Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 243: Naruto harem battle

An Qi accidentally broke the artifact that sealed Shion's power in a hurry, Shion burst out like a light wing, saving Naruto who was about to be killed in the next second.

In the darkness surrounded by ghosts, Shion said goodbye to Naruto, ready to transport all his strength, dragged the ghosts and blew himself together!

Suddenly, Naruto pulled out Shion who had just become enlightened!

"You idiot maiden, take a deep breath! Can you see it! Can you hear it!" Naruto pulled Shion out hard, fleeing in the opposite direction, and shouted, "What are you talking about! Just want to go like this! Are you dead!"

Shion, who was interrupted and blew himself up, was also taken aback by Naruto, squeezing out a word: ""

"Want to disappear!"


"I can't hear it, use Shion to speak with your own mouth!"

"no, do not want."

"Yes, I don't want to lose any more companions! Unreasonable destiny, there is no need to accept it!" Naruto yelled, jumped into the air holding Shion, raised his hand and began to store [Spiral Pill], which is not an ordinary ball. , Even the energy released by the Miko who was about to explode just now gathered into her hands like collecting natural energy.

Shion realized what Naruto wanted to do. Although it would not be able to completely eliminate the ghost sprites, he could temporarily defeat it so that he could not move for a long time, so that there would be a buffer time, and he could live a longer period of time regardless of new ways. Also fully cooperate to release their strength.

"Hey!" An Qi stomped and shouted at Naruto who jumped into the air holding Shion, "You didn't tell me too!"

"Ah, that's right! An Qi, I will definitely bring you back too!"

"It says I don't want to be kept in a Konoha cage! Why don't you listen!" An Qi put aside her face, and was about to use Naruto and Shion to spread her breath on the monsters. "The end of the seal is that guy's soul and Consciousness-sprites, you don't need the magic of the witches, Naruto, even if you have a way to use a little witch's power, you can't do it. I will deal with the ghosts and leave the rest to you. [King Kong Blockade]!"

More than a dozen golden chains tied the ghost dragon, controlled by the black mist, and dragged it away from the ghost.

"[Seal of Li Sixiang·Dayu Spiral Pill]!" An Qi suddenly accumulated a huge black sphere in her hand and printed it on the monster, and the entire huge dark dragon was gradually sucked into the seal.

"Stop it!" Sprite's forced activity regardless of the separation state would reduce its lifespan, and rushed towards An Qi to directly attack and swallow her soul.

"So slow!" Naruto still hugged Shion, holding the shining ball in his hand, "[Xianfa·Chaochakra·Dayu Spiral Pill]! It's an appointment, change your destiny!" On the sprite!

The ghost ghost made a desperate voice. With two explosions, the entire volcano where the ancestral hall was located came to life, the ground began to sink, and the lava began to surge! Soon the foothold will all disappear!

"Oh~" An Qi secretly pressed and twisted the ball that had sealed the miracle on her stomach, and activated [Gossip Seal]. Despite the intense pain for a moment, she quickly calmed down.

"Angie! Run away!"

An Qi raised her head and saw Naruto flying towards her, still holding Shion with one hand, and reaching out to her with the other hand.

Maybe it was an opportunity to get rid of Naruto completely and retaliate against Naruto. An Qi stretched out a hand back and blasted a big hole into the wall of the ancestral hall. With the other hand, he grabbed Naruto’s hand and said with a smile: "It’s time to run. Yes, it is you."

Immediately, a tornado whirled at high speed on the spot, and amid Shion’s screams, Naruto and the Miko were thrown out of the cave, and then she stepped down suddenly--


Shion stared dumbfounded at the hole just thrown out by An Qi, engulfed by the eruption of lava and flames.

"Wait, who is that person? He has been doing strange things since just now." Shion asked.

"My sister." Naruto said, continuing to escape the gushing magma with Shion, preparing to join Hinata and Sasuke.

"Really, aren't you worried? I can't believe you are such a person." Shion said.

"Of course I am worried, but An Qi is very strong, she will not die because of that level. She is very similar to you, because she is alienated by the people in the village because of her special power, so she will leave. I will definitely change her My destiny is my forbearance."

"Ah, isn't it?" Ziyuan also said, if An Qi is helping Ziyuan, if she will die, then Ziyuan will definitely predict that if there is no, then she must be fine.

"Cut." An Qi, who was observing secretly from the outcrop behind the rock, gritted her teeth, and her little abacus went bankrupt from the beginning.

After Naruto joined Sasuke and Hinata, the Miko who was still being held by the princess felt a little embarrassed and told Naruto to put her down.

"In this way, the work of the Miko is over." Naruto asked.

"No, I will continue to be a witch from now on. That guy's power is an evil in the heart. If I defeated it just now, who guarantees that I won't reappear in the future?" Shion said, looking at the erupting volcano.

"However, don't just say to change your destiny. It was my mission to be a witch." She paused, and her tone became very solemn, "I want to pass this power to the next witch, how about , Naruto, can I lend you to it?"

"Oh, you are a maiden from the land of ghosts, just so, I also want to be a man from Hokage, so I will give you as much as you want!" Naruto said with a thumbs up smile.

Hinata was almost cooked in an instant: " that energetic?"

An Qi was thundered almost instantaneously, and she almost exploded her hair. Why did Hinata understand Shion's words about tiger and wolf? Although An Qi understood it too.

Only Naruto absolutely didn’t eyes turned back, the chat scene between An Qi and Sunflower and Cacino——

Sunflower touched his cheek and said, "Hehe, hehe, funny harem. Will An Qi care about this?"

Cacino tilted his head for unknown reasons: "Harem?"

Sunflower raised her finger, and she couldn’t help saying: “Hinata likes Naruto and everyone knows that everyone is known to passers-by. The Shion maiden initiated a hint of love to Naruto. Then I heard Naruto announce that he is going to be the man of Naruto... so gay, you can eat it all together, hahahahaha."

"It's not that kind of place, hehe...hehehehaha." An Qi just denied it, and suddenly realized that she was covering her mouth and laughing.

"Different from the habit of laughing, don't you also laugh happily?" Sunflower happily said.

(to be continued)