Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 66: Alfin graduated

"There is nothing to learn at school or at home. But everyone is terrible. I am afraid. I am very good at ninjutsu and illusion. If I get this profound meaning, I will have no shortcomings, so there is no need to be afraid. ." Alfin said.

With this kind of mentality, it is naturally impossible to be accepted. However, Alfin's behavior also made Teacher Chen feel a bit of sorrow for the relationship between the village and the family.

"Listen well, I'll show it to you again. Do your best to resist." Teacher Chen didn't intend to teach, but for another purpose.

"[Konoha Dragon God]!"

Seeing the white dragon taking off, Gouyu in Alfin's eyes turned.


This time Teacher Chen did not attack immediately, the dragon was circling. So Alfin put his hands together, and started the first attack without seal ninjutsu: "[Fire Dunge · How Fire Linking Ball Art]."

Three fireballs attacked the white dragon from the left, center, and right directions. After a slow shot, the white dragon moved. During this shot, all three fireballs were shot flying and shook apart. They hit the ground not far away and caused a lot of flames.

Facing the white dragon that was approaching, Alfin continued to stare wide. The dragon's speed was obviously slower. Was it intentional?

"[Fire Escape·The Art of Dragon Fire]."

Now that time was given, Alfin had no intention of standing and waiting for the attack to "slowly" arrive, and immediately released a fire dragon that was one size bigger and more intense.

When the two dragons collided head-on, the two dragons bite, and within a second, the fire dragon was re-entered and pierced out of the chrysanthemum!

"[Fire escape · Ashes burn]."

Alfin spewed a puff of gray smoke to the surrounding area, and saw the white dragon ignoring it and plunged into the smoke, immediately jumped out of the smoke, and raised his hand to throw a small flame into the smoke.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The gray smoke is not just a blindfold, it is also a flammable gas, and it will explode immediately when it encounters Mars!

"A deception...Even if the energy formed in the form of a dragon from the body prevents the explosion, the air should be exhausted and it will be difficult to breathe..."

The white dragon dispelled the explosion, as if mocking Alfin for all his resistance.

Alfin felt horrified by the white dragon who was biting and swallowing himself, and subconsciously used rank magic: "[flaming wings [FmeWing]]." The wings were stuck in the air.

"It doesn't matter if you are's ninjutsu that I developed, right? I'm just a few years old, can I explain it with a genius? But there's no way, but fortunately, I have basically read the essentials of [Konoha Ryujin]."

Teacher Chen deliberately attacked Alfin at a speed that most people can see clearly.

Alfin thinks according to the possibility of human thinking, thinking that this is to allow the opponent to see how unsolvable and powerful this move is, so as to achieve the purpose of making the opponent desperate and give up completely. But it also gave Alfin the opportunity to analyze it with a round eye.

However, the inability to copy is not something that the human body can easily do. It is absolutely impossible to do without at least a few years of penance, because the human body has its own limitations.

The white dragon, in essence, looks exactly like a tornado generated by rotation, but Mr. Chen's rotation only takes a moment, and after that, he uses his body to spray chakras to control the strong wind generated by the initial rotation, which is linked by a secondary physical phenomenon. It changed its form to the shape of a dragon. The chakra used was different from the escape technique and it was not completely sprayed out, so the mana cost was very low.

However, with the structure of the human body, what kind of exercise can be taken to withstand such a physical phenomenon caused by the high-intensity bursting movement of Chakra inside and outside the body?

Alphan knew what he couldn't learn from this body.

"However, there is a way to crack it, just use rotation to deal with the rotation. The wind speed in the eye of the wind is the smallest, that's there. In any case, I have no intention of getting hurt in vain. [Fire Dun·Dayu Spiral Pill]."

A high-speed rotating flame ball appeared in Alfin's hand, the flame wings burst out, and the body turned into a rocket thrower and rushed into the eye of the wind.


Because of the high-speed rotation of the wind wall, Alfin's body was sucked into the wind like countless blunt blades by the air pressure difference, and the wings of flames behind him blew erratic and out of control.

"Chakra, it's not enough. Can't start the procedure again!"

This is not the most dangerous, the person in the eyes of the wind, but it is not that he can only stay still during the operation.

"[Konoha Sudden Wind]!"

When a kick hit, Alfin could only use the flame **** in his hand as a shield to meet the sudden strong wind.

"Boom!" The ball almost exploded in Alfin's hands. Fortunately, he was the surgeon and interrupted the supply of Chakra in time, reducing the power, otherwise he would have to be severely burned.

But even so, her body could no longer be stabilized under a shock wave, and she was involved in the tornado.

The next moment, the white dragon dissipated, and Alfin, who could not maintain his posture, landed on his hands and knees, raised his head in embarrassment, and looked at the old man with his hands on his back.

"Understood?" Teacher Chen's next sentence was beyond Alphan's expectation, "You are already very strong, this is my thirty-year-old strength. Don't care about those people, if you have a clear conscience, just stand up and face it. Let them." After saying that, like the first time, he turned and disappeared in a flash.

Since then, Alfin never saw the old man again.

Teacher Chen really passed away a few years later. During this time, some people who discovered that he was alive and admiringly came to study art were also sent away by him for corresponding reasons.

But that's a story. Now, the fighting here is really too loud, and with the shadow clone Alphan, the "skip" of using the shadow clone to learn the body is naturally reported to the senior Konoha by the school teacher. [Shadow avatar art] Generally, ninjutsu is learned by the upper ninjutsu. Alphan is obviously super-class, and geniuses naturally have to be treated specially.


That afternoon, Alfin, who was forcibly prepared to graduate by Konoha's senior management, returned home'm back. Is dinner still OK? "Alphan came to the restaurant and lay his face on the table.

Mikoto's voice sounded from the back room: "I'm back so early today? How is Alfin's practice after class?" Mikoto was cleaning.

"... I feel a little uncomfortable today, Mom, I'm sorry."

"Really, are you okay? It's not because the practice was too intense a few days ago that left some hidden wounds, let mom come and see?"

"No, it's okay. Actually, I had some irritation with my classmates and seniors at school, so... I'm sorry, mom."

"...Really, did something happen?"

"It's okay, my grades are too good accidentally."

"So that's the case, it's inevitable for our family." Mikoto understood this, she must be jealous, and it is inevitable that children of a family with high blood inheritance will be like this.

(to be continued)