Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 25: Hello Auntie~

   On the open ground in the wilderness outside the city, Kraun Pith was running, and Eucalyptus was chasing, gradually moving away from the imperial capital city wall.

   "Haha, is the target really me? The Allure has been killed by little Jack, what's the use of finding me?" Crawnpies glanced back from time to time, slandering.

   "Hey, the sound of the cannons has gradually stopped. That is to say, your comrades have either completely wiped out or fled. Is it really okay to chase me like this?" She shouted to the back.

   Unexpectedly, Yu Jiali replied: "It's my shit! Besides, how could mother be killed by that kind of attack!"

   How on earth did that serious and elegant goblin teach that kind of child who completely ignores the situation and smashes into a dirty mouth? However, the information revealed by this sentence seems to be a bit...

   Clown Piss slammed on the ground under his feet, causing a burst of explosions and a sudden stop, turning his head back: "Isn't your mother dead? In this case, you actually joined the dark scriptures, is it also in the "allure of the country"?"

   Yugari also came to an explosive brake: "How could they use that to me?"

"Well, too. If you use it, then you should have this memory." Crown Pith remembered that the big goblin had been hit once by "Allure," and she still kept her memory. If she wasn't a wild monster in the first place, Now I should be fighting against myself in my heart.

   Although it is indeed the enemy on the surface now.

  I can't feel the existence of the big goblin anymore. Did the enemy and I retreat at the time of meeting? Don't bring such fun, right?

   "Or do you have to divide the mother who gives life and the mother who is responsible for nurturing and giving warmth?"

   "Ah, then, that...probably, that's how it is."

   "Then you should call me—"

   "Hello, Auntie." Eucalyptus yelled like that suddenly, making Crow Enpis almost knocked down by thunder.

   "I'm yelling too," Yugalli directly flicked his sickle into a fighting posture, "Ask before the battle, what sequence of Alice are you?"

"I don't even do the homework of the cannon, but I know the Alice's organization mode?" Kraun Pisz still doesn't know what this "Desperate" is doing, but since the longer the time, the more beneficial it is, she said by the way. NS.

   This sentence also reveals the meaning of "I know how much your words and deeds are", even if it is only tracked and monitored Jack heard incidentally.

   "I have no interest in that broken copper and iron. So, what is your sequence? I would be very happy if it is a single digit." Eucalie does not know whether it is selective deafness or really only has this level of brain.

   "Ah, okay, it's a single digit." If Crown Pisz played Alice, his strength must be better than No. 0, which is No. -1? Is that also a single digit?

   "That's fine." The corners of Yugali's mouth rose, and her body sank slightly.

   Then, Crown Pith subconsciously wanted to use foresight, but didn't see anything in the future.

"Tsk, even now, without multiple thinking, you can’t use the predictive eye. Well, [pain interruption]." This is not the [pain dullness] learned in the past, but a skill of Xing Yue that is not a big deal, and it feels better than [ Pain Blunt] Use it when you feel better.

   The sickle pierced the air with a blow close in front of him, and Crown Pith raised his hand to grab the sickle handle in the previous step.

   "Puff!" The colorless blood line came out of the palm of Cronn Pith, and her movement was partly seen.

   "Injured? Why?" Doesn't Klauen Pith believe that Eucalyptus can reach level 90 at the age of twenty, is it the reason for the equipment?

   The sickle came quickly decayed under the reaction force of the palm, but continued down with the momentum to completely pierce the hand of Crowen Pith!

  Crown Pissi followed Yugal's movements, leaned back in a tactical way, relied on the buffer to remove the remaining impact of the sickle, held the back of the knife and inserted it on the ground, and then swept his legs and kicked Yugal's lower limbs.

  The movements of the clouds and the flowing water are all practiced by Crowen Pith with a clone and various people in the Moon World.

   Yugali, who hadn't noticed the move, didn't fall down, she just caught the blow with her own bottom plate! Klauen Pith even had the feeling of being counter-shocked.

   "Even if my fighter class is not a big proportion, this is not right?"

   seems to have a flash of red light in the kick position.

Not discouraged, he turned over and recovered his body, taking advantage of Yukari pulling the sickle out of the ground, taking a deep breath, raising her hand to her waist and squeezing it tightly, even if she was still a loli, she was still a head short. The body is super awkward and flexible into her arms.

   The corners of their mouths were twitched almost at the same time.


   At the moment when Crown Pith was about to punch, Yugali almost teleported her figure backwards for a short while.

   "[Live Step]!"

   What made a mistake is that Kraunpisi also moved and posted almost synchronously. At this distance, the Bajiquan can exert its maximum power and strike out——


   At the moment of punching, the ground was crushed layer by layer by the reaction force of Kraun Pith, and a stronger blow was reprinted on Yugal's abdomen.

   Eucalyptus flew into the air like a scarecrow being blown away.

Crown Piss tilted her head, and a section of her hair was flat and broken. She spit out the air she had just sucked in Seeing Yugali who fell to the ground in embarrassment but immediately got up: "I really don’t let me. It’s easier to win. Even if the clone doesn’t have MP, even if I use magic blessing even in melee combat, my strength will be greatly reduced if I lose MP, but am I really level 150?"

   At the beginning, Kraun Pith attacked the "Mustache" demon warlord of the dead with an inch of strength. But even though the corners of her mouth were bleeding, her clothes were not damaged, and no injuries were visible.

   Also, Crown Pith could not escape Yugal's counterattack. A few races also lost HP when their hair was shaved, including fairies.

"Or everything on her body is artifact-level equipment? If the whole body artifact, with the advantage of the indigenous people not being restricted by the number of game rules and equipment, it will not be surprising even if it is forced to exceed 30 levels. But, speaking of it..." Pace's eyes are aimed at the wall of the imperial capital. A large group of you soldiers are lingering around the wall and looking high. Did you watch the battle?

   There is no way, even if Fluda and the three-digit sequence Alice rush over, they will have to be killed by the aftermath. Yayaka can probably rely on the vampire's immortality to carry a few tenths more.

   Then it’s better to play around and gain reputation before making a new response in the Dark Sacred Code. Since Eucalyptus is so resistant to fighting, you can also verify whether the various fighting skills you have learned are effective in peer-to-peer combat.

Kraunpisi mainly learns Bajiquan, Viper Arts, and fighting skills combined with Rune Rune. To what extent can the combat experience be copied into one's brain?

(to be continued)