Realms In The Firmament

v2 Chapter 1984: Temptation

Qinglong Baifeng is a fog. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8)WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM

Although I feel that the two people have said that there is a faint taste that can only be said and can not be said, but ... is always in the fog, can not touch the mind, heard and did not hear no big difference.

"Big Brother, what is your intention?" Qinglong finally couldn't help but ask.

Ye Hongchen didn't talk, just smiled slightly.

This laugh seems to contain a lot of meaning... Anyway, the smile is extraordinarily easy, it seems that the heavy responsibility, all put down.

The next moment, Ye Hongchen suddenly has a mouth, a breath will come out, but it will be the sky and sea, the path is self-piercing to shoot a round transparent hole. Whispered: "There are red dust, seven golden lotuses, and blood rivers, etc., a total of twelve peak masters, together to attack the clouds and rains, as much as possible to kill each other's strength, high-level repairers."

"Rather, if there is the intervention of Dongtian, the whole staff will immediately retreat, and there will be no damage to this campaign!"

"Everything is the first priority!"



"The seven golden lotuses are attacking, and the strong attack is over the clouds and rains!"

"There are more than seven golden lotuses, and several others who are not strong in the world are coming together. The enemy and the enemy have great disparity, and there is no competition!"

"The son, we are already in danger here. At any time, the line of defense may be broken, and the defeat will be lost."

“Do you hide the power?”

"The son, according to the current situation, even if we use the strength of the masters we have been hiding, I am afraid... can not withstand the killing of the seven Jinlian people, this group of people is not crazy, regardless of identity With a big pressure and a small pressure, relying on strong and weak, it’s even better. It’s too shameful to have a couple of people who are weaker than them.

"But this tactic is really effective... and someone is killed..."

"The son... Yu Ming is dead!"


The war reports are constantly coming, basically all are bad news, death messages, and interest rates...

The white sinking surface is like a submerged water, and his posture is faint. Finally, he slightly raised his head: "Can't go on like this, let's take the three of us! Block seven golden lotuses!"

"Is it personally?" The nephew was obviously puzzled by Bai’s decision.

There are still hidden cards in the cloud-covered building. They can also signal Dongtian to help. No matter which option can immediately alleviate the current predicament, there are other ways to solve the problem. How can the public decide to have their own hands? The three sons of the public are the three giants of the cloud-covered building. They can personally boost their morale, but on the other hand, they also faintly indicate that the strength of the building is only that, even **oss have to I’m in the air, so it’s not worth the candle!

"It is our own solution!" Bai Shen looked cold and cold: "Do not use any other power."

The voice of Bai Gongzi did not fall, his body suddenly became a long, and the white figure "call" disappeared in place, leaving only a cold wind.

Deaf and Xiuer looked at each other and disappeared silently. When they reappeared, they were already on the battlefield three thousand miles away.

Together with the seven masters including the seven golden lotuses, they formed an invincible steel knife, which was repulsed and repulsed in the camp of the clouds and rain.

The manpower of the cloud-covered building is relying on a quirky battle, in addition to the power of swaying, eliminating, unloading, and dissolving, to maximize the resistance to the other side's mad attack, and at the same time try to lock the other side out of the army.

This array of methods is undoubtedly powerful, and the offensives of the seven Jinlian and others have been obviously curbed. However, no matter how the Xuanqi’s formation, there must be considerable strength to defeat the enemy, and the comprehensive strength of the seven Jinlian and others is real. Too strong, far from the limits of the cloud-covered building, even if there is still a set of methods, it is still difficult to have a wave, and in the long battle, gradually being broken by the other party, this set of final reliance once completely breached by the other party, Then, with the help of the battle against the enemy, the multi-level masters of the cloud-covered building will be able to be easily strangled by the other party in a breakthrough!

There is already a huge gap between the nine peaks and the half-step eternal, and the half-step eternal and the real eternal realm, there is a greater gap!

These twelve people, nine of whom are real eternal realms. And the remaining three people, only one person is not destroying the nine heavens, the other two are half-step eternal realm master!

In other words, the weakest member of the 12 people is almost the strongest in terms of overwhelming rain. In the face of such a lineup, even if the details are deep and thick, there is a wonderful array of blessings, and there are many cards in the hands of Bai Shen. But it is still unable to make up for this high-level gap in quality!

In fact, the array of operations that can be used to turn over the clouds and rains can be said to have been graded, and the layout is wonderful. Even if the way of researching the law is like Ye Xiaoren’s personal view, it must be amazed. However, the current main line of the cloud-covered building People, the use of this array of methods to control the use of shallow, extremely barely can be called proficient, but at best it is only the secret of one or two of this, but the power of one or two of these, but Can be able to block the violent offensive of the seven golden lotus landslides.

Seeing that the line of defense is in jeopardy, hundreds of masters who participated in the deployment and shared the pressures whipped their noses and noses and looked very stern.

Obviously, the load of the big array has reached the limit, and it has reached the edge of the collapse, and it may collapse at any time.

Guan Shanyao screamed and shouted, and his hands were blue and white, and the brilliance of the blue and white, the face of the clear, overflowing a layer of radiance, apparently rushing out.

This time, the extreme move shot, will inevitably break this big array!

This is the cognition of the idea that the enemy and the enemy are at the same place.

However, the sky sneaked into a sneak peek, a white shadow appeared in the air, with a smile of a smile: "Well, seven golden lotus, really is the old brand strong, a body is full of earth-shattering, but It’s a well-deserved name!”

Guan Shanyao was so frightened that he looked up and saw a handsome white man in the air. He appeared in the air and looked at himself with a smile.

When a person comes in white and dances in the air in the air, it seems to be weak, but what kind of person is Guan Shanyao, but it is clearly felt that the energy contained in this white boy's body is actually huge!

"White Shen? Bai Gongzi?" Guan Shanyao screamed and shook his arms, his clothes swayed with the wind, and his body shape had already gone to the air.

"It is Bai Shen." Bai Shen smiled faintly: "The temper of Guan Laozi is too much... I am a white man who has turned over the rain and rained the building, where can't stand the power of the old man. toss?!"

Guanshan Yaodao: "Oh? Then what do you mean by saying, I should wait to sit down and see the leaves of the sky and the family of several great emperors, all of them will let you toss!"


&1t; Today's mom's birthday, the first month of the sixteenth, with my mom for a good day. I wish the mother of the world a healthy and long life. >