Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 295: Dream Master Sunflower

Sunflower listened to Winkaworth's words and said happily--

"Perhaps it has something to do with the power system. Most of our power is acquired in this world. In contrast, apart from learning how to maintain her goddess beauty and increase her combat training, Anna has not learned anything else in this world. Huh? Why don't Leah and Belle try the water with the sharp spear and magic sword first."

"It's worth trying." Alphan agreed after thinking about it, adding, "Although the best plan is for us to quit the war and find a place to hide and secretly summon Tokuo to perform [Unlimited Moon Reading]."

"Impossible." Sunflower greeted several Bai Jue, and asked them to carry out the sealed container of the three-tailed organ cloned by the Dashewan that was stolen by the pharmacist. It was originally sealed by the pharmacist in the previous generation of [Unclean Reincarnation], but after finding it, it was taken out and sealed by the way.

Seeing this, Alfin cooperated with his hands to summon a golem from the outside world.

Sunflower threw the sealed container into the mouth of the Outer Golem, and for a moment—

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!

"Wow, it's noisy!" Wenkawozi covered his ears and looked up at the outgoing golem like a stimulant. "This brain is trembling, and it is estimated that the country next to it can feel it. And this violent chakra fluctuation, it is estimated that half of the planet can perceive it!"

"So I can't hide."

"That's it, can't you be quiet."

Sunflower and Alfin sighed with their chests akimbo.

"But I have to be prepared, let everyone who are still watching the show come to help, and-[Psychic Art]!" Sunflower summoned the long-lost Anna and said, "Anna, long time no see, I have to Please."

"Huh?" Anna raised her head and looked at the evil golem who was shaking her head to death, "Since just now, I have felt it from a distance of several countries. It seems that you have done incredible things again."

She was picked up by Kraunpith to increase the fairy's bottom-line combat power. Although she understood what the world would be like, she didn't know what the fairy was doing here, even if the war had been fought for several days.

"Please, the armies of all countries are coming!" Sunflower bent down, "Be prepared so that you don't be disturbed, Anna help out."

The fairies were not interested in smiling at the entire coalition with Nioh on the ten tails.

It's fine if they don't come. If they come, they should reduce their morale and the number of ninjas as much as possible before contact.

"Haha...I see, at least in the end, it is beneficial and harmless to the creatures of this world. Anyway, before the witch appears, I will help you to reduce the number of disturbers as much as possible." Anna said with a big sigh. .

"Very well, I have reincarnation eyes. I have to control the ten tails with Madara. You can help Winkaworth." Alphan said to Winkaworth.

"Yes, if you only need remote support, it will be on me." Winkawoz stood up and saluted.

Alfin: "I deny it directly?"

Sunflower: "Really?"

An Qi: "Forcing one, hahaha."

"Hey, I'm an archer. It's weird to make me face up? Ah, yes?" Winkawoz swept across a few goblins, and said to Sunflower, "You can't do it either, a few resurrected The guys are out of control and become enemies, so don’t hesitate to untie the [Wooden Escape·Reincarnation Art]. Save them to give the enemy power and warmth?"

"...It seems like this?" If the sunflower hadn't been for this wooden body, it would probably be cold and sweaty.

"Hey, Sister Kwai, don't you know how to release it?" Alfin wondered. Anyway, Uncle Snake also participated in the research and development. I don't think that mad scientist would make such a low-level mistake.

"I, I know...The problem is that you can't reverse channelling alone without control. Completely lifting means that all the souls of the entire technique system ascend to heaven and disappear into the world." Sunflower said hurriedly.

"So... hehe, hee hee, hee hee ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha "

"...Yes." Sunflower really couldn't afford to straighten up, so he almost—

"Cracking crackling crackling—"

The poor sunflower fell to the ground, and a few goblins stepped on him and danced.

Anna looked at the group of fairies, said "I'm leaving now", and was no longer here.


Country of Fire, Konoha Village——

Although the war is not over yet, now Konoha Village has to hold an emergency meeting.

The original think tank of Konoha Village was sent to the coalition headquarters, so only Kakashi, who had returned to the village not long ago, was in charge of it.

Yes, he is the only one alive. The others are all dead people who were resurrected by [Fure Earth Reincarnation] or [Wooden Reincarnation Art]. The first generation of Naruto Senjujutsu has pulled out the black stick from his body, and The second generation of Naruto Senshoukan, the fourth generation of Naruto Hafengshuimen, Jiraiya, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui.

Where is Jiu Xinnai?

Both Naruto and Sasuke were able to sustain the virus from Alphan by the fairy Chakra and the curse seal. Soon after the battle, they fell ill and fainted. Even when Kushina was a Hokage’s wife, he did not survive. Having participated in the internal affairs of the village, it is natural to take care of the children at this time.

Also carried into the ward for isolation were Shion and Yamashiro Aoba who passed through the same area as Sasuke and Naruto at the time.

After this, Kakashi concluded that Shion’s death prediction really began at this Judging from the experience of guarding Shion last time, it is not surprising that even the partial fragments that appeared before death were not completely related to death.

Fortunately, no large-scale infection has occurred. Fortunately, it seems that the virus will not easily spread from person to person. However, quarantine was carried out just in case.

Has managed to recall Tsunade urgently. However, the front line obviously needs Tsunade psychic beasts. After a brief discussion by the coalition headquarters, Naruto and Sasuke’s current strength is essential for the main members of the showdown, which can greatly reduce the casualties of the coalition forces. Therefore, the compromise is to let the internal disciple Haruno Sakura Healed with the eldest disciple silently, their ability and experience combined, their personal healing ability is no less than Tsunade.

Kakashi listened to Uchiha Itachi's report, who knew a lot about the current situation of the war, and pinched himself with some uncomfortable pinch to stay awake.

"In other words, you have to consider that many of your previously sacrificed companions will come back as enemies. I thought that most of the enemies have been wiped out and the initiative has been taken, but the real war has just begun?" Kaka Said West.

"Preparing for the worst is exactly that," Itachi said.

(to be continued)