Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 68: While talking and laughing, Dashemaru is

In the afternoon, Uchiha Street——

"Yuekui, it's really early to come back today." The aunt at the counter said, and handed the paper bag to Yuekui who came to shop.

"Hehe, I have less work today. Auntie, is there too much weight for the three-color dumplings today?" Yuekui said to the auntie at the counter, weighing the packing table in her hand.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay. The extra is for your sister Yuekui as a graduation celebration. Let's also give Xiao Anna something to eat. Although she doesn't admit it, she really likes this kind of sweets." Auntie at the counter said cheerfully. .

"Um..." In fact, the sunflower was originally intended to buy for Anna, so she had to smile and said: "Hehe, my sister will not say that Anna is my psychic beast, although it is because of the security team and my wages. The village was'detained' so that she would also find some odd jobs to subsidize her family, but she became more and more popular."

Just a polite remark. Although Uchiha’s deductions by the village increase month by month, it does not make life difficult at present. It is only the increase in Uchiha’s dissatisfaction with the village calculated on a daily basis. Recently, everyone loves to talk about this. Only the Uchiha tribe, companions, and relatives can go shopping and chat in Uchiha Street calmly, and outsiders will only be swallowed up by strange eyes when they come in.

The aunt at the counter said, "Because of Anna's human form, I am afraid that she is the cutest girl in the village. Although I have also had the honor to see the humanoid psychic beasts of the Sarutobi clan, isn't it like a monkey?"

"No, that's a monkey? Even if it's a talking monkey." Sunflower said with embarrassment.

"Yes, yes, it's a talking monkey."

"Then, goodbye, auntie."

Sunflower bid farewell to the aunt who had been familiar but still didn't know her name, and kept walking on the street carrying the paper bag.

She was a little disturbed.

Obviously, it has been less than twenty hours since the revolution started. Why did Dashewan lose contact-so I came back earlier today and didn't do the experiment.

Nothing will go wrong, right? Although the revolution is nothing else, the temporary loss of contact is considered to be in line with his style of being a strong man, but Sunflower's heart is blocked.

When he came to the flower shop where Anna was working as a banquet girl, Sunflower saw that there was no one in the shop, so he raised his head and shouted upstairs: "Anna, come home for dessert."

For a moment, Anna's head poked out from the stairs: "But..."

"It's okay, it's okay," a sick old man's voice rang again, "My son in the police department should be off work soon, cough cough... it won't take long for my granddaughter to deliver the goods. Anna, you and Yuekui goes back, cough cough."


Sunflower's eyes widened for a while. When did Anna and the flower shop owner have such a good relationship? Although I think that Anna is so beautiful not to be a kanban girl in a flower shop is wasteful, that's right.

At this time, a girl who was slightly younger than Yuekui walked into the door, and when she saw Yuekui, she bowed slightly: "Sister Yuekui is good." Then she walked into the room and shouted, "Grandpa, I'm back."

"Yeah, Qi Jiang is still so polite." Sunflower smiled and touched the head of the little girl called Qi. "My house is very busy tonight and tomorrow. Can you return Anna to me first?"

"Ah, eh?" Qi's face stretched out for a moment.

"Xiaoqi, hehe, can't disturb Yuekui's work. Can you come up? Hehehe." The old man upstairs said.

"Huh?! Is Grandpa sick again?" Qi ran up quickly.

"Anna, go home, go back to my house." Sunflower put away his smile and said.

Anna glanced at the child and the old man again, and didn't hesitate to go downstairs and follow Sunflower to leave.

"There has been some unpleasant atmosphere on the street recently." Anna said.

"Yes, it's this kind of period after all."

Anna was silent for a while, and said: "I hate humans, but the humans here are still very good to me even if they know my real body."

"That's because Anna is very kind. If it's a femme fatale or a lioness, it's hard to please, haha."

Anna's face was a little red, and she immediately pulled down the brim of her hat: "You also make me feel very annoying, go to death once, huh."

"Tomorrow, what is Anna going to do? I'm afraid it will become restless here."

"I'm not interested in the pinching of humans." Anna continued to press the brim of the hat and whispered, "But... But, the contract with Kraunpith is just to fight for the beauty of the goddess myself, but also It’s not that there’s no other reason to fight. I still hate humans, because I have to blame humans for the completion of my life. The people I saw in the village were very good to me, but if there were people like the kind of people I met in my lifetime. If it appears, it may have the value of being cut off."

Sunflower squinted and squinted: "Protect the people you like, kill the enemy, why is it so troublesome? Okay, eat it?" He took out the three-color dumplings.

Anna raised her head slightly, her mouth was open, her eyes were staring.

"Just squeak when you eat, oh, don't eat, that's all right." Sunflower stuffed the three-color dumplings into his mouth.

"I eat. I want to stay for the evening to eat." Anna hurriedly squeezed out her words with difficulty.

"Dumpling for supper? Doesn't it suffer from indigestion... Well, it's not the fragile stomach and intestines of humans anyway, it doesn't matter, Anna wants honey tea?"



Danzo went to Itachi alone and said, "Don't look at the three generations, but you will choose to protect Konoha at critical moments. I hope you make a choice. Will you stand on Uchiha's side and participate in the mutiny and destroy together, or stand on our side? , Leaving only the younger brother to help kill the Kwang Uchiha clan. As for the Osha Maru—"

"I have killed the traitor." Itachi said blankly.

"..." Danzo was speechless for a while, he also wanted to say that he would hand over the body of Oshemaru and Uchiha Tsukikui to his subordinates for "disposal". Oshemaru is his He is studying the mass production of Shalunyan for him to use as forbidden consumables, but this kind of thing can't be said.

Danzo, who doesn’t seem to be involved in the revolution, doesn’t plan to stay. She graduated at the same age as Itachi. She is so smart that she will soon be dressed up, and Danzo also wants the pair of kaleidoscopes to write round eyes.

Itachi had only half a day to think. He finally sneaked into the school and glanced at Sasuke who was "playing" with Naruto.

Sasuke worked hard, despite his excellent grades, he was not proud at all. Although the Naruto man seemed to be an idiot, he was already physically better than most of the students. Without the tutoring foundation of the ninja family, it is really very good. Awesome, you may be able to become a powerful ninja, and he is not Sasuke's opponent now.

Itachi could tell that Sasuke had a low self-esteem, because his parents and children were perverted one by one. But sometimes, it's more common and less clear, maybe it's happier.

Itachi made up his mind.

So, that night, I squatted to find the masked man who had sneaked into Konoha...

(to be continued)