Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 73: Kraunpith vs Ishtar

   Seeing that his attack magic had no effect on Ishtar, Kraunpis immediately switched to other magic——

   "[Moral distortion [D-M]]!"

   "[Painful fluctuation [W-o-P]]!"

   "[All species in the, [blasphemy[B]]!"

   Not only attack magic, but also mental magic is useless.

   Ishtar, as a goddess, has the same "goddess core" as the eldest sister and second sister of Gorgon, and has the effect of maintaining the absoluteness of the body and spirit. It is meaningless whether it is mental or physical torture.

   Ishtar pointed his bow in the direction of Kraunpis and Francesca.

   "This guy is really terrifying," Francesca puffed up her cheeks, "Really, don't look at me, this guy is the commander." He patted Kraunpis.

   "You!" Crown Pith turned her head--

   Where is the Francesca?

   Where is she?

   This scene seems familiar?

The third barrier was also broken, and only the last physical barrier was left. Krampis didn't bother to care about Francesca, opened the portal, pulled out the real boss who was fainted by him and threw it on the ground. He jumped into the portal.

   Level 161, higher than my current self, I really don’t want to fight.

   "The sins that dragged me to the world over and over again, don't think this is over!" Ishtar stared at the dark "door" that was missing in the institute.


   "Huh~" Crown Pith just sat on a skyscraper, catching a breath.

   Suddenly, a violent explosion occurred in the building of the research institute two kilometers away, and then several huge blue light arrows were shot out of it!

   Coming toward Crowen Pith!


  Crown Pith noticed that the arrow path is not a simple parabola or straight line. Will it be induced? Will it be operated by air?

   "Hell [Evil Abyss[]]!"

   She condensed a pitch-black sphere in her hand, and used it to flick forward, transforming into a huge pitch-black pillar, and swept toward the huge blue light arrows!

   A light arrow was swallowed by the black pillar, but it also caused a sudden decrease in the energy of the black pillar.

   wiped out the three light arrows, and the pitch black pillar weakened.

  Crown Pisi's feet, flapped the wings that were called out from behind, and rose into the air, seeing the remaining light arrow approaching in front of him slightly turning——

   "[Dimensional Movement [D-M]]!" Immediately teleported to the inside of the building.

   "Boom boom boom!" Three huge arrows exploded three big holes upstairs.

   Seeing that the inducing force is not so strong, Kraun Pith breathed a sigh of relief.

   Before work hours, no people can be seen in the skyscraper, and light arrows continue to explode on the building.

   Kraunpisi thought of the opponent's shooting distance, and with a thought, a clone was left behind to attract Ishtar's attention, and he teleported to 100 meters behind Ishtar invisible.

   "Prison Symbol [Flash Stripes[]]!"

   She squeezed tightly until now, even with multiple spells, she has forcibly tamed the unknown "Wuming Short Wand", infused with magic power and ignited, calling out eighteen purple fireballs, and preparing for a wave--

   Ishtar noticed the concentration of magical power behind him, turned around, saw eighteen purple fireballs appearing out of thin air, and immediately stood on the huge bow and flew to the side like a skateboard.

   Seeing that Ishtar actually found himself, he clearly had the advantage of shooting each other and refused to fight himself against him, Kraunpith had to switch his tactics——

   "Prison Symbol [BrustingGrudge]!"

   She controlled the fireballs and chased Ishtar, although the chasing would consume the fireball's power, and spread the blow so that the energy was not concentrated to further weaken the power, but it didn't make sense to miss it.

   She wants to let the fireball catch up and burst out the beam of light to make Ishtar face muddled!

Unexpectedly, the first three fireballs had just approached Ishtar, but the girl who was sliding took out a short spear with a long blade from nowhere. Using the huge bow as the pedal, he jumped and killed the carbine, and made a cross cut— —

   The three fireballs were split apart and dissipated.


  The giant bow is fighting autonomously even after leaving Ishtar! Shoot a light arrow and smash the purple fireball!

   Even if Clown Pith has the foresight and dodges fireballs, it is too difficult to control too many fireballs at once.

   No way, Kraun Pace gave up most of the fireballs and made them explode in place!

   "Boom boom boom boom!" Only four of the seven fireballs left turned into purple fireworks, and the fire and storm blew away Ishtar, who was still flying in a chic position.

   "Ha!" Seeing another fireball pierced by the giant bow, Kraunpis liberated the remaining two fireballs and turned them into beams of light to shoot at Ishtar, who was tumbling in the air.

   "Boom boom!" This time it was a direct attack. The purple beam of light hit Ishtar's delicate body directly onto the road on the ground, and it happened to hit a tanker truck, causing a big explosion.

   The residents have been running around in a panic.

   Kraun Pith took out the Soul Eater and absorbed a dozen souls from the explosion.

   "Huh? Where did the giant bow go?" Then she noticed something was wrong. The bow seemed to be...

"Boom!" With a blow from outside the field of vision, Kraunpith was also hit by an arrow from the top of his head. The two pits where the goddess and the goblin were inserted were less than five minutes apart. Ten meters.

   After the giant bow Mana quickly flew back to Ishtar, the two pulled out their bodies from the pit one after another, ignoring the panicked crowds around them.

   "Don't play anymore." Kraunpisi pulled down the portal with her feet and fell in, but didn't leave the city. She had to figure out what Ishtar was going to do.

   "No way! Take off, Manna! Open the portal!" Ishtar used that huge bow to shoot an arrow, and forcibly shot through the space connection that Kraunpisi had just closed!

   Manna is the ship of gods in Mesopotamian mythology, and at the same time, it is also the interstellar portal connecting the earth and Venus. Because it is not the main body descending, the function of the transition is partially restricted.

   also does not have the function of moving freely in space, but it can exert its treasure function. When she uses the treasure, she teleports to Venus. Relying on the authority of the administrator, put the concept of Venus in the hands, as the concept planet, and put it into the magazine of Maranna. It is basically equivalent to connecting space with archery.

   Although this is equivalent to using the magic power of the Liberation Treasure for nothing, but Ishtar's magic power is also EX-class, it exists outside the specification, and doesn't care about consumption. She estimates that this body can be freely on the earth for a week.

   The result of her shooting this arrow is that the relative position of her and Crow Enpis has hardly changed.

   The next moment, Ishtar kicked his feet, almost touching the ground, and flew toward Kraunpith!

   Kraun Pith, who had a retreat in an instant, realized one thing: I can’t escape.

(to be continued)