Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 62: Where does peace go?

Itachi suddenly violently violently knocked down all the captains of Konoha Police Department in an instant, making the captains terrified.

Dao Huo saw that Sunflower finally blocked Itachi's offensive by relying on Mu Dun, and he was a little relieved, got up, gritted his teeth and said: "Itachi, since you joined Anbu, your words and deeds have become more and more strange. What are you thinking about?"

Itachi had no expression on his face, but his tone of voice was deterrent: "Attachment to the group, attachment to the family, attachment to the identity, these are terrible things that restrict oneself and limit oneself, and the fear and hatred of the unknown is extremely stupid."

"Speaking of these ordinary instincts as terrible and stupid, because I was smart since childhood and became arrogant, Itachi." Sunflower couldn't stand it anymore. Obviously, the only qualified to laugh at human feelings are the upper races who look down on humans from a higher perspective.

With that, the body of Sunflower disappeared instantly and appeared a few meters behind Itachi, pretending to make a mark, several vines burst out of the gaps in the stone ground out of thin air, and tied it up.

"Bang!" The trapped object was replaced by a wooden stake.

"This double adds instantaneous speed..." Sunflower just turned around in the direction of his eyes, and he received several punches on his body. He was immediately trapped, and he staggered back with a series of strokes.

Sunflower has the memory of Yuekui, but the body is not Yuekui's, nor does it follow the memory of Yuekui to adapt to Uchiharyu's physical arts and maneuvering techniques like the way that Kraunpis practiced physique, and the result was It became a phenomenon of giving Itachi a fat beating with his hands and feet.

Does it mean that Itachi doesn't understand a little bit of pity and cherishing jade? Sunflower looks like a cute girl.

Ah, he really doesn't understand! As the saying goes, "men chase women in the mountains, women chase the men in the gauze", but Uchiha Izumi has chased him for a few years, but Itachi hasn't even seen the spring! Sasuke is one of his greatest interests. Isn't he the "that"?

I accidentally pulled it far, and Sunflower is still being unilaterally beaten by Itachi.

Itachi said, "Sister Yuekui, she will only escape, she will never practice again for a few years, she's unfamiliar."

However, Sunflower didn't hurt at all. There was Uzumaki Jue turned into a disguised clothing body outside of her body. She didn't break the defense at all. After recovering, she raised her hand to clasp Itachi's hands and stopped his movement.

"I'm weak? I'm kidding, I'm afraid I accidentally killed you. Itachi, I've already seen that you are a playmaker." Sunflower said, "From the time when you pretended to be smiling and accepted your foster father's compliments, ah. "

"What about this?"

"How about being honest?" Sunflower lowered his voice, "I know, Itachi treats Shishui as a respected brother, admires Shishui's ideals and will, so-you didn't find Shishui, you saw Shishui's suicide At the scene, because he admired him and respected his will, he didn’t stop him from committing suicide, right? Zhishui is dead. It’s you if you die. If you really regard Zhishui as a big brother, even if you make him hate you, give it to me. He brought it back!"

Before the words fell, Sunflower could only feel the sky spinning.

Itachi made a back fall and turned Sunflower's body to the ground.

"No, say it again." Itachi's voice became a little trembling, and he recalled what happened last night.

"Zhishui! Are you injured?"

"Ah, Lord Danzang doesn't trust me, I can't talk here, they are here!"

Itachi faced the large number of Genanbe and Danzo who surrounded him and Shisui, and said, "It doesn't matter, even if Shishui you are injured, based on the words of me and Shishui——"

Not only will it not lose, but it will also be possible to fight back.

"Wait, Itachi," Shisui stopped Itachi. "If it becomes like that, Uchiha will be in the name of a betrayal."

Danzo showed a sense of admiration: "It is indeed Shishui. Even now, I am considering the peace of the village. For the sake of peace, I will accept your other kaleidoscope of writing round eyes."

"Danzo, you are making trouble at this time!" Itachi was also unable to calm down at this time.

Danzo: "Even if Uchiha’s dissatisfaction was temporarily suppressed by illusion, the relationship has not changed. Sooner or later, the coup will happen again. Uchiha and the village confrontation is only a matter of time. Therefore, the way to protect the peace of the village is to find ideas for the future of the village. There is only one way-to catch Uchiha at once."

Zhishui: "More than that, you wanted to write round eyes from the beginning!"

"Of course, the writing wheel eyes are very useful. The Uchiha clan can't stay, but the important power for the village can't be wasted." Danzo lightly squeezed the crutches, and a large number of dark root ninjas immediately attacked.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" xn

The Anbe ninjas were knocked away by the huge mass, but a huge green skeleton appeared outside Shisui. The skeleton was extremely defensive, and the Anbe's ninja and ninjutsu couldn't break it.

"The kaleidoscope writing wheel is not only good at the ultimate illusion, but also the ultimate offensive and defensive integration [Suzao Nohu], outsiders use stolen writing wheel is not available. Master Danzo, chasing it is meaningless of."

Danzo could only watch Shishui protecting it from the encirclement and disappear into the distance.

Even if it can catch up, it's probably a free gift.

Shishui and Itachi came to the edge of the cliff opposite the waterfall they had agreed to meet.

Shisui: "Uchiha's coup can no longer be prevented. Once Konoha starts a civil war, other countries will surely take advantage of it. War is inevitable. I originally wanted to use the idea of ​​[other gods] to change the patriarch to prevent the coup~www.mtlnovel .com~ was taken away by Danzo’s right eye. He didn’t trust me and wanted to protect the village in his own way. I was afraid that my left eye would not be let go. Before that, I crossed this eye. Give you."

Itachi: "Zhishui...what about Sister Yuekui then?"

Zhishui: "Ah, she is a friend who has benefited me a lot over the years, but if one day lets her choose between a family and a village, she will not hesitate to choose a family; when she chooses between a family and a family, she She will choose her family without hesitation; when she chooses between herself and her family, she will choose herself without hesitation. She is such a person. It is not to deny her. It is true that most people do not have the intention to take care of the overall situation at all. It is very satisfying to guard your own little family and even live a good life. This is human nature, but it is precisely because everyone only cares about themselves that leads to the emergence of struggle.

"Although Yuekui looks like that, she is different from ordinary people. She has given up. There are many ninjas who are worried about peace, but the reason for her giving up is to see and get close to the essence and root of the struggle, so she gave up. , Because that’s something far out of reach. In fact, how many years has the struggle of mankind been. If the struggle can be stopped, I believe many people are eager to stop, but no one has ever done it. How can peace be achieved? , More exploration is needed."

(to be continued)