Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 78: The True Story of Itachi·The Choice of

Itachi noticed that "Tsuki Aoi" mentioned the vocabulary that Uchiha Madara had fought with the original Hokage Senjuzu in order to "borrow something".

What to borrow? At that time, Uchiha Madara mysteriously manipulated Nine Tails to madly attack Konoha Village, and everyone has always thought it was an act of seizing power. But after all, Uchiha Madara had lost to Senju Junma several times before then, and once again, even with Kyuubi, he faced Konoha as a whole, and he didn't necessarily win, right? In fact, what secrets are still unknown?

However, the preset video of "Yuekui" did not stop playing——

"Not long ago, the culprit of the Kyuubi Rebellion was also the one who possessed the writing wheel eyes. Uchiha is very suspicious. Is the village happy with the evil clan who may be rich in rebels? I also said that Uchiha is the evil clan, even I think so myself. After all, the way to gain strength is pain, and the price of gaining supreme strength may be the death of friends or relatives. Who outsiders can bear it? For this reason, whether it is Madara or bringing soil, or you , I like to go to extremes, so Madara will take a bit of something to catch the Kyuubi and the first generation of Naruto to fight, and bring the soil because Lin has been treated badly in the village outside the village, so he kills a master and master to destroy the next village and is ready to launch an infinite... …Ah, in short, there is no sacrifice in bringing soil. He is the real masked man posing as Madara, but he has been killed by the Oshemaru who escaped from your hand, so it’s okay to tell you; you also want to fight the village because of the clan. Just destroy the clan.

"Itachi, are you thinking that I know so much that I didn't do anything and feel resentful? Unfortunately, many things are solved after the masked man brought the soil.

"Let’s go back to the topic. If the civil war breaks out, there is no doubt that Uchiha’s clan will no longer be left this time. Uchiha’s past two troubles, the first time it was not the village of the first generation, will inevitably be destroyed; the last time the Nine-tailed Rebellion, the village It was almost destroyed and sacrificed four generations of Hokage. From Konoha's perspective, for peace and tranquility, the Uchiha clan will inevitably be eradicated. For us, Konoha is aggressive towards us, and the economy and power are constantly squeezed. The villagers also criticized us more and more. They are no longer hostile to us, but are clearly forcing us to be hostile in order to find excuses to kill us. If it is not revolutionized, who knows how much Konoha Village will overtake us next? Objectively speaking, we Isn’t it the victim? It’s too late to resist after being weakened. Is it a chronic death or a struggle... Forget it, anyway, the Uchiha clan was cut, and it has been going on since the second generation, but it just happened to be exhausted now. The time is ripe.

"There is such a saying that a ninja is a person who secretly guards the peace of the world, and in other words, is also a person who is played by the world as a chess piece and played with applause. To be honest, since the death of my parents, I have always felt that being a ninja is stupid. , However, the role of ninja still must be taken by someone, because not everything can be solved by beautiful words, which is a kind of helplessness.

"In short, all the responsibilities are left to me. There must be a reason for Uchiha to destroy himself. It happens that I have always publicly stated that I am tired of ninjas. Until now, I also feel that with the development of technology, the age of ninjas is very It will end soon. Just like what I did, Chakra and Ninjutsu can do a lot, but it’s too wasteful to only fight with them. Just use this as the reason why I killed a large ninja family in Konoha Village. Itachi, our younger siblings will not be able to gain a foothold in the village for a long time regardless of whether they are interested in Konoha. At least I beg you to take good care of them and wait until they can stand on their own feet."

"By the way, if Konoha and Anbe are still the same, Uchiha's remaining fire will eventually be unable to retain. Uncle Snake and I will go back and kill them when they are ready. Don't worry, who will do the calculations of the Five Generations of Hokage Village. Maybe it’s Tsunade, maybe it’s Jiraiya, maybe it’s Kakashi, it’s not our turn to get in the way. Don’t intervene casually. Remember? I can’t remember and I have no chance to watch it again. This is a one-off. After all, you are not sure who your eyes and this scroll will fall into in the future."

After the message was over, Itachi's hands couldn't stop shaking.

"How is it?" Ri Zhan asked. The text written directly above, only Sunflower took the initiative to assume the reason for the extermination responsibility on the condition of the safety of the remaining clansmen and guarantees that they would never show up in Konoha, and ordered it to be handed over to Itachi.

"No, it's okay... It's just that, although she is not a real sibling, Yuekui is really a good elder sister. She obviously hates our career in the dark, but she still pays a lot for Shinobu and his family." Itachi closed the writing wheel. He took off his mask and wiped his eyes.

"Yes, Konoha's economy is booming, she really contributed to her. I also feel very sorry. Itachi, go and perform the task." Rizhan said.

"Yes." Itachi put on the mask again and walked away.

His current state is not suitable for going home anymore, he can only completely hide his identity and act only as Hokage directly under the Anbu until the moment of death.


There are not many clues related to coup preparations that Itachi needs to deal with, but one of the tasks is also to monitor Alfin, because as a single-digit girl in her age, she is too mature, and such people occasionally appear during the war. Can't ask for it, but it is a hidden danger at this time.

After doing other things, Itachi came to a place where he could clearly see his doorway to school.

But basically everything was fine. Last night, Hokage's Anbu found her lying at Near the remains of her parents who seemed to commit suicide because of despair, one arm and one leg were broken. Although she was sent to the hospital overnight, she was diagnosed. It is not necessary to amputate the limbs, but immediately use medical ninjutsu to repair the injury, and then rest for a period of time should be able to live normally, but it is indeed impossible to be a ninja.

On the morning of the first day, Hagi Kakashi and Rin Nohara passed by the door once, obviously looked inside, and then went straight to Uchiha to take the Tujia.

Then, for two consecutive days, there was basically no movement here, and Itachi occasionally touched it in to see that Sasuke's condition could be said to be a bit worse than Alfin. It seems that before Sunflower left, he not only beat Sasuke to minor injuries but also severely mentally attacked him in order to make a realistic show before leaving. He had to stay in bed and rest. The housework was basically crutches temporarily, with a white cloth in one hand. Tethered and hanging from his chest, Alfin was cooking.

However, starting in the afternoon of the next day, Quan's only surviving sister moved in "without permission" to help the family with housework after school. How did she survive? Didn't the mask man hit the point? But there is no proof.

Itachi also felt a little relieved, and then he remembered that he seemed to have never known Quan's sister's name. It was clear that Quan was the only one who cared about himself when the family members rejected him. However, it is now separated from yin and yang.

(to be continued)