Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 90: The Legend of Itachi·Free Flying Sectio

Fei Duan was dumbfounded, he chopped Kacchino to take blood curse, but how to correct it without blood?


  Kakino’s race does not have blood, but the curse ritual of the fly section generally requires the body tissue of the cursed object. Generally, blood is best taken.


   "Is that enough."


   Fei Duan regained his senses, Kacchino had already deceived his body below him, and the knife came out. Since he was not dead, he acted as if he wanted to cut off his legs.


   "Don't underestimate people! The soul is light!" Feidan can only curse with one hand, and can't know how to use ninjutsu. In order to get blood, he has to practice powerful physical skills that match this.


   Bloody March sickle instantly turned and knocked to the ground, the sickle blade jammed the Odachi, and Feiduan took advantage of Kachino's meal and reached out to grab Kachino's head.


   "This guy~" Kacino felt instinctively that [Blindness] might not be able to avoid it, and immediately turned his head and felt a stinging pain in his head, and suddenly felt bad, "[Spirit Strike]!"


   "Boom!" The flying segment was shaken by a shock wave, the weapon was released, and it rolled on the ground again and again.


But he was excited. He stuffed the two hairs in his hand into his mouth, and with his wounded blood, he skillfully drew a circle with triangles embedded in it in a few seconds. The body turned black, tattooed like bones. White lines: "Ready, go to hell!" Take out a black telescopic spear and unfold it.


Kachino recalled this person's cursing ability, suddenly chills, no matter whether it was received or not, first solve it, let go of the stuck Odachi, drew out another Kodachi, and quickly slammed it down: "[Empty Sword] !"


   The sickle and scimitar awn destroys the ground and rushes towards the flying section. First of all, it should be able to destroy the magic circle, and the aftermath can also blow the flying section away, but—


   Fei Duan decisively leans forward slightly, and inserts the spear into the ground in front of the magic circle before the sword light arrives, that is—


   Others are still standing in the magic circle, but their upper body leaned forward in front of the magic circle and fixed it!


   Dao Mang split the hands of Fei Duan with the spear in an instant. Before the formation was destroyed, he tore apart the powerful blade from the shoulder blades of the collarbone to his stomach!


   "Uhhhhhhhhhh!" Kacchino's body was torn at the same time!


   "Obviously...I am a dead soul, if I am willing, I shouldn't be touched and injured by a pure physical attack..."


   The sword light exploded in place, and Fei Duan's body instantly became torn apart, and it scared Kacino's soul out of his body...No, the soul of the Necromantic race was originally out of body.


   But it's okay this time, but fortunately, the curse circle was destroyed a moment ago.


   Kacino breathed a sigh of relief, his torn body was like a destroyed mirage, and an illusory shadow returned to its original state.


"Huh~" Kacino breathed a sigh of relief. Although the appearance was repaired, the HP was cut off by more than half in one breath, and it was about to see red. Indeed, it is basically fatal to humans. It is the first time that it has been so severely affected. s damage. Going alone, there is no dead soul to restore magic to use, then it can only be solved by devouring the souls of living people. Fortunately, this job never lacks people who need to be killed.


   "Hey, why haven't you died!" The flying section with only one head left to move yelled dissatisfiedly.


   On the tree, O She Maru, who was idly watching OB, asked: "Itachi, have you seen anything?"


"It should be some kind of technique. It can bestow damage to the person who is swallowed by a part of the body, usually by taking blood. His kind of weapon is used to expand the range of attack, but Kakkino has a special physique. I had to take out my hair. Kacchino's condition... like a semi-spirit or semi-gas physique, no wonder the general physical attack is invalid. But the undead body of the flying stage can't be solved."


   "According to the order, let him partner with me? I think his body is torn apart and can't be used anymore. Why don't you do the research for me and find another partner." Oshemaru said.


  Oshemaru is obsessed with immortality, and I don’t want to let it go when I see some kind of immortal body, and the horns are different from Kacino, this is a guy who is really torn apart and still chirps in spirit.


   "A boring question." Itachi said he was too lazy to deal with it.


   "How is that guy Danzo?" Oshemaru asked casually.


"I don't know. But I want to ask, after dealing with the current Konoha high-level, to Yue... for her, is it for the village and Uchiha's orphans?" Itachi Ryo wrote and looked at Oshemaru, once in a while. The opportunity to be alone with Osha Maru must be asked.


   "This is also a boring question, don't you have an answer in your heart?"


   Itachi certainly has the answer in his heart. With the indecision of the three generations of Hokage and the greed and cunning of Danzo, although they all have the heart to do things for the peace and peace of the village, the combination of the two will inevitably make peace and peace pay some avoidable price. However, Uchiha’s tragedy should not happen again. It is impossible to slaughter the whole clan if there is a sign of rebellion. The village would have been scattered a long time ago, but the result is that the deterrence of Shao Lunyan and Uchiha Madara was too strong. Now, let ordinary people fear the people of Uchiha, and let the interested people peep into Uchiha's power.


Indeed, it’s better for the current Konoha executives to be wiped out. Even Itachi cannot deny this. The problem is that doing so will inevitably shake Konoha’s peace and tranquility. This has the belief that it is a ninja, and it is not conducive to the most important thing in Itachi’s heart. Human life, so you can only endure.


"Hey!" Cacchino turned around and waved to the tree and shouted, "Sorry, Dashemaru, you ruined your scheduled partner, but I was almost killed in the next, so forgive me. Who will get it with Tangyin Village? Commission remuneration?"


  Because the flying segment was rotten, it failed to recruit people, but "Akatsuki" also gained a reward, that is, he received a reward for killing the cult murderer for the people.




   Soon after, it was "Akatsuki" "online meeting" time again.


   Bai Jue: "Ahaha, after two runs, the number of people has not increased at all, hahaha."


   Hei Jue: "It's all because of some evil missed work."


   Bai Jue: "Actually, I feel that I can live by putting together the flying segments, probably."


   Xie: "Hmph, I know that Da She Wan is a guy who doesn't even care about official business for personal matters." Seeing that he was upset, he sneered.


   Deidara: "Are you qualified to say that collecting puppet materials in the task was a waste of my artistic time! Hmm!"


   Xie: "I don't understand your art!"


   Deidara’s explosions are all used in combat, and both the art and the mission are correct; the scorpion is not enough, the maintenance of the puppet and the production of the armed consumables in the puppet must be specialized. Excluding the differences in reality, momentary and eternally different views of art are caused by the art duo's quarrels have become daily routines.


Regardless of the Juehe bickering art duo who are playing double reeds, the Itachi who is listening to soy sauce is a little worried. Oshamaru told him about those things. Now that he knows his purpose of entering Akatsuki, it may be possible to escape from Konoha. When he had contact, he began to prepare to deal with Konoha's senior management.


(to be continued)