Rebirth 2003

Chapter 666: See also digging corners

  &Nbsp; During the three days in his hometown, Lu Yang was very comfortable. Sister Lu Ying did not miss the college entrance examination this year, and the total score of liberal arts was 594 points. There was no problem in the previous undergraduate course. This is where Lu Ying feels good when he meets him this time. Otherwise, if she still fails the exam this time, seeing him, this elder brother, will definitely be as depressed and strong-faced as last year. Now she is not sure which university she will be admitted to and which major she will study in. On the phone a few days ago, Lu Ying discussed with Lu Yang for a long time, and finally focused on two schools, one in Shanghai and the other in Beijing. The two selected schools are both in first-tier metropolises in China. This is also because Lu Yang is not short of money now, so she can choose whatever she wants, otherwise, even if she is admitted, she will only dare to choose a university in a small city at most, just like Lu Yang did back then. One reason why he chose to study at the Normal University in City H is that Feng Tingting chose it there. Another important reason is that City H is not a metropolis and the living consumption level there is not high. Otherwise, at that time, Lu Yang's family's economic conditions make it impossible for him to choose there. Lu Fei is here. Lu Yang also had a long talk with him on the night of returning home for more than an hour. Lu Fei and Zhang Yan discussed the wedding date, which is the National Day of this year. The next day, Lu Yang took Lu Fei to the construction site of Jinjiang Shangyuan to take a look. In half a year, the first phase of Jinjiang Shangyuan’s house has been built, and only the exterior painting and exterior Greening has not been done yet, and most of the houses have been pre-sold. Lu Yang led Lu Fei to take a look at the first phase of the house. Four Leaf Clover’s general manager, Qu Chongming, personally accompanied him. After watching for an hour or two, Lu Fei couldn't choose which house to choose. Finally, Lu Yang asked him to go back and discuss it with Zhang Yan, and then choose. On the way back, Lu Fei was obviously still in the trouble of happiness, his face flushed with excitement, his mouth could not stop at all, and he was speechless. Still had nothing to say to Lu Yang. Three days have passed in a blink of an eye. This afternoon, Lu Yangzheng and Wang Haiyang met in the county seat. In the summer, eating hot pot, drinking small wine and chatting all over the world, the mobile phone suddenly rang. Not a ringtone for incoming phone calls. It's the q`q new message notification sound he hangs on his phone. Under normal circumstances, even if Lu Yang hears new news, he will not go to see it immediately, because he q`q receives no less than ten new messages every day. But at this time I was drinking with Wang Haiyang, and I put my mobile phone on the table beforehand. It happened that the two of them drank almost the same, and there were not so many topics. I heard that q`q came up. Wang Haiyang asked Lu Yang to reply to the news first. Lu Yang nodded. He smiled and picked up the phone. To his surprise, the new news was sent by Fenghuo. Who is Fiberhome? The old bookworm must know it, a copy of "The Need for Son". Let the flames become the gods, and as a result, "The Best Young Master" was not finished, and was swallowed by the Harmony Beast. But his godhead is still there, and he wrote two more books afterwards, maybe it is the harmony of "The Son of Need". Affected his mentality, maybe it is his nature. Two books in a row are over without actually finishing the book. Once and twice, plus the unsuccessful end of "The Need for Son", his book fans gave him the nickname "Manager". means the king of eunuchs. But even so, his book fans are still very sincere. Knowing that he controls and kills his temperament, knowing that he is chasing his new book, he will be thrown into the pit in all likelihood. Can't climb out, still willing to go into the pit one after another. As mentioned above, the eunuchs who write web articles are extremely hurtful, even if it is a great god, after two consecutive works of eunuchs, the godhead is likely to be insecure. But there are exceptions to everything, and Fiberhome is one of the few exceptions! He obviously has the habit of habitual eunuchs, but his book fans still insist on him and admire him very much. This is extremely rare in the entire online literature world, I have to say. . It can be seen that his works are excellent, at least for certain readers, even if they are eunuchs. Fenghuo: "Boss Wen! Are you there?"Speaking of which, although Lu Yang and Fenghuo are both in the dark domain group, Fiberhome has never taken the initiative to send a private message to Lu Yang , I suddenly saw him looking for himself today. Lu Yang was surprised. After blinking, Lu Yang replied: "?"is a question mark. It’s not Lu Yang’s personality, it’s between authors, especially between authors with similar reputations. When communicating online, they are so casual, unlike some people. They all pretended to each other as they thought it was. There was no need, and almost no one did it. Although everyone is considered as a competitor, as long as each other’s works are not head-to-head, there is actually no conflict of interest between each other. They are all in the same industry, the same website, and one more friend is not a bad thing. . Fenghuo: "A certain Heng wants to dig your past, and the offer for you is not less than 1,000 words. Except for the electronic copyright, all other copyrights belong to you, and promise to give you at least once a month Let’s ask if you’re interested in the chance of a big push!"Seeing that what Fenghuo sent to himself was about this matter, Lu Yang raised his eyebrows slightly. Last time Heng had already called him. , I didn't expect to find him again now. On the condition, this condition is indeed very good. More than 1,000 characters, with his codeword speed, the monthly manuscript fee paid to him by the website alone is at