Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v8 Chapter 84: On the magic eye collection train

   Yvette introduced herself with a playful face, and as she said, she climbed directly onto the table and placed a scissor hand in front of her. It really was a second-degree illness, but—

"Miss Yvette, it’s too close. Although I know you, it’s because of the presence of Weber. I think it’s the first time we talked, right?" Crown Pith looked at her face across the table and brought her face close. Yvette, who was close at hand, said.

   "Hey, even I have never called me so kind. The teacher is obviously still single. Are you a teacher's wife volunteer? Ah, can the teacher be bothered? But the wife and mistress are not in conflict, right?"

Crownpies put a perverted look. Although she felt that it would be okay for her to make a child with her own child, but thinking of this, Crawnpies felt her own pollination and fruit-bearing ability status again, and she burst into tears. , But this is not the thing that should be paid attention to at the moment——

  I'm acting as a human now, it's better to be like a human being.

   Yvette bowed slightly: "If 3P doesn't go well, then I'm sorry?"

   Kraun Pith was silent for a second, and then the bar read and said: " get off."

   "I won't roll."

"go away."

   "I won't go away."


   "Don't get out. The teacher is mine."

   "I told you to roll off my table! You are amused!" Kraun Pith simply pressed Yvette's face and pressed her back to the seat.

   Yvette, who was sitting back in his seat, opened the star blindfold, glanced at Crawnpice with green eyes, and asked, "You, may I have a good name?"

   "Claunn Pisi, if you call me Pisi, I will be very comfortable." Anyway, I didn't plan to stay in this world for too long, so don't worry.

   "Ah, is this a stage name?"

   "You can just treat it as it is." Crownpiece replied helplessly, there is no other way, "Clownpiece (Clownpiece translates to "clownpiece".

   "I'm interested in your left eye. I looked at my magic eye at close range just now. It seems to resonate?" Yvette said with a smile.

"...This was originally the fusion of your eyes and mine. It wouldn't be the case if it weren't the treasure "The Reaver"." Kraunpis said in her heart. what.

   Yvette is a second-degree ill, but also an orthodox magician.

At this time, a person wearing a train uniform appeared in the car, facing everyone: "Thank you for your cooperation. This train will also leave on time tonight. Below is the captain of this train, Rodin. I will disturb you as you talk about it. , Please forgive me."

   "The master of the car should have nothing to do with the famous sculptor, right." Crown Pisz made an excuse and diverted his attention.

The captain started the "travel introduction": "This car will return to London after a week in the fog for two days and three nights. During this period, please take your time to enjoy the display of the magic eye and wait for the last night of the auction. It was taken. The magic eye can be transplanted for you immediately, or you can keep it by yourself. In addition, the transplantation will not waste too much time for you, please rest assured. If you want to sell the magic eye, please come before the night tomorrow Our work area. You can also explain your needs to me Rodin."

   Another woman in a fur coat appeared next to the captain, saluted, and said, "I am Lei Andrews, and I am honored to be the host of the auction this time."

   Captain Rodin nodded again: "Next, I will introduce you the location of the guest rooms, please go here."

   is indeed close to the time for human sleep.


  Crown Pith and Jack walked into the guest room introduced by the captain, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Oh, I didn't expect that I would be questioned by reporters." The handsome, blond young Jack sat on the coffee table by the window, resting his arms on the table and supporting his face with his hands, and said like a complaint.

   "Jack, I really envy your acting skills." said Kraunpith, who rolled directly onto the bed and sank.

"It's not acting. This is also one of the images of my legendary Jack the Ripper. As long as it is a character that fits my legend, I can show a personality that fits the image." As he said, Jack sat up tightly and straightened his suit. collar.

   "Then, why not be Meiyou's elder brother, but be accompanied by people of the same age?"

   "I don't have the same legend as Shiro Wimiya."

"Ah...I think so too. But it may be difficult to make Miyu understand your nature and still like you." Kraun Piss thinks of the image and character of Shiro Weimiya. Accepted at the physiological level.

"……I see."

   "If the soldier who summoned you was a war orphan, maybe you would be very popular... Haha, just kidding, are you here really because of Anna's eyes?"

   "That's right. Now it's hard for me to protect Meiyou......" Jack said, got up and walked out the door, closed the door from the outside, and stayed there all night.


   The next morning, the dining car——

   "Haha~ Although I roughly understand that he is going to the captain to ask the question about the trading magic eye, but he hasn't returned all night or something."

Following the scent of the food, Kraunpi ribbons the goblin and yawns to make himself more like a human, and walks into the car with "fantastical" steps to sit It is not a buffet, and I am a little disappointed. .

   There are many displays in the room, most of which are glass jars with magic tricks, and inside are eyeballs soaked in solution.

   Seeing the eyeballs and eating? It's really a bit curious, even if Kraun Pess, who doesn't catch a cold with the remains of human animals, thinks so.

   All expressionless and stiff faces made her think whether it was the staff of the biochemical transformation man who had met in the U.S. who brought the meal to the seated Crow Enpis, which is a very orthodox Western food collocation.

  Crown Pisi tore a small strip of crust from the toast, dipped it with jam, handed it to the little fairy, and ate it by herself. By the way, I glanced at the duckling sitting on the side holding the "giant" bread crust and biting off the little fairy. It's really cute. It's just a good meal to watch the "living hands" eat.

   "Miss Pess, continue the topic of last night!" Yvette came again.

   "Anything about magic eyes, Miss Yvette?"

   "Yes." Yvette got closer and whispered, "Why does your left eye have similar magical power fluctuations to my magic eye? This is the original magic eye of our family."

   "Ah, your family has applied for a patent?"

   "Well, I applied."

   "…………" Kraun Pith suddenly became speechless, thinking that magic is something hidden, but did not expect that there is a patent right?

"But my eyes are not stone. Although my eyesight is not very good, they are better than your eyes. What's the use of your patent?" Crown Pisz said stiffly, switching his left eye to burn mode, "I'm coming. Try it right?"

(to be continued)