Real Apocalypse Game

Chapter 244: From God to Man

Hundreds of dead zombies stared at the human who had suddenly appeared at the gate of the rooftop for several years, and fell into silence for a short time.

If they were still conscious, they would be grateful to this human at this point, after all they've been stuck here for too long.

But now, just in the next instant, the zombies roared wildly, roaring and rushing towards the boy who suddenly appeared!

Shen Feng snorted coldly and waved his hand to control the gray tide to completely swallow the zombies.

Nothing happened!

I'm used to using the gray tide, and for a while, I forgot that the gray tide has been disconnected!

With a scolding in his heart, Shen Feng immediately pulled the iron gate over and slammed it shut, but it was already a little late, and the front zombie had stretched out an arm, blocking the iron gate.

Shen Feng immediately raised the shotgun in his hand and aimed it at the zombie's arm and pulled the trigger.

"啾..." With a light sound, the bones and muscles of the zombie's arm were directly shattered by the shotgun shot at close range, and the entire arm was cut off.

"Bang dang!" The iron door finally closed, Shen Feng quickly inserted the iron rod, and blocked all the zombies that rushed over.

"bang bang bang bang..."

The sound of zombies hitting the iron gate kept ringing. Fortunately, the iron gate was almost two centimeters thick, and was completely blocked by iron rods. Even if these zombies mutated and their strength increased greatly, they could not break open.

There are also several recessed craters on the iron gate, and it seems that there has been a fierce gun battle.

After all, this is Mexico City. The original purpose of the people living here installing this iron gate should not be to prevent zombies, but to prevent gunfights between gangs.

Only then did Shen Feng realize that there was a mummified corpse huddled in the corner at the door.

The corpse also had a gun in its hand, two opposite holes in the temple, and deep bite marks on its arms.

It seems that when the plague broke out, this person led the zombies to the rooftop, closed the door, and finally committed suicide before he was infected too.

Shen Feng couldn't help but sigh, this man is also a hero.

When the doomsday cataclysm broke out, I don't know how many people have flashed the brilliance of humanity, trying to turn the tide, but in the end they could not compete with the general trend, and ushered in the final failure.

Shen Feng then picked up the broken arm of the zombie he had just interrupted and took a closer look, and found that it was similar to the zombie he had just dissected.

Muscle tissue is also well developed and active.

Even if it is interrupted, there are still weak muscle and nerve reflexes at this time, and the fingers are still curled and stretched.

These zombies have been kept on the rooftop for at least a year. How do they stay alive?

Pure intake has no output, which does not conform to the law of conservation of energy at all...

Shen Feng observed carefully, and then found a different place.

The skin surface of this broken arm is in a gridded state. It is actually similar to the subtle folds on the surface of human skin, but it is extremely neat and has a faint golden metallic luster.

Like a flexible metal film.

He peeled off the texture under the skin of the severed arm again.

The nerves and muscles are connected, and it seems to be a little different from normal humans.

It seems that the degree of mutation of the zombies is also quite different. The zombies on these rooftops seem to be a step further than the female zombie he dissected before.

Maybe we should open the door and find a few zombies to study and study...

Shen Feng looked at the iron door that was pounded and trembled in front of him, and dispelled this thought.

Forget it.

This building is too short, it's better to change it to a higher one.

Just then, there was a sudden sound of footsteps coming from under the stairs.

A sturdy zombie wearing a gold chain that was obviously a gang member roared up from below and rushed towards Shen Feng!

Shen Feng raised the shotgun and stretched it forward, directly touching the zombie's forehead and pulling the trigger.

"Pfft..." The black brain and skull fragments scattered behind, and half of the head disappeared directly.

Through the disappearing head, it turned out to be another zombie that was quickly climbing the stairs and rushing towards Shen Feng.

He frowned, came to the handrail of the stairs, looked down through the gap between the stairs, and saw that on the stairs below, there were a steady stream of zombies climbing along the stairs, coming towards him. !

It seems that the zombies in the whole building are coming!

Obviously, these zombies were attracted by the sound of the iron gate!

At this time, Shen Feng finally felt a sense of nervousness that he had not seen for a long time. He took out a canister from his pocket and put it in the magazine. He aimed down at the two zombies that were rushing towards him, and pulled the trigger.

