Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 381: Mouth escape and harem, Naruto's Shindo

"Although I am not talented in combat, I can still do it at this level. For opponents other than the use of demons, I can do this."

Shion said, taking the blow of Kaguya without injury, and slowly knotting a few seals on his hands, summoning a huge pink hydra monster, which is equivalent to removing the dark chakra. It is completely powered by the power of the witch. Monsters.

Hui Ye was alert. Before, this human was hit by An Qi as a club. Her general attacks had no effect on this human. Even Hui Ye could feel a slight threat from her. But since it was confirmed from the previous battles that she had nothing to do with time and space abilities, and also retained the human body sense, she would not be a very troublesome opponent.

Naruto took advantage of Shion's confrontation with Kaguya to help Sasuke tear down the yin and yang escape product, and said, "It's okay, Sasuke."

Sasuke saw Naruto appear on the stage in vigor, he was a little relieved, and said, "Ah, how is the Six Way Immortals, do you have any final explanations?"

"No, I heard from Mrs. Kakashi and Granny Tsunade that his old man left by himself before I woke up." Naruto replied.

"Did they say that." Sasuke secretly said that those older generations were really kind to Naruto, but Yui had told him to grant power again, and there was not much time left. I guess I should find one by myself. The place slowly disappears, don't want to make Naruto sad?

However, it was the right choice at this time. Otherwise, if Naruto’s character heard about such a thing, he would probably return the chakra he had just obtained to Yuyi. Yuyi was a dead person, and it was suspected that he could not participate in the war normally. That would weaken the combat effectiveness.

The gathering of Naruto and Sasuke gave them the power to seal Kaguya, and Kaguya stopped for a while.

Naruto stepped forward one meter and said: "I've heard about you. It's Granny Huiye. I think your son did something wrong, but his son is independent and has his own ideas. Shouldn’t mothers be happy for their sons, and do more communication to find ways to reach a consensus? Why not only don’t you listen, but keep everything about your child around!"

Kaguya was expressionless but said anxiously: "I originally gave their chakras. Besides, it was Yui and Hamura's fault. I didn't have enough strength and army to defeat them, so Chakra gave it back to me. ."

Hui Ye launched an offensive.

She worries about what hands and feet the group of guys will leave behind, and she didn't immediately re-expand the space enough to trap these human beings.

The fierce conflict between a few people broke the earth to pieces in this world. The three of them didn't see it well, worried that they would gradually move to places with populations, and immediately began to induce the battlefield, gradually moving from the land to the sea.

"Grandpa Yui is already making up for the mistake!" Naruto yelled, "He distributed the cultivation methods of Chakra to the world. Although the Ninzong established by your son went a wrong way in the way of using Chakra. , Maybe human beings have been fighting for selfish desire and hatred chains. In your opinion, it is a meaningless fight among children, but countless people have created the history of ninjas and become heroes. We are the most powerful force used to protect the world! Your practice has long been outdated!"

"Can you do it?" Hui Ye was not so easy to be stunned, she knew there were still a few ninjas in the distance.

If it's only that level, Huiye would rather do a few more Baijue like A Fei or who can use the Five Elements Escape. The sapling of the sacred tree provides Bai Jue with ten chakras to enhance his combat effectiveness.

In fact, the twins had used this method to bring a little sacred tree wreckage to the Overlord world, and Ling Xian and Ling Hu had done the same thing on a larger scale.

Moreover, the White Jue Legion has an advantage over humans. At least the body based on the sacred tree cell is difficult to absorb chakras by other big pipes. Generally, ninjas encounter big pipes and have no other possibility other than turning into food. Although ninjas who specialize in physiques like Metkay are excluded, it is not easy for humans to make physiques or weapons that can damage the big barrel.

In addition, the life span of human beings is too short in the eyes of Datongmu. Even if the strength of climbing to the sky is cultivated, it will inevitably be eroded by the years and gradually die out. Bai is so good that it can always maintain basic survival by photosynthesis and land moisture. , Now these special Bai Jue with good strength are all made by her thousands of years ago and have survived until now.

Therefore, Kaguya feels that Naruto's statement is not reference.

Naruto's mouth failed and the battle started again. Kaguya's current strength was better than Sasuke, Naruto, and Shion, but when the three of them went together, she could not win it for a while, and was repelled from time to time. The ability of aster language to predict death also made Huiye interrupted whenever she wanted to make a fatal blow.

After a while, Sasuke, Naruto, and Shion began to gain an advantage. After all, the ten-tailed chakras that Kaguya currently holds are not the ten-tailed body, but the chakras contained in the roots of the sacred tree on the earth.

"Naruto! Remember our purpose!" Sasuke saw that Naruto broke an arm of Kaguya for a while, shouting hurriedly, knowing the existence of foreign enemies, Kaguya, as the highest combat power capable and willing to guard the planet, and More detailed Datongmu information can't be really sealed.

I can only give her a good start and let her listen to the truth.

"Shion, can your defensive barrier be reversed to restrain others?" Sasuke asked Shion.

"...No, I haven't learned it."

"Tsk... Forget it, it is enough that you give chakras to you. Can you use it to me like you gave Naruto chakras? Give me half."

Shion curled his lips, a little reluctant to use the body-fitting skills with people other than Naruto, but he glanced at Naruto who was fighting Kaguya alone for the time being, and nodded.

"Okay, Naruto! Prepare to stop her in one breath! Prepare to attack me!" Sasuke clapped Keiyin, gathered up [Chidori], and yelled to Naruto.

"Oh!" Of course, Naruto had not forgotten the purpose of the battle, and Jieyin with both hands once again separated a large number of shadow clones and surrounded Kaguya.

Although Kaguya still lacks ninjutsu knowledge, UU reading intends to use a large number of clones to create flaws for Naruto and Sasuke to flanking her. The purpose of combat can still be seen. She is working with all her eyes and ready to meet this round of attack. .

Naruto: "[Inverse·Harem Art]!"

Sasuke & Shion: "..."

It stands to reason that the probability of Huiye being deceived by this kind of treasure trick after playing for so long should be much smaller, but the picture is really beautiful, let alone with his eyes open, so he can see more clearly.

Hui Ye, an old alien aunt who hadn't done anything for thousands of years, couldn't help being stunned even for a moment, and then was knocked over in the air by a group of handsome men who had to hit the holy light to broadcast.

It's now!

Sasuke: "Which way to drag!"

Naruto: "What is gay!"

Still the familiar little clever...

(to be continued)