murderer will not let go.

   "A treasure, [It is not worthy as the end of a tragedy [Natural Born Killers]]."

  Jack secretly separated a few clones and turned them into the appearance of Imperial soldiers. He walked towards the blue-haired girl and the black-and-white girl, dragging them, making the enemy think he was attacked by the Imperial soldier.

   She silently threw a dagger, causing the blade to pierce the fist fighter man’s cervical spine, continuing to break through, breaking the throat and aorta. Let the man and the broken corpse girl fall together!

   Several people screamed, seemingly aware of where the dagger was thrown.

   A great shield warrior ran to the side of the corpse and raised a shield to cover it. The warrior man Jack felt tricky before gave a loud shout and waved a flame of sword light............

(to be continued)