Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 60: Hand over the equipment cheated by 13 he

Pei Lu listened to Shuoye’s request and was silent for a while, and said: "The perfect resurrection item... is the item that can be resurrected regardless of whether the body or soul exists and will not have a level drop penalty. There is no purchase limit in our store. , But one needs 1.5 billion "Yggdrasil" gold coins."

   It seems to be too expensive, although Pei Lu actually raised half the price, but if you see the prerequisites for the general resurrection form, you will feel that this is simply invaluable.

During the battle between the King of Eight Desires and the Dragon King, they were killed many times and their level dropped. Finally, the world-class props "Five Elements Interaction" were used to turn the tide of the battle. It can be seen that it is better to bear the experience point penalty than to use the resurrection method at this price. World-class props at a certain price.

   "...Forget it, let's take a few props that increase experience points." Shuo Ye said, and began to turn over the treasure pile. There are still many such props.

   "It's amazing." Iblu Yayi raised her head slightly and said, "You don't plan to ask for any equipment."

   "Well, equipment is a foreign object after all," Paqi said.

   I can’t say that they are now the "Treasure House of Kings". There are a lot of equipment in them that directly exceed level 100. Even if you don’t activate your real name, you can release special attacks by injecting magic power.

   Granbell was okay, she looked left and looked again, and when she heard Iblu Yai's words, she came back and asked, "Does mother have something that I want?"

"Well... I think about it, is there any "Writ of Inscription"? Master Pei Lu." Ibilu Yayi thought for a while and asked Pei Lu a question, considering that the other party is a landlord, even if it is a servant, he added it. Honorific.

   "Huh? What is that? I haven't heard of it." Pei Lu looked confused.

Ibruyayi was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Legend...The magic props books that your supreme has left behind, beyond imagination, are said to record all the magic in the world. And I heard that even newly invented magic will Record it automatically."

   "Oh~ that?" Pei Lu remembered. That's not a valuable thing--

   Isn’t it that the Supremes spend 1G to buy it, and 100G has added the "Yggdrasil Magic Manual Ver17.0" with the instant update version description function? There was one book lying in her boundless backpack, in fact, the guild had many copies-for everyone to look at it anytime, anywhere.

   "This is what you want?" Pei Lu opened a crack directly behind her back, took out a hardcover decorated with a red and black frame and handed it to Iblu Yayi.

   "Ah, really... give it to me?"

   "Don't you? We don't need to be counted in 20 items."

Iblu Yayi tremblingly took the hardcover book, opened it, and the catalog was very detailed. It was obviously the same thickness as the book "Yggdrasil Magic Manual Ver17.0" originally bought by Ruojie, but with a large number of pages and pages turned. It doesn't change the feel, just like the space magic on the pages of a book.

She saw the page numbers corresponding to several names, and immediately turned over, exclaimed: "Yes, that's it!" She actually wrote her original level magic, and also attached the "setting instructions on how she developed magic". "This kind of book can be dangerous to fall into the hands of the enemy.

   Well, accept the "Writ of Unmingled Mantra".

After searching through several large-scale high-level appraisals of Shuo Ye, Iblu Yayi picked up a handguard with a large shining gem embedded in the back of the hand. This equipment is very eye-catching, of course she never shines. This is not its appearance, but the effect it is given from the treasure pile of ——

This is a handicraft called the "three primary colors". It is also embedded with [BodyofEffulgentBeryl] to reduce the beating effect, [BodyofEffulgentAquamarine] to reduce the slashing effect, and [BodyofEffulgentAquamarine] to reduce the stab effect 】Three magics, the above are permanent effects, if these magics are fully activated, all physical attacks can be avoided.

As a defensive item, it seems to be hard, but Ibruyayi valued this most. After studying a lot of magic with great concentration, she knew that this kind of magic cannot be cast on one person or enchanted on one thing at the same time, but this equipment Subverted the current cognition, and these three magics that she had never seen with her own eyes naturally also had research value for her.

   "Is this all right?" she asked.

   "Please," Pei Lu said.

Because no matter which immunity effect is fully activated, this equipment will be broken. The timing is not determined by yourself but depends on the enemy’s attack. Simply put, it is a consumable that cannot be controlled as you want. In the next few hours, the equipment grid of the three primary colors will be equipped. Not available!

  The equipment bar grid cannot be used for several hours! For Pei Lu and other hundred-level guardians and King of Eight Desires, this is simply rubbish.

   Of course, this seems to have no effect on the natives who have no game equipment bar restrictions.

   Ibiluyayi gratefully accepted the three primary colors.

   "Dark Master Three Consecutive Stars" also collected things.

"Well, since I have'borrowed' what I want, shouldn't it be'returned'? As the saying goes, there is a loan or a return." Pei Lu suddenly changed her attitude and took her hand again, coldly Said coldly.

   "Huh?" x5

   Everyone doesn’t know. So, if you don’t want to give it at first, just let them eat it behind closed doors. If you want to find an excuse to catch it all at once, there is no need to bring them here.

"You want those?" Shuye motioned to Granbell's small Granbell would like to open it, and pulled out a cracked black magic sword, and A faint blue magic sword with serrated blades is exactly the weapon that Kraunpith snatched from the player.

The pitch black magic sword was completely destroyed during the battle against the Dragon King. The material is unknown and cannot be repaired. It is barely glued with glue and then used to restore the shape of the native [repair] magic. .

The other sword was worn out because it could not keep up with the improvement of Cirno’s strength. Crowne Pith has replaced Cirno with the ice magic sword that injects magic power and can produce ice and snow when swung. It is similar to the other five. The sword matched its six-sword style, and this one was eliminated.

  Who knows that Pei Lu shook her head and said sharply: "It's okay to give these broken coppers and irons for nothing, but there's a little unforgivable--"

   As he said, a black substantive coercion erupted from Pei Lu's body, it was a certain skill.

Everyone was tense, and Ibruyayi was secretly frightened. Although this was not effective against her and Kraunpith, who had already advanced to the race again, she felt pressured at most. ", I'm afraid it will be crushed to death by all.

   "That group of guys, cheated the guild weapon that our supreme assembled guild power forged... cheated! Just as you borrowed it, but it hasn't been returned yet!"

Everyone awakened one after another. In fact, the city guardians have the reasons and emotions to capture them directly, but the guardians of the Eight Desires Guild must fight to capture this side, and they will definitely win, but if more people are not mobilized, how many five are there? It can also bring some losses to this city, so-

(to be continued)