Realms In The Firmament

v1 Chapter 533: Kill the door

The white-bearded old man nodded with satisfaction: "That's good, so it won't delay the old man's business!"

The second emperor swayed a white child in his hand, sinking for a long while, watching the chessboard situation and considering the position of the child.

The second emperor met this white-bearer old man eight years ago. Since he knew his royal family identity, the white-bearing old man began to propose many conditions to lure the two emperors.

I can let you, ascend to the throne.

I can let you learn advanced martial arts.

I can let you extend your life.

I can let you...

All in all, everything you want, I can give you a discount, and you just have to do one thing: match me!

As a royal, who wouldn't want to sit on that chair?

Not to mention, there are so many extra benefits!

So after the White Emperor showed a strong strength, the Second Emperor immediately agreed to the deal: At that time, he didn’t even know what the white-bearer needed to do for him. What happened? !

Then, the second emperor began a series of operations related to Wan Yan Bai Hua Lou. From the very beginning, the Second Emperor clearly knew that all that he had done was how to hurt the world and to lose his goodness.

However, when you see countless wealth rolling in, when you see more and more vassals around you, when your strength has reached the real thing that can be compared with the big brother who is a prince...

The second emperor has long since retreated.

Moreover, he is full of ambitions.

"The big things are not informal." The second emperor often comforted himself like this: "But it is to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of women, but it can make my yellow map hegemony! Under the heavens, it is not the king's land, the land of the land is not Wang Chen, he It’s all over the world, and the history books are written by the winners. At that time, who cares about this little detail!”

Fighting is still dead every day!

Not to mention the achievement of a generation of emperors?

How difficult is it to win the throne from the heir to the throne of the righteousness?

However, with the help of the white-shoulders, everything is being carried out in an orderly manner.

As long as I can finally go to God, at any cost, all sacrifices are worth it!

From the beginning of the guilty feelings of the second emperor, to the later feelings worthy of the future, and then to the later peace of mind, and even to the final will be straight, heartbroken...

He walked through this process and spent less than half a year in total!

Even, through this journey of the heart, he can plausibly say: "There is no woman in the world who can keep the virgin life for the rest of her life! Since it will be destroyed sooner or later, then which man's majesty is not destroyed? Why? Can't it be me? Absolutely it should be me! Because I am a prince, I am noble!"

"In particular, I am still the emperor of the future. I want them today. It is a gift! Their sacrifice can make an emperor. Even under Jiuquan, it should be laughter."

This kind of thought filled with hooliganism, so that the second emperor not only did not feel embarrassed, but was happy to be in it, addicted to it.

"They are my people. Since the virgin body is no longer there, why can't we create the final value for the master?"

As a result, those girls became prostitutes, and eventually they were sold and killed...

Gradually transformed into two emperors to recruit and buy money, arbitrarily squandered money.

Now, although still sitting in front of the chessboard, the heart of the second emperor has long been absent-minded.

The woman in Yefu is the only one that I have seen in my life!

I will catch it tonight, I will definitely enjoy it. This woman is really different from other women. Maybe, I can leave her, and the Golden House is beautiful?

After a few years, Rong Yan is no longer beautiful and then sells it... If she can maintain her face and be very obedient, it is also a good choice to be a side room.

For such a poor woman, this is a great grace...

The second emperor is thinking, thinking, and thinking.

Opposite the white-beard old man looked thoughtfully at the chess piece that the second emperor had not put down for a long time, faintly said: "It seems that the goal tonight, that woman, should be very good for the second emperor? His Royal Highness!"

The second emperor smiled a little, and some of the guards nodded: "Yes, this woman, really likes it."

The white-beard old man slowly said: "But the virgin?"

The second emperor frowned.

I have already said very clearly just now. Lonely like it!

I have already set my position. You are still asking for this, isn’t it sinful! .

"Should be!" The second emperor repeated: "I like it very much. So, this woman, sir, don't grab it."

Simply explain the words.

The white-shoulders laughed happily: "Since the Highness is so favored by the Highness, the old nature will not win people's love, but it is very interesting. What kind of beauty can the two emperors of the Second Emperor, how can they be born? I did not hesitate to take the risk of offending the middle and the middle minister!"

In the eyes of the second emperor, there was a smile, a hint of light, and a smile: "Tonight is destined to be a memorable day. My husband taught me the yin and yang, and finally met someone who can actually practice on her."

The white-shoulders laughed: "Oh? Is this woman so talented? But if it is true, then the Highness will not be too shallow, even the old man can't help but be a bit of a move."

At this moment when the two villains pour out shamelessly on each other, a faint voice suddenly sounded: "Yanfu is not shallow, and it is a matter of opinion, but tonight is really a memorable day... but it is two big The day of the disaster, this point, I can be sure, sure, sure!"

At the same time as this faint sound sounded, countless low screams and screams continued to ring from the surrounding.

The white-bearded old man suddenly showed a horror, and Huoran turned his head: "Who?"


A loud noise came back.

The hall door suddenly burst and the whole bomb was crushed!

At the door, a young boy in Tsing Yi, a girl in white, appeared!

Tsing Yi’s teenagers were empty-handed. After the hand was behind, the school was calm and calm. Another girl in white was holding a snow-colored sword that was smeared with frost. It was filled with cold chills, shimmering with cool brilliance, and it was full of bones.

When the second emperor saw Hao Ran standing up, he said with amazement: "Ye Xiao?! How is it?!"

The white-beard old man did not hear the exclamation of the second emperor. His gaze was locked in the face of Binger as early as the first time. The eyes were not blinking, and the thick and stunning colors in his eyes did not hide, suddenly burst into laughter. : "This world is really the beauty of this ice muscle body! Well, since the beauty took the initiative to kiss the door, said that the old man had to laugh! Hahaha..."