"啾!" As soon as the steel ball touched it, the head of the zombie in front was shot, and the head of the zombie at the back was smashed into a sieve. The two zombies immediately fell to the ground and rolled down the stairs.

Only then a few zombies climbed up the stairs.

Shen Feng didn't stop. Instead, he rushed towards these zombies with a grim face. He continued to pull the trigger. Taking advantage of the shotgun's attack area, he tried to destroy the brains of two or three zombies with every shot.

You must leave here. Above is a rooftop full of zombies, and below is a steady stream of new zombies. Once trapped here, it is a dead place!

Although Shen Feng is confident that he can kill dozens of zombies with his bare hands even without ammunition, these hundreds of zombies will definitely eat him to the point of scum!

After killing these zombies, a vacuum appeared below. Shen Feng directly climbed over the handrail of the stairs, and fell to the lower stairs. He continued to climb over, and soon he came to the top of the corner of the stairs on the tenth floor.

There are so many zombies here that they can no longer go down again. Shen Feng directly put the gun on the handrail of the stairs and continued to shoot with a blank expression.

One after another, the zombies screamed and rushed up, were destroyed by headshots, and rolled down the stairs.

The corner of the staircase below is full of zombies with destroyed brains, and this staircase has become a road paved by zombies.

Seeing that there were zombies coming from above, Shen Feng suddenly slammed open a door beside the stairs, rushed into a corridor, and fastened the door firmly to keep the zombies on the stairs out.


"Whoa... whoa..."

The zombies started to slam into the corridor door frantically, and the glass inlaid in the center of the door shattered quickly. It would take a few seconds to break through the door and rush in!

There were many figures standing with their heads down in the corridor at this time. Hearing the voice behind, he opened his eyes and raised his head instantly, as if he had woken up from a dream, showing a ferocious look, and rushed towards Shen Feng!

Shen Feng charged forward quickly with the shotgun in his hand, pulling the trigger as he moved forward, like a ruthless killing machine, blasting the heads of the zombies that rushed over.

The nearest zombie was even shot directly in the face by him.

At the same time, he was also quickly observing the reactions and characteristics of the zombies around him, and keeping them in mind.

Soon Shen Feng had come to the end of the corridor, the wooden framed glass door behind him had been completely shattered, and the zombies on the stairs rushed over!

There were dozens of zombies killed. Shen Feng’s shotguns had all been used up. He unscrewed the silencer on the shotgun, threw the gun body that had turned into scrap iron, and took out the pistol with the silencer. While firing a headshot, he came to the elevator.

At this time, his whole body muscles bulged, the surface of his body became petrified and hardened, and he had completely transformed into a fighting form. He jumped directly in front of the elevator, and opened the elevator door with both hands, revealing the dark passage.

Looking down, the elevator car is on the first floor.

Seeing that the nearest zombies would rush over in less than ten seconds, Shen Feng no longer hesitated, jumped up, grabbed the cable hanging from the elevator car with his petrified palm and fingers, and quickly slid down.

The palms wiped the sparks on the cable, and Shen Feng landed heavily on the car on the bottom floor. With a "bang", he directly kicked the top steel plate of the car open and fell into it.

After entering, I found that the surrounding area was even more crowded than the morning rush hour bus, and it was full of trapped zombies!

These zombies woke up suddenly, howling and extending their arms towards Shen Feng, trying to bite Shen Feng.

With one hand firmly grasping all parts of Shen Feng's body, trying to drag him over, the ones closest to him even opened their mouths to bite, and gnawed some gravel powder on Shen Feng's shoulders and neck.

Fortunately, although the power of these zombies surpassed that of ordinary people, they were not as powerful as the zombies on the rooftop just now. Shen Feng was still able to move his body.

With his eyes wide open, he flattened the pistol to his neck, pulled the trigger quickly, and turned his body to pierce the heads of the zombies that were close at hand.

All the bullets in the clip were emptied, and there was even a ricochet that wiped a wound on the surface of his body. All the zombies in the elevator car had been headshot.

Then he pulled open the corpse in the car with force, walked to the door, opened the elevator door to allow one person to pass through, and immediately squeezed out.

