Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 72: Good morning, goddess of Venus

   This research institute is very well-equipped, and it is impossible to enter and leave the enchantment without being injured in the body of the Servant of the gods and heroes.

   Kraunpis and Francesca were able to sneak in because the catch confuses the true director and figure out how to open and close the barrier.

However, even if there is such an enchantment, the enchantment must be maintained by magic. It cannot be sustained for too long and has to be used. Before the enchantment of the protection laboratory is completely consumed by the violent gods, the self-destruction technique buried in the artificial human body is activated. To avoid greater losses.

   Now, use a doll with a buried magic circuit for testing.

   But after experimenting with a lot of materials, they couldn’t work. Even if they succeeded by relying on it, they had no self-awareness, and they couldn’t use the treasures and powers of God. The former was exactly what they wanted, but the latter was meaningless.

It seems that you only need to use non-life as the basis, but to use the treasures and powers of the gods, the theory requires treasure-level materials. Fortunately, there are not no treasure-level materials. I have succeeded twice, but the result is the same as using artificial humans. .

   is now working on the common materials again, intending to suppress the power of the gods to a state where the magicians can cope with it, and then find a way to suppress the rampage............

After    there are quite a lot of plans. If you want to read it, it is estimated that you can read it for a few days. It's too much trouble, so Kraunpis didn't read it.

   "So, where's the orange? Is it something for me?" Crown Pith made a request gesture.

"That's the'Orange Journey', does the crowning magician Aozaki Orange know? Fortunately, she can come up with a destination set in advance, and then fly to the destination like being pulled by an extra-long rubber band This kind of wonderful roller coaster ride."

  Crown Pissi thought for a while and said, "Aosaki Orange...I know it just by name." After all, most of Xingyue's works have not been covered.

   "Anyway, this is here." Francesca took out an envelope.

  The black one will remind you of an invitation letter. It seems that the paper with crystal luster is pressed with bright red sealing wax, and the seal formed by the combination of the shape of the eyeball and the wheel is printed.

  Crown Pisce took the envelope, opened it, took out the paper, and checked it. Fortunately, it was in English. If it was in French or German, he would have to awkwardly dig out his translation glasses.

   There is no recipient. The bargaining on the phone call before contacting Francesca should be bought with money. There is no shortage of anonymous events in the world that people want to participate in.

   The handwriting is pretty beautiful, and it is written in a very diplomatic tone, saying that I hope you can participate in our banquet without any difficulties. The sender is the agent manager of the Magic Eye Collection Train.

   "The Magic Eye Fair? Interesting, is there a Treasure Fair?" There are quite a lot of "scraps" in the "Treasure of the King" captured by Kraun Pith.

   The answer: "I have lived for hundreds of years and haven't heard of it."

  The magic eye is actually not a rare thing. The rare thing is a magic eye similar to the magic eye of straight death. However, the legendary hero's treasure making methods are handed down and are closely related to the soul. Even if it is copied by human means, its effect is much smaller.

Kraunpith recalled that it was copied from Baguette's head, and the method of making a backlit sword with a powerful treasure that looks back in time and hits the enemy first was useless. I tried to imitate it, but it didn't work at all. The effect of the first come first, the attack power is not even as good as Kraunpith's direct assault with a penetrating hand.

   The projection of Eimiya Shiro is outside the forcing wheel.

   Thinking of Shiro Weimiya, the corner of Kraun Pith's mouth twitched. That is Miyu's brother. Is there any way to seize the weakness and make him a tool man?

   "Hey, it's starting! The gods are coming!" Francesca's excited voice interrupted Kraunpith's thinking.

   A pair of magic circles appeared above and below the experimental doll.

   "It looks exactly the same as the magic circle of'Dream Summon', is it really a copy of the technology?" Kraun Pace smiled and stroked his chin.

A large halo emerges from the magic circle below and rises, passing over the body of the experimental doll like a scanner, and like 3D printing inkjet, from bottom to top, the doll inside turns into a blond young girl , But this dress—

   "Does the Mesopotamian style like showing off the body so much? Because of the hot climate there?"

  Crown Pith thinks of the clothing she found in the "Treasure House of Kings". Regardless of men and women, as long as they are not full-body plate armor, the clothing coverage rate is definitely relatively low, even like a swimsuit.

   The **** the test bench moved her body, sat up, and looked around with sleepy eyes.

   "?!" Kraunpisi shook, and she found that the tenth-level magic level enhancement she had cast on the doll was cut and dominated while maintaining it.

   I wanted to try to control the gods attached to the doll in this way, but it seemed to have failed.

   Ishtar's pupils turned scarlet, and he gritted his teeth. Everyone could see that he was very angry.

   She grumbled and stood up, waved her hand, and drank: "Mana!"

   is a lot bigger than her, and a huge sky blue bow inlaid with a lot of golden patterns appears beside her.

   In an instant, a huge blue energy arrow was attached to the stringed bow.


one strike!

   "The first enchantment is destroyed!" The staff in charge of the enchantment urgently reported how is it possible, this has never happened in the past, director, please give instructions! "

The alarm bell was masterpiece, and Kraunpis was indifferent. She wondered if there was a problem with these people's observations. It was not that non-life could be an unconscious tool person by relying on the gods, but only relying on the height of the material to reach the consciousness of the gods. Strength and strength.

  The treasured dolls are definitely much more advanced than the cyborgs.


   Ishtar: Level 161.

   "The second enchantment is destroyed! Start the self-destruction program of the subject!"

   "No, can't start, the signal is broken!"

   the staff shouted.

   Is the structure of the treasured doll changed so that the original signal frequency of the controller can't be matched? Kraunpith thinks so.

   "Director! What to do!" A staff member ran up to Crow Enpis.

   "How do I know! You all go to sleep!" Kraunpisi snapped his fingers, and all the people who had been mentally controlled fell to the ground and on the workbench.

   "[The stars are shining [S-F]]!" She immediately raised her hand and called out countless star bullets in the enchantment surrounding Ishtar, and shot around her!

   "Boom boom boom boom boom!" The smoke engulfed Ishtar.

   is simply verifying the law of "smoke without injury" and it has no effect.

   Ishtar’s "Magic Power" is also A grade.

   Her sharp eyes slowly glanced over here!

(to be continued)