Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 120: I have to mention the Namibia mission

As the ninth class guide Shinobu, Mitarai Azuki directly left behind exactly one class of the fairy "reincarnations" and ran away.

"Whatever, being Hongdou teacher can't teach us that we are unemployed, let's go see what we can do." Wenka said, picking up the pile of lists and looking for it.

"It's true that she can't teach us." Iglia smiled slightly and agreed. They should have studied well when they came to this world. To outsiders, they are no different from geniuses.

However, most of the current tasks are disappointing.

There is no such thing as an easy task for gaining combat professional experience.

Wenka: "Well, do you want to find a chance to grab the seventh class task?"

Mary: "Is it interesting? Is it necessary to specifically confirm whether Bai is a man or a woman? It feels like it is a boring thing that only compatriots like Pess, Sunny, Sunflower will participate in in their leisure time."

Winka: "No, if there is a'Protagonist Halo', the mission can always be upgraded for no reason, right?"

Igria: "Just do what Winka said. I'm a little interested in the big sword that won't be slashed. It has something to do with my blood inheritance limit."

Mary: "...Also, since it is good for Leah's progress, I should be able to make more money. If there is no problem overseas, try it."

It was indeed a good idea to kill two birds with one stone. The reason Mary paused was because she always felt that she had forgotten something, as if there was a conflict. But if you have a crash schedule with other compatriots, it shouldn't matter if you give in to each other. The fairies do not compare performance.

After that, while paying attention to the commission, he was doing boring D-class tasks. Occasionally, Wenka went to find red beans and was "tortured".

Although I paid much attention to it in a few weeks, I didn’t expect the mission to be put away directly after Danzo got it, and it was not released publicly. It was not released until a team of famous elites on the Ninja leader proposed to upgrade the mission. So it’s very tight.

When Kakashiban proposed a C-level mission in the Hokage office, Danzo thought about it and just took out the mission, Mary, Winka, and Iglia rushed in directly from the door to grab the mission.

"Class 9? So that's the case." Danzang remembered the new situation of the information he had inserted outside, and felt that it was not appropriate for the task to be handed over to the seventh class, so he said, "Yes, this task will be handed over to the ninth class. ."

That was the task of guarding the country of Poland, guarding the bridge-builder Dazna, who just happened to be drunk, and escorted him back to the country of Poland until the bridge was successfully built.

"Are these three girls really ninjas? Isn't it enough for me to protect them?" Dazna said dissatisfied.

"That is, why did we finally get a C-level mission? Let's get there first! Get in line!" Naruto jumped out on the spot.

"You **** looks even more unreliable," said the drunken Dazner.

"What are you talking about!" Mingren became anxious, and he raised his fist as if he was about to attack Dazna.

"Naruto-san, don't be impulsive, what should I do if I knock down the client?" Hinata hugged Naruto to stop him, blushing unknowingly.

"It's enough for me! This is the Hokage office, not a place for you to fight." Danzo knocked on the crutches and said.

"Yo, old man." Adzuki beans suddenly appeared behind Dazna somehow, and put his arms around Dazna and said, "I seemed to have heard someone say bad things about my disciple?" It's rare that the disciple is a little bit motivated, she doesn't. How fun is it to join in?

"Did you treat us as disciples?" The three goblins "reincarnated" complained inwardly.

Naruto swallowed, and secretly said, "I feel that this big sister is the most murderous, super terrifying."

Danzo said, "Mr. Dazna, this is the team of direct disciples of'Kinoha Sannin'. Do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"...No, no, when will we leave?" Dazna asked in a daze.

"Hey, Naruto-sama, I don't like that title." Adzuki bean is a disciple of Oshemaru, but Oshemaru is a betrayer. She remembered that Oshemaru was "kindly" to come to her and ask her if she wanted to come together before she refused. A lot of memories of the time with Dashemaru were erased, but only the hatred remained.

"The task is handed over to your two classes. You can discuss the departure time by yourself." Danzo said.

Naruto suddenly became happy: "Really!"

"Wait, I don't have the money to hire so many people." Dazna said hurriedly.

"It doesn't matter, it looks like you have something to say, so I'll give you a discount. Kakashi and Adzuki will stay, and the others will withdraw first." Anyway, there is no loss to Danzo.

After the others left, Kakashi asked, "Hokage-sama, could it be this mission, what's the secret?"

He knows who Danzo is. Such an abnormal situation must have happened, and it may be closely related to Konoha.

"Yes, I think it is the most suitable for two teams composed of at least two Shangnin to carry out." Danzo paused and said the hidden intelligence of the mission.

Of course, there is no direct connection with Dazna. He is just a poor old man who has been involved in the struggle of domestic forces and wants to beg for Konoha's protection but cannot pay enough to protect him.


"Okay, everyone, let's go." Kakashi said in an absent-minded tone as he walked from the village to "In Love in Paradise" in his hand.

The group of the seventh class is full of black lines, reading this kind of book while the task is unreliable, and—

"Kakashi, let's be late!" Adzuki bean's tone made people think that she might grab Kakashi's neck and shake vigorously at any time.

"Sorry, I was lost on the path of life just now."


There are ordinary people like Dazna in the group, so everyone can only walk forward with their feet like ordinary people...

"So slow! Are we hiking!" Mary started to express her dissatisfaction without taking a few Is the old man an important person in Poland and doesn't have a means of transportation? "

"Then it needs to be said? There is no money, otherwise we have such a luxurious lineup, he will pay this little money." Iglia held the back of his head with both hands.

"Obviously you have money to buy so much wine?" Naruto joined in without knowing it, looking suspiciously at Dazna's luggage.

Dazna's face was blue and white. He really didn't have any money. As for wine-can this price be comparable to ninja hire money?

"Then, in order to speed up the pace, how about carrying Dazna? Anyway, it doesn't matter if there will be no ninja attack in the C-level mission?" Wenka's eyes turned left and right in the surrounding jungle, and suggested with a smile.

Mary and Igleia rolled their eyes as well, and then agreed. Igria smiled, she seemed to be looking for a chance to show off her abilities.

Without a concealment, Kakashi looked at it and expressed concern about their ninja qualities.

(to be continued)