Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 63: Mapo Tofu Ramen

   "Ah~" Crown Pissi looked at Yanfeng Qili, who became the owner of the Mapo Ramen shop, did not enter the role for a moment, and only remembered that she was wearing the Templar professional uniform after a second.

  She said: "No, it's just that there were chaos from the parallel world in the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City. For example, the big wave behind me is only part of it. Kirei, do you know anything?"

"No, but four days ago in the morning and three days ago in the middle of the night, there was indeed a large-scale displacement magic fluctuation nearby." With that, Qili turned around and continued to deal with the ingredients that seemed to be used for business today, and said, "Do you want to eat? ?"

   "Well, I really didn't eat today. Do you want to pay?"

   "Of course, a ramen mapo tofu is 1,600 yen, and a mapo tofu ramen is 1,400 yen. What do you want?"

   "Huh? But I remember it wasn't 600 yen and 400 yen...Where did the extra 1,000 yen come from?" I have eaten all of Crouppis. When did the price increase? Or is the inflation in this parallel world more severe?

   Qili seemed to be lying on the counter in black and looking down at Crowpease: "Of course, how long has it been since the upper echelons have allocated funds for church operations."

   "No, that has nothing to do with me."

   "So, do you want to eat? Buying seven portions of Ramen Mapo Tofu will cost you 10,000 yen."

   "Even if you have such a discount... there are not seven people here, and not everyone can stand your perverted spicy..."

   "Do you want to eat it? Seven ramen noodles with mapo tofu for 10,000 yen."

   means that you don’t want to "cooperate with work"?

   "I... I see, seven ramen mapo tofu." Crown Pissi thought that she really didn't eat anything today, so she ordered the order and asked back, "Who wants..."

   There seems to be a cold wind blowing at the door, and Yayaka is the only one left.

   "It ran out?"

   Yayaka looked left and right, she could only shrug her shoulders.

   "It's already cooked, and you won't be allowed to leave and repay the bill later." Qi Li lay down on the counter again in darkness, looking down at Crow Enpis, "Otherwise--"

   "I know, the ten thousand yen note, take it." From the infinite backpack, Kraunpisi took out a piece of money that he got with a little means during the last visit to Lunar World, and put it on the counter.

   After a while——

   Qili: "It's done, taste it."

  Different from Kraunpisi, who took the table and chopsticks and skillfully filled her mouth with the red and innocent mixture, Yayaka was sweating directly at the table and chopsticks: "What, what is this?"

   Qili: "Mapo tofu."

   Yayaka: "So, what exactly is Mapo Tofu? Does this red thing look edible?"

   I can’t understand the word "Mapo". Even though she belongs to the party who has eaten translated food, the translation is still effective when she comes to another world, but the vocabulary she doesn't know is just not understandable. I've been a vampire for a long time. At first glance, this red liquid mixed with white software, I always think of occasionally when she asks death row prisoners to inhale some brains and change their taste.

   Qili: "Don't you know Mapo Tofu?"

  Crown Pisi: "You just understand that the soybeans are made into liquid and then solidified and mixed with abnormal chili peppers." She said casually about Mapo Tofu, who knows the cloud.

   "Excuse me, what is this?" Yayaka asked, holding a chopstick in one hand.

   Qili: "I don't know about chopsticks? Did you just come from Europe? See how skilled your friends are."

  Crown Pith: "Qi Li, it's all Ma Po anyway, there is almost no noodles, right? Even if the knife and fork are not good for Ma Po, can you give me a spoon?"

   Qili: "I really can't eat it. You can also bury your body in the soil and pour it down directly with a bowl."

  Crown Pith: "Alright, get the spoon!"

   Fifteen minutes later——

Yayaka lay convulsively on the dining table, with saliva stained with hot sauce and blood remaining on the corners of her mouth: "If, no...not this body, normal people should...yes, they're going to die... right? Klaus Empis... Your lord, you... the end?"

   She looked with a little horror at the pile of large bowls next to Crowen Pith, who was wiping his mouth with a free napkin.

"Grumbling~" After wiping his mouth, Kraunpisi picked up the water cup next to him, poured all the transparent liquid into his body, and said, "Is there anything new about that huge pit? It's not a gas explosion or something like that. Yes, it's the real situation."

   "No, although it is the location of the Einzworth Magic Workshop, there is no sign of a new Holy Grail War." Qili said.

   However, there seemed to be nothing there, and Yayaka didn't find anything when she went in. Was it a concealed magic that was so powerful that she couldn't find it even if she passed through the workshop?

   "Huh? Miyu should have been brought back by some guys who used rank cards, right?" Kraunpis moved out of Meiyu as the Holy Grail with his current intelligence and asked.

   "Well, it appeared three days ago, but Einzworth did not succeed in capturing it. It should be somewhere in Fuyuki City now, unfortunately it did not succeed in tracking."

   "Really." Crown Pith thought, if everyone is thrown away, there is a high probability that there will be Jack the Ripper next to Meiyou, so the ability to escape should be good.

  Crown Pith asked some more questions, and learned about Meiyou's past personal relationships and addresses, as well as the form of this world holy grail war and the process of the last holy grail war.

   It’s true that this world is on the verge of but it has nothing to do with Qili, anyway, after a few generations, it’s okay.

   Eimiya Kiritugu takes Eimiya Shiro to take in Miyu and wants to save the world with the universal wishing machine, but he doesn't know how to do it.

   Einzworth took Miyu one year after the death of Keiji Eimiya and set out to organize the Fifth Holy Grail War.

  The Tong family was completely destroyed during the Holy Grail War.

   Eimiya Shiro used the damaged rank card of the late Makiri Sakura to force a "Dream Summon" as his future heroic guardian palace, and intervened in the Holy Grail War as the eighth participant. The principle seems to be the same as that of Meiyou's "Dream Summoning", who uses the wishing machine as a treasure of the child's self.

  Eimiya Shiro actually seemed to be taken care of by Miyu unintentionally. With unlimited magic power, he fought through the Holy Grail War overnight and made a wish to make Miyu happy and sent her to the parallel world.

   Then Shiro Wimiya guarded the transfer channel and fought Angelika, who came to capture the Holy Grail "Dream Summon" Gilgamesh, and was defeated and captured.

   Throughout the Holy Grail War, Yanfeng Qili was very responsible for supervising the Holy Grail War as the church priest who wiped the **** of the Holy Grail War. But roughly that's all there is to know.

After   , he also watched the other people who disappeared out of thin air in this area.

   A week ago, Angelika and Beatrix disappeared in Yuanzang Mountain. At that time Angelika had no signs of using "Dream Summon".

Four days ago, four loli appeared from the final battle zone of the original Holy Grail War. Angelika "Dream Summoned" Gilgamesh, one of the eight rank cards that disappeared in this world with Meiyou. Order card.

(to be continued)