Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 154: Otsuki descends, the fairy is so scared

After listening to Sasuke’s introduction to Alfin, the blogger slapped the table and said cruelly: “Wait, Mr. Sasuke, that is to say, a soul like Otsuki takes over your sister’s body, is this really good?”

Alfin said indifferently, "No, the character of Sasuke’s twin sister was destined to die. Without me, Sasuke would only have a lonely childhood. You know, the famous history of Uchiha’s extermination. No. Sasuke lost the Uchiha ninjutsu that her parents hadn't had time to learn, or I taught it to Sasuke, right, Sasuke." She said neither overbearing nor overbearing.

Sasuke also looked away, closed his eyes and said, "I don't want to comment too much until now. Indeed, without you here, I can't be who I am now." Then the writing wheel opened, "All said. It’s too much trouble to come out, let me tell you all at once with illusion."

Three years later, the Fourth Ninja World War broke out. At the end of the war, due to the launch of the Infinite Moon Reading, a six-way immortal and his brothers jointly sealed the "external visitor" Otsuki Teruya who was resurrected. This man was extremely powerful and finally won. NS.

However, Otsuki Kaguya revealed that sooner or later the same guy will come to this planet in the future.

Coming to the farther future, Naruto married a wife and had children for ten years and finally became Hokage.

At that time, the nine big-tailed beasts had already gained freedom. But there are three more big barrels, peach style, golden style, and pu style. Zuo Ming teamed up with the efforts of others and finally defeated the peach style and golden style. But Pu Shi has not given up yet and wanted to catch the tail beast. As a result, No opportunity was found.

So he used an accidental archeological excavation in the village of Konoha to come to this era, and wanted to directly deal with the child who is still a child. It will appear in a few days. The three people present were involved in the battle to guard the treasure, and arrived at this time early.

Of course, the above content is not completely delivered.

The information Sasuke passed to Alfin is also obviously obscure all the time and information related to the fairies. Alfin thinks that she is worried that she knows the future situation of their fairies in this world. What changes their future.

But Sasuke did convey the seriousness of the situation in which Otsuki Mokura-style came to this time and space to take action against Kuo Renzhuli.

"We want to know the specific abilities of the Otsuki Mokura Style." Alfin said.

"There are the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, the reincarnation eyes that can use the time and space ninjutsu, and the red fishing rod to catch the chakra, and then the ability of the fished person can be used." Sasuke conveyed.

Alfin showed a hint of doubt: "Just like this, the sacred tree, is there any ability to make huge meteorites or repulsive gravitational powers than Chakra Fruits?"

The blogger was surprised: "Hey, aren't those abilities that you are talking about, why do you know?"

Sasuke was not surprised: "What I just said, the soul in my sister's body is a stranger like Otsuki." Then he said to Alfin, "I haven't seen him use it yet, but he wants If you have these abilities, I think it should be used earlier, instead of working hard to avoid strong enemies and run back to shoot."

Alfin feels that this big pipe is a bit unauthentic compared to the plot information, and it feels weaker than Uchiha Madara, but you can’t be careless, just "the reincarnation eye of space ninjutsu can be used" is tricky enough, that fishing rod It is also very troublesome. Alfin looked at Sasuke’s current Chakra state with reincarnation. It is strange that most of the capacity is missing. Although it is slowly recovering, it will take a few days to reach normal. According to Sasuke’s opinion, it should be caused by the fishing rod. The non-reincarnation eye, the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao Sealing Technique to absorb imprints.

It seems that the enemy is really troublesome, do you want to help Sasuke heal and increase combat power?

"It's a big matter. Give me a good consideration of 6 o'clock in the evening. You can do it yourself at other times, and be careful not to be suspected by Danzo." Alfin stood up and left.

After Alfin left, the blogger said: "Mr. Sasuke, why can't we go directly to Zhuli of this era? I would like to meet Aunt Anqi, who I have never met before."

Sasuke thought of the scene in his mind when Naruto was in school with An Qi when he was a child, and Ren Zhuli's current situation, and he suddenly became bitter: "I think it's better for you not to meet. In front of the hot chili pepper. Maybe it will die."

The blogger grinned: "Ah, it seems that my dad is called hot chili, and then my grandma is blood red chili again. Are all the women in our family chili?"

"It's because of the temper and the unique fiery red hair." Sumire interrupted with a smile.

"Even if you don't die, you will definitely notice Danzo." Sasuke added.

"Right," Alfin poked his head in again and added, "The one who looks like is his son? Sorry, your father is busy now. Mission, it’s difficult to see him. Has he become Naruto?"

The blogger didn't react for a while, and then nodded with a trace of regret.

"I think he may be very different from your image right now." Alfin added.

"On this I very much agree." Sasuke reluctantly squeezed out a sentence.

Alfin's head shrank to the outside again, and she really left this time, eagerly preparing to hold a goblin group meeting.

This is an absolute accident, the big barrel is here, how can I wait online, anxious

overord world, titania country, big hollow in the central underground

Kraunpisi walked into Star’s room and raised her chest and asked: "What, give me an emergency contact or something, is it not going well with the plot information or is it that the butterfly effect has changed too much, is there anything that I have to say in person?"

Star: "The story of the story is the clearest recorded by Pith, and it is the most accurate to use the magic of operating memory. If there is a case, just do this, so it's best to say it in person."

Kraunpith: "So, what happened?"

Star has magically conveyed the fact that Otsuki, the only sunflower that has a free connection between the two worlds, will appear in Konoha Village through time and space.

Kraunpisi shed a cold sweat: "It's not that I have given you less information. I don't know this at all."

"Oh," Star lifted his chin and smiled slyly. "The same is true of the Moon World, is it a parallel world again?"

"Who knows" Kraun Pith was a little flustered, but Datongmu appeared at this time.

"Forget it, take shelter from the limelight. The Naruto World has nothing to do with me. Fighting their world to cause some losses should be able to stop the invasion of a big barrel. After all, there are no Ten Tails." Before the frame of the middle world, prepare to take off the painting ()