Reading God System

Chapter 721: Unguessed thoughts

The voice fell, and a man in a white robe appeared in the secret room. The Great Emperor Ziwei recognized the man in white on the opposite side at a glance. Wasn't it the one who defeated and arrested himself in prison?

   The Jade Emperor God saw Zhang Bairen’s appearance and his expression changed. Without any hesitation, he immediately bowed his head on one knee and said: "Your subordinates have seen your Majesty! Your Majesty Shengan."

Zhang Bairen glanced at the Jade Emperor God, his cold eyes and expressions couldn't help revealing a little dissatisfaction. It has been so long, and he hasn't found any news about the Conferred God List for himself. It is simply a waste. The reason for appearing here is precisely to send others to find the Conferred God List. The last breath of the Conferred God List was in the Eastern World, and now the Eastern World has been reduced to the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty. I want to send spies to not disturb anyone. Under circumstances, it is impossible to sneak into the Great Xia Dynasty, so Zhang Bairen remembered the former Ziwei Emperor who was imprisoned in the heavenly court.

   "You go down first, I have something to talk to the Ziwei Great Emperor." Zhang Bairen said flatly.

  Jade Emperor God took a deep breath when he heard the words, and felt a little bad in his heart. Could it be that he was so disappointed by Zhang Bairen that the other party wanted to change candidates? This is not okay, the Jade Emperor God was about to say something immediately, but when he saw Zhang Bairen’s extremely cold eyes, he suddenly sighed again, and then he could only sigh helplessly, and slowly turned and left the secret room. And since Zhang Bairen appeared, the Jade Emperor God never looked at Emperor Ziwei again, because no matter how good he was hiding, all this was seen by Emperor Ziwei, and his humility was already seen by the other party. No more, this made the Jade Emperor God not only a little bit ashamed, but also a little helpless.

After the Jade Emperor God left the secret room, Zhang Bairen immediately came to the haystack in front of Emperor Ziwei and sat down. He did not care about the dark and humid environment here. The Emperor Ziwei could not help but narrow his eyes when he saw Zhang Bairen sitting on the haystack in front of him. He felt that what he saw was not an ordinary person sitting on a pile of straw mats, but a supreme emperor sitting on his own throne. The soaring power made Emperor Ziwei a little breathless. However, he was so angry that he couldn't help but wonder what the sacredness of this Bairen was?

"Are you curious why I would drive him away and stay and talk to you alone?" Zhang Bairen said aloud, saying that he did not know where he took out two cups and a pot of tea. Zhang Bairen was not about drinks. What a love, on the contrary, he likes these light teas, because these things enable him to keep his brain clear all the time, and only in this way keep his brain in the clearest state. He is in the heaven. It was Zhang Bairen's personal habit for a long time not to be found by those saints looking for opportunities.

"What tea?" Ziwei the Great raised the cup very rudely and smelled it, some curiously said, he had never smelled such a fragrant tea taste, which made him a little surprised, this world Is it possible that there are still tea leaves that you do not know? However, this was normal afterwards. After all, he likes more strong drinks, and there is not much research on this kind of tea with incomparable fragrance.

"It's not a good tea, it's just picked from some ordinary tea trees planted in the heaven. If you want to know, you can have a sip for a try. The taste of this tea is not so good, and it also has It has a powerful effect you can't imagine." Zhang Bairen replied with a smile, as if this cup of tea was a panacea.

   The emperor Ziwei couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words. Since it is only tea leaves picked from the tea tree in the heaven, can you still think that this tea has any anti-sky effects? However, when the Emperor Ziwei smelled the fragrance of the tea, he could not help but raised the cup and took a sip. The entrance was slightly bitter, but it disappeared in an instant, and a sweet and inexplicable fragrance appeared in his own. In his mouth, the Great Emperor Ziwei couldn't help being interested, and immediately took another sip, and the sweet and mellow taste appeared in his mouth again.

"Good tea, I never thought that just tea can make such a delicious drink. I didn't expect that there are still such wonderful tea in this heaven. I wonder if I can leave one or two for me to enjoy it?" The Great Emperor Ziwei asked aloud that he did indeed have a slight interest in the tea in the cup in front of him. This is simply impossible for a person who has always been good at drinking and dislikes tea, but he really happened.

"This tea is not so easy to get, even if I don't have much right now." Zhang Bairen said with a smile. He said that this tea was picked from the tea tree in the heaven, but he never said it was in the heaven of the earth immortal world. It was picked from the ancient tea tree in the Tianting Yuhuan in the prehistoric This is definitely a rare drink in the prehistoric world!

"That's a shame. Let's talk about it. Your Excellency asked me to talk to me alone today. Why are you planning to let me help you attack the Great Xia Dynasty? If that's the case, don't I’m looking for it, I can’t do it and I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to leave a reputation for betraying the East and surrendering to the enemy and leading the enemy to attack his hometown.” The Great Emperor Ziwei said rudely, if Zhang Bairen really wanted Let him attack the Great Xia Dynasty, so he will send off the guests without saying a word, even if he is not in his own territory but in the secret room of others, he will ruthlessly drive the opponent out.

"Of course not. No one knows how powerful the Great Xia Dynasty is today. Our Heavenly Court is now fighting against Wanxiang Tower. If we go to provoke the Great Xia Dynasty, isn't it seeking a dead end? Even our Heavenly Court's strength No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to do such a thing, and it will appear that our heavenly court is extraordinarily stupid, are you right?" Zhang Bairen grinned and told the emperor Ziwei how much the Great Xia Dynasty is now in the earth immortal world. Is so powerful that they dare not easily provoke them.

   "Then you mean, you came to find me in a place like this today. What are you going to do for you?" The Great Emperor Ziwei asked aloud.

   "This is not in a hurry, you wait first." Zhang Bairen said with a smile, and then closed his eyes and waited silently. This made Emperor Ziwei couldn't help but wrinkle, and he couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking.

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