Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 317: Those trapped chefs

I go!

Was named!

Xia Yu, who had just stood up and was going to return to her classroom, immediately froze.


At the scene, the Yuanyue classroom seemed to have dropped a noise bomb, and immediately there was an uproar.

Chiyo Aichi opened his mouth wide.

Of course, she knows who the ‘youngest super chef in history’ in Tamagawa Ayaka’s mouth, Yuan Yue lecturers, and even the on-site censors, guests, also know!

After the reaction, Chiyo Aichi was ignorant.

Are the parents and daughters of Tamagawa who passed the super assessment at the age of 26 want to speak in public to ‘the youngest super chef in history’?

However, the following plot development is much more serious than Chiyo Aichi imagined.

"I know you!"

Facing the scene of the program facing the full neon and receiving the live signal even outside the island, Ayaka Tamagawa put a serious and solemn expression.


Xia Yu was not blind, and could see or feel that all the lecturers in Yuanyue University's classroom were looking.

The instructor next to Aoshan was also unprepared and stupid.


This development also embarrassed Xia Yu.

He asked "Taste Weekly" to write such a propaganda title to pull hatred, but he did not expect that such a talent as Tamagawa Ayaka would challenge and question him in the live TV broadcast. Suddenly, an Alexander feeling came into being.

I just watched the performance of Yukawa Ayaka's cooking on the special assessment stage. I don't want to think about it. This is definitely an unprecedentedly strong opponent. Xia Yu feels that he can't beat his opponent with all his efforts.

Crushed by the heart of the purple frame?

The heart of the kitchen is not invincible, moreover, Ayaka Tamagawa is very likely to master a special killer recipe.

If it is not a recipe of the same level, even if the level of "heart of the kitchen" is high, the word "must kill" cannot be escaped.

"I know you!"

"However, I do not agree with your title of "the youngest super chef in the history of neon territory"!"

Tamagawa Ayaka looked directly at the camera, without concealing the hostility in her eyes.

"You, now just an alternate premium!"

She said unhurriedly, with a trace of disdain in her eyes.

"And I, who have passed the exam, are real premium chefs. Why are you a pseudo-super chef, using such a title? A 16-year-old chef? Ha ha, as far as I know, trapped in front of the premium gate There are too many candidates, some people are sleepy for a few years, or more than a decade... while others, for the rest of their lives, can't take off the'false' hat!"

There was a slight sneer in the corner of the mouth. Explosive pet Meng Fei: Miss Nine Doctor

This bohemian goddess's style of paper is very different from the smile on her face.

"Just say the three losers of this assessment!"

Next, Yuchuan Ayaka extended her green jade fingers and pointed to the waiting area.

"The three of them have already participated in nearly ten special examinations and have repeatedly failed."

"The least participated four or five times."

When the three losers named were swept away, their heads were lowered.

Two men and one woman.

Their faces are unwilling and humiliating, but they must bow their heads in the face of the camera, because they are downright losers, and under the halo of genius Tamagawa Ayaka can't directly look at, these three people seem mediocre.

In fact, not everyone is eligible to participate in the special examination every year.

There is only one chance a year.

If it fails, the assessment application can be submitted the following year.

However, Tamagawa Ayaka was participating in the super-evaluation for the first time, and in the evaluation, she brought out two kinds of fantasy ingredients, which is a stunning and subversive cooking work that made them convinced.

So they bowed their heads.

Super and pseudo-super, the status difference can be seen at a glance.

Under the lens, it was really exposed.

Tamagawa Ayaka began to show her momentum. To a certain extent, she is also a "queen" with a golden key vocal, if she carries the innate [super-aural] talent. Then this momentum is reasonable.

"Nakajima Kiyo!"

She called out a name and finger locked a man who was a loser.

"Nakajima Kiyoshi, 30-year-old and 20-year-old became a nine-star chef, famous for a while, but he has repeatedly failed over the past decade, limping in front of the super gate for ten years, maybe the situation will continue this way..."

He was named by a weak-looking uncle.

The original white face became vicissitudes because of the lack of trimming the beard.

Hair is also a little messy.

It's the ordinary Buddha who seems to be staying up late to work overtime, rather than the nine-star chef, who is enshrined by the food giant.

His eyes dodged, his fists clenched, and Nakajima finally did not look up at the camera.

The halo on Yukawa Ayaka was dazzling.

He became a nine-star chef when he was 20 years old. When he passed the nine-star assessment, how did the media praise him, Nakashima clearly remembered, and kept the newspapers and magazines at the time, and when his aura was bleak, the reporters behind him, And how his contemporary chefs and competitors in the circle laughed at him, Nakashima Kiyoshi also remembered.

There is a strong bitter taste in the mouth.

Regarding Tamagawa Ayaka's remarks, Nakashima Kiyoshi actually agreed. Please be careful

The profession of cook, at the very beginning, was very sharp, and some of them were late.

Naturally, there are countless geniuses who lose halfway.

Before really passing the super-level assessment, using the name of the super-level to promote, it is rash, too small to underestimate the threshold of the super-level chefs.

The two conditions of "kitchen heart" and "cooked food using fantasy ingredients" seem to be simple, and the doorway inside is deep.

Xia Yu's expression was slightly gloomy.

He could hear the meaning of Tamagawa Ayaka shouting across the sky.

It is nothing more than letting him not be complacent.

"I am waiting for you on the super road!"

This is how Ayaka Tamagawa continued to face the camera and said, "If you can pass the super exam before the age of 26, then let's have a friendly halberd."

"If you win, I will give you my special killer recipe."

"By the way, I have read your recipe for "Frosting Magic Mapo Tofu", which is very interesting."

After all, Tamagawa Ayaka returned the microphone to the silly Chiyo Aichi without looking back.

The scene was silent.

Professor Yuan Yueda is also silent.

Fresh halberd?


Xia Yu shook his head in his heart, "It's another great young lady."

Tamagawa Ayaka did not mention the conditions for her winning, but clearly felt that it was not necessary to mention them, and the conditions for losing were just the big news she wanted to take this opportunity to deliberately release.

She really has mastered a special killer recipe!

"A terrible enemy!" Xia Yu judged there was a chill in the back.


The system popped up the task prompt, Xia Yu rolled his eyes:

"Don't make trouble!"

He resisted the urge to scold, and clicked to check.

"[In the name of genius]."

"Hint: Pass the super-level assessment and accept Yuya Ayaka's halberd to defeat an unprecedented enemy."

"Bonus: To be determined (displayed through special assessment)."

I go!

Xia Yu Tucao.

Are rewards conditionally displayed?

It was messy in an instant. (.)

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