Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 45: God is coming!

"Oh~ can't you take it lightly?" Yayaka touched her head and sat up, and was lifted up by the two vampires she had brought with her.

   "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Meri Faith chuckled softly, covering her mouth with her hand on the side.

"You!" Yayaka stood up with a carp and grabbed Merifice's shawl collar. "You have been, always, blocking in front of me these years, this time too! Are you so afraid of my strength than you? !"

   "Ahhhhhh." Meliface turned her face to one side, "What are you talking about? I just acted to make Master Clown Pith happy."

   "Who believe it! You want to come to our first battle like this, you don't want to relieve me of the dominance of the magician of the dark night dead, but you really want to kill me!"

   "If I speak and don't move my hands, don't take an inch, you!" Meliface was poked into the deepest part of the original sin in her heart, and she stretched out her hand to grab Yayaka's clothes.

   The two subordinates behind each are at a loss, their relationship is not as subtle as Melifis and Yayaka.

  Melphis: "Lace, Liz!"

   Yayaka: "Leilily, Eluru!"

   "Huh? Yes!" x4

   It seems that when these miscellaneous fishes that other people have overlooked are preparing to fight in groups--

   Suddenly, the sky was thunderous!

   is really Thunder, right? But it seems that the entire space has become unstable! It seems to be in a trance different from the scene here.

   "This thunder? Danger!"

  Crown Pith raised his hand: "[Magic effect range enlargement·Force field [W-M·F-o-F]]."

   propped up a huge umbrella-shaped translucent shield towards the sky, taking over the continuous thunder falling in this space for himself and everyone around him.

Anna, Meiyou, Xiluoai, and Jack are far away from Crawnpies. They didn’t take care of them, but they saw that Meiyou also reacted and opened up the huge shield and took the Thunder. Relieved.

   "Hmph, obviously not the person I have to protect... But, what's the matter?"

  Crown Pisi focused his eyes on a huge halo of violent thunder falling on the sky, with a diameter or close to 100 meters: "[Enemy scan [SensorEnemy]]."



   "?!" Kraun Pith's heart suddenly tense, can't detect whether the opponent's strength is so high that he is out of reach or has anti-detection means? Or is its combat power difficult to judge by this magic?

   "Kara..." The force field shield began to crack.

   "So strong? Isn't it a direct hit by the falling thunder, and any one around me has to evaporate?" Kraunpisi reactivated the defensive magic to maintain the force field shield.

   "This feeling..." While blocking the falling thunder, Kraun Pith quickly recalled the feeling of detection failure in the past.

   "I can't understand it. My magic can't estimate the opponent's exact combat power. It just happens to be close to the midnight of the day's skill update time, so let's try it a little bit."

   "Hell [Evil Abyss]." Kraun Pith held up a dark black ball with a palm in the other hand, aiming at the sky——

   "Hush!" The dark black ball instantly turned into a pitch black pillar, rushing towards the sky, blasting on the huge halo that acts on the space.

   Then, nothing happened.

   Kraunpisi put his free hand on his head and shook suddenly: "No, it's impossible to send messages in groups while defending against attacks of this level."

   But it is not impossible, she took out a pair of magic scrolls from the infinite backpack, and launched: "Emergency contact, anyone is fine, get over if you have time at level 90 or above."

   At this time, the falling thunder began to slow down, and two figures, one tall and one short, jumped down from the halo.

   Falling from such a high place without a buffer, either a lunatic or a strong one, judging from the lightning just now, it is obviously the latter.

The tall man is a blond elder sister in golden armor, and the short one is a red-haired girl with explosive braids. She is dressed in rough clothes like an Amazon warrior. One arm is huge, and she carries a sledgehammer bigger than herself. .

"Hey, although it was detected due to the accidental increase in card gathering, but where is it connected? Does Angelica know?" The red-haired rough girl showed a row of shark-like fangs, her eyes widening. Looking around with interest.

   "It's not important, Beatrix, the important thing is that the target person is here." The imperial sister named Angelika seemed to say something that had nothing to do with her.

   "Really." Beatrix jumped, raised the sledgehammer, and swung toward Meiyou's blue translucent shield.

   "Everyone, run away!" Meiyou glared at the eyes that had revealed incomparable fear since just now, shouted, and continued to open more shields in front of her.

   "Boom!" The big shield that defended against falling thunder collapsed in an instant, and the second shield made a sore sound, and was evaporated by the thunder light from the sledgehammer, knocking Meiyou back several meters.

   Aftermath also washed Jack to the ground. Now there are too few people in a radius of several kilometers. Jack, who needs a lot of human fear to maintain and increase his strength, is very weak.

   However, Anna and Xi Luoai attacked Beatrix from left to right without hesitation. Since nothing else, they are the enemy!

   "Boom!" Crimson lightsaber and giant hammer Chi Lei and Bai Lei collided, staggered, bitten, and made a loud noise that would shatter the tympanic membrane.

   "Yeah~ you are amazing?" Beatrix stared at Shiroai, her eyes showing more desire to fight.

   At this time, Anna had already walked around to Beatrix's side, slashing horizontally, and the point of her sickle pierced Beatrix's head.

   Suddenly, a sword flew in, making Anna and Shiroai have to stop the offensive and jump back to avoid the attack of the rain of swords.

   "Beatrix, make no mistake about the priority." Anjelica reminded, who had just launched a wave of "Gate of Babylon" to force them back.

   "Ah, I know." Beatrix attacked Meiyou.

  Although other loli wanted to save the field, they were forced to retreat by countless treasures shot like raindrops. The team battle was forcibly separated by a row of large treasures inserted on the ground to form an iron wall.

   "We're here to pick you up, Miss Meiyou." Angelika said to Meiyou politely, although what she did was completely the same as forcibly.

   "No, I don't want to go back! I want to live! Maximum output, sniper!" Meiyou hurriedly backed away and fired a blue magical beam at the rushing Beatrix.

   "I didn't expect you to say something like this." Angelika frowned, staring at Meiyou's face, "Something is wrong."

   This is a beautiful tour, correct. But is Meiyou's hair so long? It actually grows to the calf, just like she has never had her hair cut since she was born. The color of her eye pupils is also a bit different from the contrast captured before, and she is faintly reddish.

  Beatrix pushed the sledgehammer disdainfully to block Meiyou's attack: "Huh, it's okay. Take it back and talk about it!"

(to be continued)