least two to three million, and it is more than two million in a year. This does not make Lu Yang's heart fascinating, because he now has so much electronic copyright manuscript fees at the starting point every year. What is really attractive is that a certain Heng only signs electronic copyrights, and all other copyrights belong to him. This one of him. For more than 90% of writers at present, in fact, apart from electronic copyrights, other copyrights cannot be sold for money, and no one buys them at all, but he is Lu Yang, and now he is just using the pseudonym Wen Chou , Any one of his new works, physical publishing, audiobooks, game adaptations, and even film and television adaptation rights, will not worry about selling them. The income from these copyrights. Now it has far exceeded the manuscript fee collected by him on the website, and has become the bulk of his income for writing books. The times are different! It has only been a few years since the rise of web writing. But the speed of development is too fast. Just like the rise of popular songs that year, it has a general impact on traditional operas, regardless of the level of artistic content of the two, at least in terms of income and influence, the impact is great. The income from web articles is no longer just a pitiful income from contribution fees. In 2006, Blood Rainbow had an annual income of one million at the starting point. Already the highest-paid writer in the industry, now it's only three years in the past. In 2009, the annual income of a book by people like Lu Yang and San Shaoye has exceeded 10 million. Looking at the conditions that Fenghuo told us about. Lu Yang only gave a slight heartbeat, then put his mind off. He knows that since Fiberhome helped Mou Heng to inform this condition, it is not far from the starting point of the beacon and the others leaving, and that the day to go to Mou Heng is not far away, and he also knows that after they pass, they will not look like the blood rainbow or the cloud. The sky and others were so miserable as they ran away from the digital station, but after the past, they can indeed make a lot of money. But Lu Yang still won't pass. The digital station is not the opponent of the starting point, and the certain horizontal is not the opponent! A certain horizontal bound. Without starting to deal with it, it will play itself to death. Lu Yang didn't ask if Fenghuo was going to a certain side, but he tactfully declined the other party's invitation on q`q. Fenghuo did not force it. The two didn't have any personal relationship, Lu Yang refused, so he stopped talking. After the conversation with Fenghuo ended, Lu Yang was speechless for a while, looking out the glass window in a little melancholy. "What's the matter? After chatting a few q`q, why didn't you speak? Did you see any bad news?"Wang Haiyang looked strangely Lu Yang glanced. Asked with a smile. Lu Yang smiled and just said it was okay. It’s okay. The reason why Lu Yang was melancholy was that with the departure of Fenghuo, Fang Xiang, and others, the starting point was missing. Since then, there have been few strong competitors on the monthly ticket list. At the same time, I am also a little bit emotional. There has always been a saying in the world of online literature: all great gods come from a starting point! This statement is similar to that in martial arts novels-the world of martial arts comes from Shaolin. The industry all say that the starting point is deep. Some people understand that there are many rules for the starting point, and some people understand that there are too many powerful writers at the starting point, and it is extremely difficult for newcomers to get ahead. Let’s not say whether the former understanding is right or wrong, the latter one is definitely right. In the fastest growing years of online literature, the starting point has always been the top spot, dominating the world, and more than 90% of the powerful authors have long been attracted. The gathering of a large number of powerful authors naturally attracts countless readers. . In this case, the gods who can break through the siege and keep surpassing their popularity all year round have their own strengths, whether it is writing skills, perseverance, and perseverance. of. In the past few years, other websites have also tried to raise their own gods. Some websites have indeed done it, but they are only kings in their respective small circles. People who want to start to be the gods in everything, Basically, they were all broken into sand, at least Lu Yang hadn't seen a so-called great **** outside the station that he could still maintain his godhood after he arrived at the starting point. This is also the most important reason why other websites are always keen to start digging the gods. ——Only the great **** who goes out from the beginning can maintain the godhead, and it is possible to continue to maintain the popularity and help the website increase popularity and traffic. ……Sure enough, before the end of July, Longkong exposed the starting point for the beacon and others to leave, and bought out to a certain horizontal at a premium, following the digital station in 2006 After digging the starting point, he gave the starting point a blow again. For a time, the starting point is lost. Following that, just a few days after August, a certain Heng again revealed a magical machine to leave the starting point and also came to a certain Heng. This time, the start-up executives finally panicked. The reason is nothing, but because Shenji is the most popular author of the start in the past year, and the winner of the 2008 annual monthly ticket championship! If it weren’t for Lu Yang’s book "The Lord" under the spontaneous action of book, it won the monthly ticket list once, and Shenji will also have a monthly ticket for eight consecutive championships. . The exodus of such a top **** can have an impact on the reputation of the starting point. (To be continued)ps: Thanks to Suifengju, Yixiang, and fat chef who love to read books for rewarding 100 points. Thanks to Qin Ruxinjian and Mumu Yutian for rewarding 588 points.