Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

v9 Chapter 91: The True Story of Itachi·Dawn's Worry

Itachi is anxious about Dashemaru's withdrawal from Akatsuki.


Sunflower once said that Osamaru would participate in the destruction of Konoha's high-level leaders. If it was only three generations of Hokage and Danzo, it would not matter. The two sang with a white face and a black face until Uchiha wanted a coup, although it was him who did it. But as a actor-level figure, Itachi would have been disappointed and murderous for the two people even if he didn't express his emotions. If it weren't for the peace of Konoha, Itachi would do it himself.


However, if it does not affect Konoha, it does not mean that the solution is solved. Hokage is strong, and it is generally impossible to directly assassinate. The ninja fought. Dashemaru will not fail to think about it. It will take a long time to prepare sufficient combat power. Sunflower's ability to make money is undoubted. Even if you keep the share of "Akatsuki", you can give Dashemaru a certain support. Maybe they will use or even form other Shinobu villages.


Sunflower: "Well, I have something to say, Oshemaru has not betrayed, and the ring that can be contacted has returned. Seeing that I make money and put a horse on the face? I will send a shadow clone to other casinos or underground fights. You can make more money in the field."


   Payne was silent for a while, and said, "Although I don't want him to leave like this. I can't get any waves out of the Dashewan, so it depends on the situation."


   If it is the same as Suzu said, Oshemaru uses the body of the masked man and can also be used for writing round eyes. Even if he cannot compete with the round eyes, it will be difficult to prevent him from escaping. Xiao Nan does have a way to deal with the time and space ninjutsu that can "virtualize" the body. After all, Payne can't fully trust the mask man, but the necessary costs and preparations are too expensive.


   Payne: "There is a candidate in Wuyin Village who has already negotiated, let Jue and A Fei go."


   That is the dark line left by the masked man before Uchiha's extermination with Payne to discuss the "Akatsuki" follow-up policy, which can only be picked up by the person who shared the most information with the masked man.


   Xiaonan: "What should I do if there are two others?"


  According to the plan, it is best to keep ten people full before the important stage of "Akatsuki" catching the tail beast. Why are there ten people? Just because Payne's mental power can only maintain ten people at most for "online meetings."


   Payne looked at Kacino who was silently listening: "Since your two compatriots can be enemies of the third generation of Tuying, then you should have the strength to match it."


After all, the three generations of Tukage are known as stronger ninjas than the three generations of Naruto. As the older generation, they have a wealth of practical experience accumulated from the era of Uchiha Madara, powerful dusty ninjutsu, and extraordinary minds. , If it weren't for the existence of the Years Killing Pig Sword, he might be the strongest shadow in the Ninja world.


   Although the process of killing the third generation of Tuying is unknown, it has been confirmed that the third generation of Tuying was affected by several flaws due to his age. Even so, being able to successfully siege is worthy of use, and will not lose control.


   Cacchino: "No doubt. Okay? It should be fine for me to persuade, but there will be small groups in this way."


   Payne: "It's okay, but I will go over there. I will regroup the two-person team."


   "Understood." Hei Jue said he agreed very much, or he said something secretly to guide Payne's thinking.


   There are some things that are more worrying behind the scenes, and it is more reassuring to put them around, of course, the premise is that the strength is enough to control.


Ling Xian and Ling Hu cherish the appearance given by Crowen Pith. No matter how the appearance changed by the fusion of foreign objects, they did not hesitate to use the [Shadow Mirror Body Turning Art] to deal with them. Let the skin return to the creamy whiteness of the fairy skin—the six modes are so pale and white, it's a fairy. This made Heijue not completely equate them with the enemies of the same family as his mother, Datongmu Kaguya.


   Lingxian and Linghu's abilities are not beyond imagination, at least they are nothing compared to Payne's big moves and the tail beast's abilities.


   After ordering the above things, Payne began to assign the new single task just received to each group.


   Until the meeting ended, nothing happened to Itachi. However, from the analysis of these rounds of "finding a friend", he can be regarded as finding out some of the weaknesses of Akatsuki. This organization is really distracted. Although the entire organization's whereabouts are hidden by decentralized operations, it is difficult to obtain accurate information by breaking into the spies, but because of this, it can be broken down individually, and the relationship between them will not be rescued in time. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. These people have the power of shadow-level battle at every turn. Even if they deal with two people, Danin Village can overcome. People will face one-sided slaughter.


For example, in the case of the murder demon in Feidan, even a Shinobu village in Tangyin Village had no choice but to hire Akatsuki. This incident was also solved by Akatsuki. It can be seen that the strength of Akatsuki and Shinobu villages outside the five major countries are compared. .


   Itachi also assumed the scene of "Akatsuki" playing a team battle: I don't feel that any Shinobu Village or country can stop it, and it will definitely be wiped out, really. It seems that Akatsuki is an organization that must be more vigilant, and there is no guarantee that Akatsuki's team formation model will remain the same in the future.




   The "online meeting" ended, Itachi stood up from the stone that released the wave of misses from meditation, his expression did not show any waves in his heart.


   Kachino also opened his eyes, grabbed the Odachi leaning on one side, stood up, and said seriously: "Itachi, this is the last task of partnering with you, go and do it well."




   The mission location is the wild area from the territory of Fire Country to the area of ​​Konoha Village. This is not a regular highway. If there are more people walking, it will become a road. Here is the kind of wild road.


   "What is the task?" Itachi asked regularly.


The work orders are basically done by Cacchino and responsible for limited Because Itachi thinks too much, Payne also prefers to take charge of the two of the members who are not tied or even feuded with the five major countries. The leader of the team.


"The simple annihilation mission will wipe out a group of'travelers' who will pass here today. The corpses will be tortured and mutilated as terribly as possible, and left in place. But this time is a little different. Please leave your mouth as much as possible. Then hand it over to the next." Cacino said lightly.




   The two concealed nearby for several hours. Finally, more than a dozen people passed by here. They were in ragged steps and some of them supported each other, apparently after an arduous escape.


   Itachi and Kacino immediately walked to these people and stopped them.


"Is it from Konoha?" Someone saw the forehead on Itachi's head. Although it was marked with a mark as a symbol of rebellion, but maybe they didn't see it clearly, they shouted, "Help us, help us Bar."


   "Go on." Kacino turned into a phantom indifferently, passing by the group of people, and one-third of them had fallen...


(to be continued)