Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 32: Meiyou’s Demon Slaying Experience

"Soul Dan, dare to come to my good deeds!"

   "I have been lurking in this country dominated by monsters for nearly 20 years for the future of mankind!"

   "Obviously they must be allowed to kill more people, so that mankind understands that the undead and monsters are our natural enemies!"

   "How can I be disturbed by you guys who pop up suddenly!"

   "I planned to use this to kill at least one key member of the Fairy Hall! Let's use it here! Anyway, a monster with a girl-like look must be a running dog of the Fairy Hall!"

   The jar broke and fell, and the man activated the Demon Sealing Crystal and the Wise Man’s Crown.

   The crystal shattered, and a blue turbid current gushed out instantly, expanding rapidly, this is a giant slime of the sixth rank!

  Education country is not stupid. If you didn't use high-level angels for this kind of action, it would be exposed.

   is not over yet, the man makes the giant slime commit suicide, and then activates the [Magic Strongest Rank Ascendance·Dead Army [Maximize  Boosted  ad  Army]], which is also activated by the wise crown on the giant slime!

The wise man’s crown is to close the wearer’s personality and turn the wearer into an item that can activate any high-level magic that the user has understood. Even ordinary humans certainly have no chance or ability to learn [Undead  Army]. Launch after you can easily upgrade your rank!

However, the adaptors of this kind of magic items are very rare. Generally speaking, it is difficult to find the resident status registration system of the state. However, in order to coordinate the talents, the empire has begun to register all the school population. It is not difficult to get a suitable person to tie up the official posts that have been climbed over the years.

  The giant slime died before being decomposed and disappeared. It was immediately infested by purple and turned into an undead giant slime! The strength is further improved, but—

   If a man’s thinking becomes abnormal without being affected by the hint of a fairy, it is impossible for his reason to do so. Perhaps he will choose to escape and try to report the emergence of a new unknown enemy to the state, because -

  [Undead  Army] The role of the army is to induce action rather than control behavior. During the action, the monster will still instinctively kill the surrounding creatures that it can instinctively bully. Granbell can easily stay in the army of necromancers because she is much stronger than the necromancers. This human man is not so lucky. He doesn't even have time to be surprised, and he wears a wise man's crown on one side. The youth was swallowed and dissolved by the giant undead slime almost at the same time!

   Of course, Jack's clone lurking in the grave was also swallowed.

Mei You and the Jack avatar who brought her here escaped to a safe distance, watching the giant immortal slime that flowed out of the tomb gate reshaped and turned into a bulging shape, Mei You pointed to the slime center with some worry, and said : "Jack, is that, you?"

There is also a struggling Jack clone inside the slime. Jack is not weak. The immortal giant slime can’t be digested quickly, but Jack, who can only be attacked by physical attacks, even if it turns into the biggest Jack the Ripper. , There is no way to cause any harm to the slime, only to do a useless struggle inside, gradually being broken down.

   "It's okay." Jack beside Meiyou shook his head gently on Meiyou's shoulder, and said, "It seems that physical attacks are useless to it. Can you please ask Meiyou?"

   I didn't expect that there would be times when I would ask the United States to visit me no matter what.


   "It's really okay, even kill the ‘me’ inside. It’s okay, I’m right here." Jack pointed to himself.

   "I see." Meiyou squeezed the cane with both hands, raised it, and pointed it at the giant immortal slime, "If you let it run outside, you will understand it."

   There is nothing to protect the sentiment and consciousness of the people, just feel that you can do such a thing, do your best.

   "Higher output, sniper!"

"Shoo!" A blue pillar with a diameter of several meters burst out. The shock wave overturned the surrounding low-level undead who were sporadic soy sauce, and made a big hole in the undead giant slime. The high heat caused a large amount of mucus to evaporate. Fly away.

   Meiyou’s attack has over-penetrating power, just like the anti-Japanese drama 38 rifle hits the human body, goes through a hole, but fails to kill anyone.

   The blue pillar of blue light continued to shoot to the rear, crashing the tomb's spiritual temple, making Mei Yu, who has worked in the church, shivered-it looks so expensive, do you want to pay?

  The vapors of the viscous body dispersed, revealing a mutilated slime that wailed silently, but they quickly gathered together and rushed toward the United States at their fastest speed!

   But it's still very slow. Humans at level 20 can easily run away. However, there is really only despair for those people whose level is capped at level 15.

   "Meiyou, can't you make a larger attack?"

   "This..." Meiyou feels that the general attack skills that he has acquired through heroic transformation are only sniper, slash, and shotgun. There is no move that can evaporate such a big target at once.

   But she knows the power of the magic wand in her hand. The setting is a sapphire variant made by the second magician, and she should be able to make a corresponding attack with enough imagination.

   Meiyou switched the way of imagination. She was a girl who grew up in a blank space without dreams. She could only make imaginations that conformed to reality.

   "Small shot!"

  Worried about damaging the public property and reduced his power, the blue pillar of blue light smaller than before plunged into the giant slime instantly, and then, like a cannonball, it exploded.

   For an instant, the giant slime bulged like an inflated balloon, and then slowly shrank, as if it had been hit **** the inside.

   "The test is successful, the output is larger, and the shot is shot!"

   "Boom!" The moment the light beam hits the slime, it expands into a giant balloon-like slime, just like an over-filled water balloon, it explodes completely, and the purple viscous body falls like raindrops!

   "The physical shield unfolds." Mei Yu leaned on Jack and unfolded the shield to block the highly corrosive "torrential rain".

  Jack sighed in his heart. It doesn't matter if you don't protect her. I can deal with this level of "torrential rain". Let alone how you can protect yourself as a clone? It feels that Meiyou did this subconsciously. Maybe she will do it when she encounters an attack that she can't cope with. Now the atmosphere is not suitable. It would be better to find an opportunity to remind her in the future.

   Staring closely at the viscous material on the floor, turning into light particles and disappearing, Meiyou sighed, lifted the shield, lowered the cane, and asked, "Jack, what should I do next?"

"Ahhhhh~ I was ruined by this huge slime. Let's take a break before dawn." Jack decided to make a fuss from other clones who are still trying to hunt down foreign spies in the city. Now this clone will accompany Mei. Let's swim and rest.

(to be continued)

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