Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 57: I'm going to fold Naruto's flag

As an orphan, Naruto saw his father, and after crying with joy, there was a quarrel. Who told him to live an orphan life even though he has a family?

Judging from Naruto’s appearance, Water Gate’s secret path really is like this. He understands that the choices made by the three generations of Hokage at that time are also protecting children in a sense. It is the treatment of Ren Zhuli that makes Water Gate angry, but it is just a moment. Once a Naruto, he can only measure the difficulties at the national level.

He heard Naruto talk about An Qi's experience and deeds at school, and he understood eight points. Kushina was almost like that back then, and that seemed to be okay.

But what makes Mizumon a bit embarrassed is that he didn't plan to meet Naruto at this time, and revealed to Naruto who was going to school what he wanted to entrust in the future, such as manipulating the masked man of Kyuubi who calls himself Uchiha Madara, such as Finding peace is too burdensome for single-digit children.

However, since the Nine-tailed Chakra has been drawn to An Qi by the nine-tailed body, I can only pray for what Kushina inside An Qi can do.

There is no need to consume chakras to suppress the nine-tailed chakras in Naruto's body, so the water gate that can stay in Naruto's body for a longer time does not show that he is the fourth generation of Naruto. The new decision he made is...


Although it was unnecessary, Anqi and Mary went into different toilets and locked the doors, took off their pants and sat on the toilet, urinating loudly.

Mary turned her head, her pale eyes gleaming white.

The reincarnated eyes are the eyes evolved from the white eyes with the most insight in the world of Naruto. They look different from the white eyes that seem to be cataracts. When the pupil surgery is not activated, they look like blue eyes with a little color, and nothing will be discovered.

Because there were other people in the toilet, Mary used [Message] to chat privately: "Angie, there are four kinds of chakras in your body."

An Qi: "More than I thought?"

Mary: "Well, in terms of color similarity, there are two types of whirlpool chakras and two types of nine-tailed chakras. The whirlpool chakras gathered on the seal are yours, and the nine-tailed chakras are conscious and unconscious. Two kinds. In short, the smaller part of the Nine-tailed Chakra is a bit awkward. As time goes by, the chakra slowly penetrates into your own circulation. Unless you learn to control and use it, it will be a matter of time before it leaks out and runs away."

An Qi: "What happens if it leaks out...? I don't think it will have any effect, right."

Chakra is a product of the combination of mind and body. In turn, chakra can continue to affect the body. If the chakra is okay and the virtuous cycle continues, it should have a great effect on the physique.

Mary: "Standing at the top of Konoha, think about it. The person facing the tail beast is terrible. You have to work hard to find something you can do if you can easily skip things. If it leaks out uncontrollably, I think they will add a new seal to you and strengthen surveillance, which is not good."

Angie: "...I understand, as long as Chakra doesn't leak out."

Mary: "I hope it's simple."

An Qi: "Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee, it's simple. Just use ninjutsu and use it. From now on, I will be more active with the fox maiden body. [Spiral Pill] will also get used to this body practice, improvement, and then After a year, I will also use [Shadow Doppelganger Art] to skip class to practice, joking, haha, good idea... Mary, can you give me some toilet paper?"

Mary: "I didn't bring it?"

An Qi: "...I seem to have diarrhea again. I don't have enough."

Mary: "Can you treat it by your own mouth? Ha, I remember you relying on your own mouth. You can eat milk and bibimbap after a few years of expiration. It's clear that human intestines and stomachs are so fragile."

An Qi: "But... I can't take back what has already come out."

Mary lifted her trousers and left the toilet room. After throwing the extra toilet paper into Angel's room, she left the toilet, but found that Naruto was still there.

"Are you still there?"

"That's that...I'm really An Qi's brother." Naruto looked stupid but very aggrieved.

"I understand." Mary patted Naruto on the shoulder with a sympathetic look. "I know, Naruto is very lonely. I understand the feeling of wanting to live with the same surname." Weird.

"I have something to go now."

"Well, since school is over, everyone is classmates, and no one is at home. I will go to play together later..." Naruto sneaked out subconsciously, feeling that there seems to be a "play with everyone" recently. Concept, eh? When did it exist?

"I said--" Mary, who had just walked a few steps away, quickly turned around and strode forward with an aura that her six relatives did not recognize, pushed Naruto to the corner, and pointed to his chin and said, "I, but if the task can be earned When you buy ten kunai with money, you will never use people with more than nine kunai in the mission. What good is it for me to play together? What can I get from you by wasting my energy? "

[Message] In the communication: "Angie, you can help me solve Naruto after you finish the big thing." Although Naruto is the protagonist, Mary really has nothing to do with this stupid human being. interest.

After speaking, Mary left Naruto a distant back: "I really feel bored and don't want to practice, so I can go to Mr. Iruka and ask you to eat ramen. If he has enough money."

Soon after, poor Naruto directly rubbed An Qi against the wall.

"I heard you are my brother? Why are you so weak?"

Naruto thought with tears: "Dad, this is not just'blood red pepper', it's definitely'hot pepper'."

"It's okay if you want to be my brother like that, giggle ha ha ha ha." An Qi smiled while rubbing Naruto's face.

"Oh, really!"

"But there is a as a brother to protect my sister, how can it be better than me? Hehe." An Qi let go of Naruto and smiled at her.

If An Qi is willing to have a good laugh, she is still very cute.

Naruto was overjoyed at once: "Then, as long as you are better than you, is it all right?"

"Hey, the premise is that you can do it. Naruto, aren't you the tail of the crane?"

"Okay." Naruto responded excitedly, turned and ran.

Naruto seems to long for the so-called friendship and family affection, and it is quite simple, although the goblin "reincarnations" did not directly understand where Naruto inquired about this matter, but since Naruto has such a personality, then All he needs to do is to do something that simple but difficult to accomplish, and everything will be fine.

"Hey~" An Qi thought that Naruto should not be annoying for a long time, and then she felt a little wrong, and turned to look at Naruto's away back, "Did I just set up an incredible fg?"

(to be continued)