Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 59: "Garbage" Treasure Treasure

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[Internal Blasting[]] is the strongest killer blasting magic of the little devil. There is no sign of heat and magic gathering, and the tenth-level magic that quietly blasts from the opponent’s interior, I did not expect it to be used here.

"Is this all right?" the little devil said weakly.

"Well, no problem." Pei Lu nodded blankly.

The expressions of the other slightly brainy people present slightly changed.

This may be a test by Pei Lu pretending to be angry, to see if there is a relatively hidden and larger attack method here. Can quietly kill monsters above level 60 in seconds, and level 100 NPCs can't be underestimated.

Of course, it may be really angry to cover up the purpose of temptation. The funny question at the beginning was just an introduction to an incident.

After this little trial, which seemed to be a prank, everyone started to eat. Unlike the indigenous ingredients, the food here is so delicious.

But because the atmosphere was not very friendly from the beginning, even though the hospitality was very luxurious, everyone still ate as calmly as possible, and couldn't unintentionally show the emotion that made Pei Lu seize the mouthful.


After the meal, after the general maid took away the things, Paki tentatively took the lead in asking for some equipment like the "Thirteen Heroes".

"According to the verbal statement made by the Supremes before leaving, if it is a yggdrasil-related person, then we can't refuse." Pei Lu responded without a trace of emotion.

"But, before we came in, we encountered suspected troops and underground labyrinths on the periphery. Is it okay to do this?" Iblu Yai felt that this matter must be pointed out. If it is the Eight Desires troops, there is no reason not to know here. , If it is considered to be insincere, it will be over.

"Ah, ah, that has nothing to do with the creation of our supreme. It's just that a certain very stingy supreme thinks that the corpses accumulated after conquering the world are too wasteful to make external facilities, and basically did not consume our wealth. The supreme left. After that, it has become a completely neutral area, and we will be attacked by them even when we go out, so you don’t need to care."

"Really? But when I came here last time...except for not long after stepping into the desert, there was no attack in the middle?" Iblu Yai couldn't believe it.

"Did someone in the team carry anti-undead detection props? We didn't go out so I don't know, but it's hard to imagine that those weak chickens have anti-undead detection props above level 70." Pei Lu tilted her head. The finger that copied his hand tapped his arm to indicate his ignorance.

But the NPC is no longer there, and I can't confirm it here.

"Anyway, you have to borrow equipment, right? I'll take you to the treasure house opened by the sages." After Pei Lu finished speaking, she turned around and turned her back to other people. "Unfortunately, it is revealed that the path to the treasure house is Prohibited matters, so-[gateway [gate]]."

She raised her hand and summoned a black hole "door".

The existence of teleportation magic can be used, and there are some under the command of Kraunpith. According to the yggdrasil monster upgrade, it can automatically obtain and upgrade the magic and skill rules. The teleportation magic learned can also be improved, and it can be used below level 90. [Portal [gate]] is a no.

There are only four people who know [gate] this magic: Kraunpisi from 105 to 150, Magic Moon at 97, Megaris at 95, and Paqi at 95. In other words, Pei Lu may be a level 100 npc!

"What kind of treasure is there, please look forward to it, please come in." Pei Lu stood aside, stretched her hand to the portal, and said in a professional tone.

Everyone squinted at each other. At this point, it shouldn't be a death trap. Then go in.

Through the dark "door", everyone was almost blinded.

Compared with the previous magnificent places, this place is really magnificent-literally, the eyes are really golden.

In the cylindrical room, the floor, walls, and ceiling are all gleaming gold. The whole room is like a vault filled with various golden things, ranging from gold coins to gold jewelry and equipment, everything, of course, there is also a mix of them. There are many other colors of weapons and equipment and jewellery items, but they are really a little bit compared to the golden light...

Staff studded with rubies, crown studded with seven-color gems, red iron guards, black swords, small white jade statues, totem poles carved with runes............

To sum it up in one sentence: these are the "junk" that the full-level players no longer use and are eliminated, and even the 100-level NPCs who are guardians look down on "junk".

Of course, these things are all treasures for the natives and the low-level players in the "Thirteen Heroes".

As long as you don't need any legendary to artifact-level equipment and world-class props, there are basically all types here.

"How did did they find it back then?" Ibiriyayi couldn't help but ask.

"Please feel free, as long as you equip and consume the props, please control the total number to less than 20, and the others are not counted." Pei Lu said coldly, standing by the portal.

There will always be some people in the player team equipped with search and identification methods, but this is not in the native category.

"Leave it to me. Excuse me, can I use magic?" Shuo Ye stepped forward and asked.

"The use of offensive magic is prohibited."

"Okay," Shu Ye took out a booklet and flipped through it. It said that when Kraun Pith and Star, who used to manipulate memories, backed up and deleted Wakaji's memories, they remembered that year. Searching the records, confirmed a few places, and used [widenmagic·allappraisalmagicitem] for those places.

When Klauen Pith was recreating the "Dark Master Three Consecutive Stars", he knew that they were running an orphanage, so he also specially specialized a role with various finishing and logistical auxiliary magic. This is the chief maid. Shuo Ye.

"Excuse me, aren't there any props to transfer to the ultimate class and race?" Shu Ye asked that, I remember that there are not many. Pei Lu lowered her head and thought for a while with her chin in her hand, "Which race do you want?" "

"Fairy, Demon, Ghost."

"Yeah..." Pei Lu thought about it again, and without hesitation, she walked straight to the mountain of things, turned a few times, and took out a small potted bush plant carved with emeralds, a statue of a devil made of obsidian, everywhere. They are all emerald bronze incense burners.

"'Hidden of Fairyland ()','The Messenger of the Bottomless Hole (abadon)', and the'Censer of Evil Souls', even though they were discarded by the Supremes before the guild was established, each of them can get top five pieces."

Sakuya: "It's okay, may I ask whether you can directly upgrade the level of the props and the absolutely perfect resurrection props?"

Pei Lu: "We can't give you the items that directly upgrade the level. As for the items that are perfectly resurrected..."

(to be continued)

re, the arrogant me who slaughtered me