Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 333: Waving a knife at the sky


At the door of Xia's branch, several food reporters stationed here saw a pair of headlines and came out wearing shoes from the restaurant entrance.

Standing still at the door.



Masai Takei, Ichiro Haseya, and his face are gray and defeated.

Canggu is a little better. After all, he is old, and his mood is much better than that of Takeu Shinji, who is still in his prime. Moreover, he was defeated positively. The double-layer imprinted food was seriously crushed by the court. There was only exclamation in his heart, and no regrets.

But Takei Shinji is different.

After tasting Xia Yu's fish crust, a group of diners lost interest in Takei Jingji's'Beer Red Wine Golden Shrimp', and finally took a small bite with a cold expression.

What shocked them most was the second part of the private halberd.

Try to eat each other and evaluate each other's dishes!

But at this stage, the three of them kept silent and didn't say a lot of nonsense, because the chef had put what he wanted to say into the food he had cooked with all his might.

"Take well, cheer up!"

Ichiro Haseya didn't say much relief, but just patted Takeji Shinji's shoulder, and then got on the car and left.


Another black car came and the window of the driver's seat rolled down. The young driver asked: "How are you, defeating the'youngest super chef in the history of neon territory'?"

Takei just shook his head and was silent.

In his head, there is a picture of real cooking mood.

The boundless sky.

Under that magnificent blue sky, he seemed so humble, so small, even though he was holding the kitchen knife named "Blade" in his hand, he just waved at the sky and drew his knife blankly. No opponent can be found.

Is it against the world?

Where is the sky?

Where? Is it the ground, let him use a knife to hack?

The strong feeling of powerlessness is that Mr. Takei embarked on the path of being a chef and has been learning cooking for 20 years, and has never encountered it.

However, he has the same thing as Ichiro Haseya, that is, he is convinced to lose his mouth!

"The shadow of death!"

Mr. Takei murmured, "In the neon gastronomy world, special chefs, chef Lin, and dragon chefs who master sashimi-related killer dishes can count over a slap. He is only 16 years old, and he is in the field of sashimi. At the peak?"

The harder I feel, the more I feel.

The magnificent blue sky may be a direct manifestation of the chef's mood.

The inner world of that teenager was very large, and his horizons were not limited by age, national borders, or the so-called Chinese cuisine.

Queen Mother

Faintly, Shinji Takei saw the shadow of the evil spirits a hundred years ago on Xia Yu.

It's a pity that the gastronomy world has changed dramatically and fantasy ingredients have invaded. After World War II, decades have passed, and there have been no super chefs under the age of minors.

"Huh...16-year-old chef!" Takei Shinji truly recognized Xia Yu's strength.

No extra badge is required.

Now under the throne of the teenager, the bones of two special chefs have been added.

The opponent's corpse is the most powerful proof.

As one of the defeaters, Takei Shinji only felt powerless, without a trace of shame in his heart, and was unable to reconcile the fighting spirit of regrouping and fighting again.


When he got into the car, he reluctantly raised his mental strength and said to the driver. Takei leaned on the soft seat and closed his eyes to indulge in the food mood that had not disappeared in his mind.

It's really a vast blue sky.


"System: The task [pressing people] has been completed."

"Get talent [Eye of Dialysis]."

"Culinary level lv33→lv35."

Counting the 2 talent points given in this upgrade, unconsciously, Xia Yu saved 9 talent points, and it was still 1 point away, and he could instantly turn a kitchen skill to full level.

[Arhat Crystal Slash] still have to learn, especially, after tasting his fish roe this time, realizing that the knife skill is still lacking in such a flash of fire, Xia Yu's idea of ​​learning is even stronger!

Buy buy buy! In order to quickly restore the recipe of "Liebingxian Diaoshan" as soon as possible, push it to the level of killing!

"System, how much reputation value do I currently have?"

"Currently available reputation attack 151102..."

Is it more than 150,000?

Xia Yumu showed his satisfaction, seeing this gain, he did not waste a wave of advertisements in "Taste Weekly".

Moreover, the sister of Yukawa Ayaka yesterday shouted to him, although Xia Yu was unhappy, but the reputation was worth it, but it was real. After all, it caused heated discussion. More people tried to pay attention to him and understand him.

So the reputation value came like this.

"Purchase the "Arhat Crystal Cut" cooking skills!"

"Lost 15,000 reputation points."

It is also a purple-quality cooking technique, and it is a level with the seven-star breaking army and the violent green dragon.

Without hesitation, the nine talent points accumulated in his body were divided into the just-studied knife cooking skills in a breath. Xia Yu was about to communicate with the chef's space, but his right arm was suddenly pulled over.

"I look at the wound, don't move."

Said softly. Maeda Morita carefully cradled his arms in his arms, untied the bandage, and looked at the bandaged gauze stained with blood. His beautiful eyebrows were obviously wrinkled. Suspect in Ancient City III

"Let's go to the hospital!"

She looked up and said to Xia Yu, and Xiu Yingying stared at him.

"I have confidence in my ability to recover, don't worry." Xia Yu chuckled.

The interaction between the two, in the eyes of outsiders, is so natural that no abruptness is seen.

Neither Xia Yu nor Morita really felt anything.

Very normal physical contact.

"Great! My lecturer Xia!"

Yoshino Yuki stepped forward and circled around Xia Yu, with big eyes shining, "You beat two new chefs!"


Xingping Chuangzhen was not far away and said, "I will not say Mr. Takei, because his cooking is placed in the third place. We first tasted the cooking of Professor Xia, and we cannot give a fair evaluation."

"But Mr. Haseya is definitely not a newcomer!"

Everyone agreed, but because of this, I still feel unbelievable about the victory that Xia Yu easily harvested.

Xia Yufeng was light, and there was no obvious joy in this victory.

However, it is difficult for outsiders to calm down.

Mas and Elizabeth quietly stepped out of the kitchen and stood in the courtyard covered with the orange glow of the setting sun.

"Fulfilled! I don't want to eat anything today!" Elizabeth covered her small belly, tongue sticking out mischievously, licking the corners of her lips, and suddenly said: "Uncle Mas, you must take him back to America!"

Mas stunned, "Why?"

"Because of this, I want to eat his sashimi, it's easier, don't have to fly neon." Elizabeth said of course.

"Ha ha!"

Mas just chuckled.


Elizabeth turned her head and glanced at the leaned closer and quietly said, "I recorded the video!"


Mas glanced sideways and saw Elizabeth lifting up her precious wrist watch on her right wrist, selling to him a sly look, and chuckled: "There is a video backup in the mini camera, and at the same time, my laptop in the hotel also received the backup!"

Blinking, Mas pulled away his black coat and pointed to the tie in front of his chest

"I also recorded."

"Do you want to upload it?"

"Of course... no!"


Elizabeth's head was full of question marks.

"Wait a minute, there are so many people present, we don't have to let us leak." Mas smiled. "If you still want to invite him to the United States, you must keep him at least respectful." .)