Realms In The Firmament

v2 Chapter 1355: Hate the shot [second more]

The two giants suddenly collided in midair, and a shock wave that could not be seen by the naked eye, along with it, appeared as if it had spread in all directions. ?八一中?文网?w?w?w?. ?8?1?z?w?. ?c?om

Over the small mountain village, it seems that suddenly there was a storm hurricane that could blow out the sun, the moon and the stars.

With the "sudden" sound of tearing the air, all the trees that reached a certain height, without exception, broke in the brush and flew away in the distance. The violent shocks caused all the houses in the small village to collapse in half.

The screams and tragic sounds also rang.

Although Ye Xiao has tried his best to defend, but Wu Tian’s palm is too wide, and the power is extremely impressive. Mo said that Ye Xiaojian’s strength is in a hurry, even if it is a positive competition, it can be a little broken. However, it is still difficult to fully prevent the power of straight down, and even the indirect shock aftermath of the impact of the two giant forces will still affect the people below, and the manpower is sometimes poor. It is impossible to prevent it anyway.

The shock aftermath of the two giant forces shocked not only the numerous trees, houses, but also many people, so they were injured.

The cries of the crying sounded loudly, and there were still many people who were suddenly slammed into the houses that were suddenly collapsed and were killed on the spot.

Wu Tian laughed: "Ye Xiao, your support is very fast, but unfortunately it is still not caught!"

Ye Xiao eyes are red.

"Wu Fawutian, you two are so so mad! What are the battles between our cultivators, what are these civilians? Is it so unreasonable for you to kill the poisonous hands?" Ye Xiao saw the horrible situation below, could not help but feel at ease Drop blood.

These are ordinary people.

Ordinary people, ordinary people who are completely involved in this campaign.

They don’t know anything. They have only lived and worked here for generations. They have spent the rest of their lives. No one of them will practice and practice cultivation.

They are just living very simple and living happily.

That's it!

However, just today, people sit at home, and the disaster comes from heaven, and they are slaughtered by two masters for no reason!

This is not just a case. It has been looking at thousands of miles of land. In these two days, it has long been known that there are still many peaceful villages that have been slaughtered by two people!

The most conservative estimate is the life of tens of thousands!

Under the hands of the Wufa Wutian brothers, they disappeared silently.

They have been to death, not even knowing what is going on.

I don’t know why I die, I don’t know who I’m offended...

"People, but ants!" Wufa looked indifferently and looked at Ye Xiao: "Ye Xiao, do you think that this seat wants to kill these ordinary people? In their souls, the energy is poor, I simply do not bother to absorb ""

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and the whole person suddenly calmed down.

His eyes stared deeply at the opposite Wufa Wutian, the anger in his eyes, almost burning the two into ashes.

But now, he has not even said a word.

Talking to two people like this, even if I say a word more, Ye Xiao feels an insult!

For such scum, only kill!

"Ye Xiao, are you angry now? Are you angry with indignation? Or do you think that you are a saint? Are you arguing for these ants?! Do you think that you will take up the so-called moral high ground?"

Wu Tian sarcastically said: "In the end, if these people are not for your sake, they will not die at all! Less of these falsehoods."

"If you don't hide, how can we kill these ants? Kill them, what good is it for us? The only purpose we have to slaughter them is to find you, that's it!"

Wufa coldly said: "You care about your own life, regardless of the safety of the people, but then stand up and say these words of justice, do you not think that you are ridiculous? No, it should be shameless!"

He is endless.

His intention is very simple. It is not difficult to judge from Ye Xiao’s sword. Ye Xiao’s injury has become more and more serious. He may not be able to take it off. Since Ye Xiao’s ants are full of righteousness, how to use such weaknesses ? ! Naturally, you should make a big slogan and enlarge the heart of Ye Xiao as much as possible!

However, what was unexpectedly martial law was that Ye Xiao did not say anything.

next moment--

Ye Xiao waved his sword and the star sword shimmered, and it suddenly became a mighty torrent, rushing toward Wutian!

Ye Xiao’s lips were tight and her eyes were full of determination.

"Ye Xiao, today, you and I can only live one!" Wufa whole person is like a meteorite falling from the sky. The black robes of hunting are like a huge vampire bat in the air.

Ye Xiao's face is even more chilly. In the blink of an eye, there are more than three hundred swords that are like a storm.

Not endless.

Without the martial arts, Ye Xiaoxin has already made up his mind.

Such a devastating guy, even if he is allowed to live more in this world, is guilty of crime!

Not that you are dead, that is, I am dead!

The unprecedented anger of anger, so that Ye Xiao’s attack at this moment has increased hundreds of lethality; even people with swords, flashing the most hot white awns, like the sky, there is a shining sun.

Wu Tianqi smiled and said: "Good!"

There was a sword in his hand, and he rushed up without any retreat.

Although Wu Tian feels that Ye Xiao has been injured and has a good combat power, he has not yet been able to overwhelm himself in a stroke. As long as he can survive this round, Wufa can take the opportunity to kill Ye Xiao, the master decisive battle, for a moment. The difference is enough to decide life and death!

However, what Wu Tian did not expect was -

"Get out of the way!" Wufa screamed anxiously.

With the improvement of Wufa's higher level of eyesight, he has been sensitive to the feeling that the current Ye Xiao does not know what is going on, not only the injury is healed, but also repaired to be more refined than two days ago, and still a substantial improvement!

If two days ago, regardless of the restraint between the powers, Wu Tian’s true strength is better than Ye Xiao’s two strategies, but now, this gap is only going to be reversed!

This is what it is, Wufa does not understand, but he knows that Wu Tian, ​​who is seriously wounded and has been greatly defeated, is not just an opponent's relationship!

However, the reminder of Wufa is still a step later.

Just between the lightning and the fire, Ye Xiaolian, with his sword, has already collided with Wu Tian.

Hundreds of swordsmanship, the unprecedented limit of the crazy situation.

"You..." Wu Tian's incredulous screams, just after a contact, his sword has more than a few gaps, his body is shaking violently, and he is shocked by the madness of the other side.

Wu Tian’s only feeling at this moment is that he is like a boat in the sea between the angry seas. He is suddenly baptized by storms and there is always the danger of overturning.