Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 3: Big upgrade

Klaumpis remembered that she was also stuck at level 90 at the time, and the three of light also mentioned that her subsequent upgrades were all unconventional means. Klaumpis knew the most advanced native transcendence, except for the dead coffin. Dragon King, the others are also level 90, is this the limit of the general means of becoming stronger in this world?

   "Cirno, you feel very unwilling to be overtaken by your low-level close relatives in an instant, don't you?" Crown Pith asked.

   "Huh, of course! People work very hard to become the strongest swordsman! They have also cultivated the unparalleled Six Sword Style!"

   "No, there have been four knives, six knives, eight knives, and so on." Crown Pith pushed Cirno away and waved her hand disdainfully.


"There are some demi-human races with a lot of hands in the central continent. The three of the light fairies, Granbell, and Xiaoyue all know about it. Hey, didn't you guys tell her?" Crown Pith looked forward. Fairies and monsters.

   jokingly and shaking his head, that kind of thing doesn’t matter much, is it?

"Hey eh eh eh..." Qi Luno was almost OTZ, but immediately bounced up and exclaimed, "It's okay. Isn't it something that everyone can do with a few hands? I'm the best. "

   "If you talk about Six Swordsmanship, that's it?" Kraunpisi magically brushed out six black keys between her fingers.

   This time Cirno is really OTZ: "I thought I could beat Pisce as a fighter, so I'm not reconciled."

"Hee hee," Crown Pith patted Cirno on the shoulder and smiled, "This is what I spent a lot of time practicing. Therefore, Cirno, relying on my own efforts to surpass the guys who get nothing for nothing is not like you. Is it better?"

  Claunn Pess, who said this, didn't believe it herself. She likes to get something for nothing. Her current level is based entirely on the infinite brushing experience of capturing the "Treasure of the King" and the special laws of the mirror world of the Moon World.

   But she just wants to take Cirno off the stage now.

   Fortunately, it succeeded. Cirno brandished the sword that she gave her many years ago—now that she couldn't keep up with her level and had fallen into disrepair, and disappeared into the conference room.

   This kind of weapon cannot be repaired in this world. Is it time to update the equipment?

   can finally continue business.

   Now, the eight people named by Kraunpith are the fairies of Light Dragon, Dark Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Earth Dragon, Wind Dragon, Water Dragon, Wood Dragon, and Poisonous Dragon Grass.

   Kraun Pith wanted to satisfy the elves' request as much as possible. This was the only compensation that made their souls have to be wiped out once.

   Perhaps it is Crown Pith, who has always been unwilling to use the influence of a race that is not suitable for powerful attack magic. Many of the fairies and monsters she has created are like this. Now the types of plant monsters that Kraunpisi can summon and create have been greatly reduced-the "tree fairy" level is too low, and most of them have been replaced by the "underworld fairy", and even the superior race "underworld goddess".

   The highest summoning correction is naturally the Demon, Ghost, and Undead.

   "We want to be the Dark Archmage trio!" The unnamed Dark Dragon, Wind Dragon, and Poisonous Dragon Grass Fairy, shaking their waist-length hair in pairs, exclaimed in excitement.

Why have you not named yourself for so long, but it’s okay for plants that don’t exist in nature to call race names. There is no such thing as the second class of the Dark Archmage, so just treat you as a demon. If you say you have women, too. Childishness, I will serve you as a succubus and a little devil and... By the way, it seems that Luna is too tired to play with a machine. It would be better to give a helper of the same level.

   Klauen Pith searched in his heart to see if he could summon a profession related to machinery. There are no conventional machinery in fantasy games, but there should be some things, such as the manufacture of weapons such as Graham and Magic Gun.

What? The creation of monsters and monsters summoned by monsters are forbidden to appear in the production system? Because if monsters can swipe equipment with violent soldiers, will the game balance be out of control? It is true that everyone's career in the department of production is learned by the day after tomorrow.

Kraunpith searches for races related to Graham spawning that can be summoned: the Dark Witch (derived from Golem, a puppet creature that serves as a witch's attendant and is engaged in tasks such as gatekeeping or housework), which is still the first Once I knew that the Black Witch was not a profession but a race name.

  Witch assistant (level 95), witch nobleman (level 90), witch wizard (level 60), witch messenger (level 30), generally speaking, shouldn't there be a king on the assistant? Perhaps it was a level that Kraunpith could not summon.

   In short, transplant the memory of the trio of dreams of becoming a dark archmage to the succubus (level 95), the little demon (level 95), and the witch nobleman (level 90). By the way, just pull out this magical book from "The Treasure of the King" and throw it to them, hurry up and give yourself a name.

Eh? Why is there a magic book in "The Treasure of Kings"?

   Forget it, since the treasures in the "King's Treasure" are so rich, it should be distributed to the closest compatriots.

   Level 59 Light Dragon Grass Fairy Megaris-This is right, I made a good name, but made this request that made all the fairies jaw-dropping: "I want to be a god~"

Okay, just put a "god" in the race Just transplant your memory to the race called the goddess of the underworld (level 95), and throw a golden scepter to it she.

Only the color is slightly darker, and in other respects, the water dragon fairy Kacino, who looks like a mold and poured out of Cirno, pointed to himself enthusiastically: "I want to be the strongest in the same way as Cirno sauce... Strong swordsman! I have studied martial arts desperately over the years. Ah, the Six Swordsmanship is unnecessary. I only need two, but two."

It’s a bit difficult, a bit reluctant to get rid of a fairy that is so similar to Cirno. Fortunately, there are two existences of necromantic fairy and zombie fairy in the immortal system. Just transplant your personality to a necromancer with more MP (level 90). Then casually throw a pair of swords from the "Treasure House of the King" to her.

   "I want to be the eldest sister of Cirno and Cacino." Earth Dragon Grass Goblin, another unnamed fellow, stood up and made a very rude request with his arms akimbo.

   "I'm sorry, there are no more places at level 95 higher than Cirno." Crown Pith closed her eyes and flipped through the invisible race menu. Is there a monster that can be the head of the ice dragon grass fairy elder sister? There are Frozen Demon in the Demon System, and the Snow Girl in the Ghost System. There are already a few in the Demon System before. This time I will use the Snow Girl (Level 90) of the Ghost System. Speaking of this character is Letty.

It’s easy to confuse the appearance with Midori, the most characteristic of the unnamed Dragongrass fairy. There is nothing to ask for, but I envy many of them with strong attacking power. Fortunately, Crowenpies can also prepare monsters with strong attacking power ( Level 90), just a flat upgrade.

(to be continued)