As soon as he got in and out, he heard the sound of "bang bang bang" falling, and the zombies who were chasing him on the tenth floor actually started jumping into the elevator shaft like dumplings!

Fortunately, the corridor outside the elevator was empty and there were no zombies. Shen Feng quickly changed a magazine and rushed out from the door of the building with his blood-stained backpack on his back.

There were several zombies wandering on the street at this time, and when they saw Shen Feng appear, they immediately rushed over with a roar.

Shen Feng didn't even look back at this moment, bypassing the zombies and rushing towards a building at the end of the street.

Glancing at the rooftop just now, he has already discovered that the tallest building in the vicinity is that skyscraper!

If you want to see the whole of Mexico City, it should be the best place.

And there were no traces of zombies on the roof of that building.

There are not many zombies on the street, but the skyscraper is an office building, and there should be a lot of zombies in it.

While running, Shen Feng turned around and shot the three zombies who were chasing after him. Then he stopped, tore off his shoes, and threw them aside. He only wore socks and ran forward.

The sound of footsteps that were very striking on the empty street disappeared immediately, and the few zombies in the distance didn't even glance at Shen Feng. Obviously, it was impossible to find out that he was a human at a distance.

Finally, Shen Feng rushed into the office building, killed the two zombies in the hall, and came to the elevator.

I forcefully opened the elevator door, and there were no zombies in the elevator car parked on the first floor, but several rotting corpses with broken bones in many places. It seemed that the elevator fell out of control and fell to his death.

Shen Feng climbed directly along the broken roof of the car, found the steel cable, and then began to climb up bit by bit.

Although this road is much harder to walk, at least there will be no zombies.

And some steel beams around the elevator patio can stand, which can also give him a break in the middle.

Although his body is extremely powerful after the mutation, it is not a tireless perpetual motion machine. After all, he is still carrying various guns, ammunition and supplies, which is very heavy.

After climbing up more than 20 layers, I already felt exhausted, and hurriedly swayed to the protrusion next to me to stand and rest for a while.

He took out pure water from his backpack and slammed it into a bottle, and then took out two pieces of Mexican beef tortillas he brought over and chewed it. The fragrant beef and the peppers inside brought a warm feeling in his stomach and spread all over his body, Shen Feng felt the power Slowly recover and immediately resume climbing upwards.

In the deep elevator patio, except for Shen Feng's crawling sound, there was no sound at all, and it was terribly quiet.

Shen Feng crawled for a while, feeling that some music should be played to ease the atmosphere, and said:

"Jingwei help me..."

Then he suddenly woke up, stopped talking, and the silicon-based frame that controlled his chest played a soft Mexican guitar song and continued to climb in silence.

After playing a tune several times and taking a few breaks, he finally came to the top floor.

He jumped up and slammed into the elevator door.


The elevator door was knocked and flew out, and Shen Feng also fell heavily to the ground.

This is a corridor, and the two sleeping zombies immediately woke up and rushed towards him.

Shen Feng got up, stretched out his hand and grabbed the necks of the two zombies with a blank expression, and threw them back with force, and threw them all into the elevator patio.

After a while, the sound of falling came, and he clapped his hands and stepped forward.

The top floor of this office building is luxuriously decorated. Although there are some zombies, most of them are locked in the offices around the corridor, which seems to have been done when the people in the building were evacuated.

Shen Feng walked over with bare feet at this time, there was basically no sound, and he even held his breath, so he did not disturb these zombies.

Soon he had found a small staircase and a door leading to the opened the door and finally came to the roof roof.

Unlike the building just now, it was empty and flat, and there were no zombies.

As the tallest building nearby, it can overlook the entire western area of ​​Mexico City. As far as the eye can see, whether it is the streets or buildings, or even the zombies that are wandering, you can see all the way.

Shen Feng looked at this ruined city and thought of the prosperity of the former world, Mexico City, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Everyone is equal before the plague, no matter whether you are military police, gang members, rich and senior officials or ordinary people, all are treated equally.

Soon he had circled the west side of the rooftop, turned east, and looked towards the center of Mexico City.

The moment he saw that scene, Shen Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, a huge shadow appeared in his eyes, the cold hairs on his body stood up, and he couldn't help but blurt out:
