Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 34: Wise Men's Crown

Kraunpisi suddenly felt a sharp redness in his field of vision, bringing up a circle of crimson lines——

   "Wow?!" Kraunpisi was surprised and found that the cheat book in her hand was on fire! A purple-black flame was ignited!

"I wipe, when did I awaken the [Amaterasu] of Naruto World?!" Kraun Piss shook the scroll in her hand vigorously. It seemed that the paper was good, and it was not burned for a while. After a while, the flame went out. .

"Huh~ it's just an ordinary dead flame, then do you want to go to "Naruto" to see it?" Kraunpisi immediately dismissed the idea, "Who is going to such a dangerous place." But maybe there are others. Goblin go and take a look.

   But the phenomenon of fire caused a fierce reaction of the two people who were still kneeling on the ground.

   "Master Clown Pith, what happened!"

   "Enemy attack, enemy attack?!"

The two knelt on one knee, watching the surroundings vigilantly. Crown Pith knows how to use fire magic, but they didn’t see her open the fire magic circle, let alone burn the important book that seemed to be loved. It wouldn’t be anyone. Would you like to destroy this important thing for Crowen Pith?

   "It's okay, it has nothing to do with you. I'll announce the result next." Kraunpisi sat up and looked at the two who kneeled down again and tried to be a little shorter than him.

"Although I don’t know how you will get rewards from me for your own competition... Well, the enemy you dealt with this time is indeed worthy of a certain reward. What do you want? Let me tell you beforehand that the wise man’s crown is me. The things I wanted, and the other ones are things I plan to do with the situation, so if the game is for Yayaka to win, it is Yayaka who can make a wish. It is also okay to ask for a little willfulness, of course it is beyond me. What can be paid is over."

Yayaka swallowed, and slowly said, "I want to...become the true ancestor." I still said it. The first-level true ancestor heard that it was the level of "destroying the country". There are certain fairies of that level. Quantity and strength are not a big deal to Kraunpith, so I should be able to satisfy them.

   "That's it? Simply put, you want to be a higher-order vampire, right?"

   "Ah, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome to wear a special hooded cloak to go out during the day. I heard that the true ancestor can overcome the weaknesses of many vampires. Isn't it, Lord Clown Pith?"

"Yeah...but I have used up all the negative energy I have stored here." Kraunpisi took out the death sacrifice orb and threw it to Yayaka. Negative energy, collect it, and then come to me again, I will be there this week."

   After all, we have to wait for the news of the war on the Dragon Kingdom side. Crown Pith has a clone and reliable compatriot Zhang Luo's home country and hostile players, so she doesn't bother to continue flying around.

   "Yes!" Yayaka carefully picked up the death sacrifice orb, and the mist floated out of the confession room.

"Then, what about me?" Meliffice put on a look a little pitiful, anyway, it's the clown Pith, who likes to be funny sometimes, and putting on this look makes her think it's funny. Maybe it's better than flattering.

   "Is that crown really that powerful?" Meli Faith clasped her hands with her fingers on her chest artificially, blinking her big eyes.

   "You don't want to be cute, in fact, I plan to try it too, let's take a look." Kraunpisi opened a portal, and poured out a purple-haired girl zombie puppet that had not been used for a long time.

   "Your Excellency Pliny?" Meliffeis recognized her former classmate, haha, I'm afraid that Pliny's gaze does not have her own consciousness. Sure enough, she is the luckiest thing to do.

  Crown Pith put the wise man's crown on Pliny's head, reopened a portal, pulled her in, and said, "Follow me."


The three of them came to a two-kilometer-square-foot mountain flat. This is the center of the zombieization area where the Dragon King once sat. All the zombies are used to fill the death sacrifice orbs. Now it is very empty. There is no shame in it. Come on It is appropriate to do it here. Can be prevented in case-

   "[Counter  Detect]], [Fake  Cover]." Klauen Pisti set out and moved two sets of magic scrolls that had been mass-produced for personal use in Titanya thanks to Stacon.

After doing everything, Kraunpisi took out the rubbed "Yggdrasil Set (Pirated Edition, opened it on her arm, stretched out her other hand, and pointed her five fingers at the purple wearing the crown of the wise man. Hair girl.

   has identified the use of the wise men's crown, so that............

no response.

   "I'm sorry, I got it wrong." Kraun Pith put away the "Yggdrasil Set (pirated and took out the "Yggdrasil Magic Manual (pirated.

"The wise man's crown is an item that only needs to have the concept of magic and enough magic power to directly activate the magic." Kraunpisi began to inject magic power into the purple-haired girl, and explained, "Melly, do you remember what Yayaka reported? How strong is the poor man who was robbed as a crown wearer? Please use our level to answer."

   "Level 16," Meliface replied.

   "But he used the eighth-level magic, and let the 16th-level people use the eighth-level magic, it's very powerful." Crown Pith laughed.


   "Hee hee, then, what happens if the wearer is level 50." Kraunpisi glanced across the magic data settings and ordered the magic to be activated.

   The purple-haired girl slowly raised a hand, and in a short time, a huge hemispherical magic circle that was ten meters long, spread out around The translucent beam of light almost shot out into the sky.

   A rune of blue and white light appeared on the magic circle. The translucent pattern changed rapidly, and the words that emerged were not the same for a moment. The clear blue light constantly changes its shape, shining all around, like a dream.

   "It's so beautiful..." Meliface looked at the scene in front of her with dementia.

   "Hee hee hee, it really can be done, that's great." Kraun Pith smiled comfortably.

   After a while, the magic circle burst and turned into countless light particles flying into the sky.

   The girl with purple hair was expressionless, and she read out the magic name mechanically: "Superposition Magic——[Heaven and Earth Change [The  ]]."

   At this moment, Meliface could not understand whether it was light, fire, or lava before her eyes?

   "Hide behind me!"


   Meliface heard the rare horror sound of Crowen Pith, did not dare to push it, almost squatted and shrank behind the petite Crown Pith.

She could only see that moment, as if the whole world was burning. If it weren’t for the flashing light film on Cronn Pith’s body to block everything, there would be a small safe area behind Crown Pith, and Meliffy didn’t feel anything. Suspecting that I was witnessing the inside of the truth would disappear in the blink of an eye.

   The air is burning, and Kraunpisi seems unharmed, but I must not stay here for a second longer-if there is no more shields that Kraunpisi immediately unfolded for herself!

(to be continued)

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