Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 375: Conquered (Part 1)


This appalling scene is simply the plot of the monster's fan drama, which was staged alive in front of his own eyes. Even if he was as bold as Xia Yu, he couldn't help but be surprised to take a few steps back.

There is speculation in his mind.

But guessing is always guessing. Whether it was the dream of last night or the five strange judges nowadays, Xia Yu is consciously guiding her thoughts toward optimism.

It's awkward to say that it's just acting silly

Rarely confused.

But the scene where the little old man turned into a raccoon cat made it difficult for Xia Yu to pretend to be stupid anyway.

The window paper has been pierced, and the inhuman world does exist!

At this time, it was cowards to escape. Xia Yu took a deep breath, and within less than half a minute, he converged the horror in his eyes, and his heartbeat gradually returned to stability.

"Master Tanuki!"

Tamagawa Misa screamed and covered her mouth. Seeing that Xia Yu was frightened and turned back, her face was dull. She immediately squeezed her mouth between the juvenile and the jury, and cut off the juvenile's sight.

She kept her sober judgement on the other three, making her eyes impatient and anxious.

At this moment, Yuchuan Meisha has an unspeakable panic.

The Tamagawa Temple is, after all, the most mysterious place in Kamakura and even Kanagawa Prefecture. It is inaccessible and there are few large living people all year round.

She grew up in the Yuchuan Dean and lived with a group of strange things, but there is no human being who can truly be called a friend.

She went to elementary school, junior high school and high school in Kamakura. She was a well-known earth bun. She had two marijuana braids and wore big black-framed glasses all day. She did not leave Kamakura to go to university in Tokyo until she left. Take off your glasses and untwist the braids, learn to dress yourself up, and gradually move towards confidence.

But Tamagawa Misa didn't like the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, so after graduating from college, she decided to return to Kamakura to guard the Tamagawa Yard with her grandmother and serve the Tamagawa Yard.

Is it not lonely or lonely to clean up a monastic life?

Countless nights, Tamagawa Misa asked himself.

I am very sure of that.

But she is also afraid to make friends. [Super-aural] gives her too powerful ability. From the small actions of others or accidental whispers, she can listen to the emotions of others and the senses of others.

Anything a little annoying will be noticed by her.

Xia Yu is a young friend, but she is a rare friend.

If you open the line software list of Yuchuan Meisha, or the phone address book, you will find that there are only a few friends and numbers. Xia Yu is one of the few who has line, Twitter friends, and phone heterosexual friends.

Therefore, Yuchuan Misa panic is that after this incident, Xia Yu disappeared silently.

It was not without examples in the past.

She also had girlfriends, but because of her, the girlfriends moved after seeing an infamous thing and became seriously ill. Since then, there has been no news, and Tamagawa Misa has learned to protect the people she cares about.

"Master Tanuki!!"

Tamagawa Misa called again, finally waking up the civet cat sinking into a gourmet illusion.

I noticed a strange atmosphere.

When he recovered, the raccoon cat was obviously startled, even if he was not in human form, he could speak in a funny voice.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

Can't help but thumbs up and praised: "Misaju, you are right, this sashimi is indeed a rare treasure!"

With that, the raccoon cat drooled.

The chopsticks once again tore off a piece of fish meat from the back of the Xuangui ice sculpture armor.

Suddenly, his hand holding chopsticks shook and finally realized what was wrong!

Arms, wrists and palms are fluffy!


When the chopsticks fell, the old raccoon immediately covered his head with both hands, and Guru turned and got under the judging table.

"Yes, I'm sorry! Misha sauce!" The old raccoon's voice was terrified.

Beside, the woman in red sighed.

"Forget it, come here!"

She got up and planned to leave without interest. It seemed that the raccoon cat appeared easily in front of outsiders, guilty of the taboo of Yuchuanyuan.

Not only did Tamagawa Misa's cheeks feel angry, but the pair of sharp eyes of the abbot of Tamagawa glowed with cold light.

"Well, there is no need to go on."

The young monk in the third seat nodded and got up with his palms together.

"Sorry, I thought I could have a full meal."

In the fifth seat, a pipe-like, male-like existence, he said with a neutral voice and smiled. When he got up, he smoothed the long black hair with his shoulders, giving him a complex temperament of softness and heroism.


Under the jury table, there was a trembling voice of the raccoon cat.

The raccoon cat seemed to provoke anger.

Suddenly, a clear voice intervened, preventing several judges from leaving:

"At least, I have to **** fish roe before leaving!"

Wen Yan.

The woman in red, the young monk, and the long-haired tall and ignorant of the existence of gender, all gathered together, and cast a splendid sight on the teenager who stepped out from behind Yukawa Misa.

"Aren't you scared?" the male-like woman asked with a chuckle, leisurely, mouth in front of the pipe, and slowly spit out a green smoke.


Xia Yu shrugged, didn't answer positively, but said seriously: "I'm a chef, only knowing that I should satisfy the guests and let them leave with satisfaction."

"Well, I'll try your food... is it called fish roe?"

Putting down the pipe in his hand, the tall figure existed and picked up a pair of clean chopsticks on the table with a smile.


A thin piece of fish crust was caught on the chopsticks. The existence was stunned and stayed for a few seconds before eating into the mouth with a complex face.

"Call, call, call..."

The cold wind from the extremely northern heaven blew his dark, supple long hair.


Startled staring at the snow world ahead.

"I also try it!"

The young monk returned to the judging table for the second time, and did not sit down. He stood holding chopsticks, tore off a piece of fish clam, and sent it to his mouth to chew.


The chopsticks snapped in his hand. The upper part of the monk's red stripe was cold, and the mark of the fire snake on the back was a layer of ice crystals. It was vivid before, like a swimming snake, and it stiffened instantly.

"Well, I'd like to see you ‘the youngest special chef in the history of neon territory’. Compared with our Misha sauce, what is the strength!"

The girl in red snorted and sat on her leg just now.


When the fish fillet dissolves at the tip of the tongue, the girl in red hears the grand bell from heaven!

The sound echoed on the vast ice field.

The woman in red was shocked in her heart. Beside her, she was a young monk who was also shocked, and her hair fluttered.


At this moment, the sky cast a huge shadow, the wind screamed.

A huge foot, like a hill, stepped on the ice surface not far from them. Suddenly, the cracks swept out to the surroundings, but the ice sheet was thick and thick, and the foot did not step on the ground. .

What is more striking is that the owner of the sole of the foot is a mysterious turtle that slowly carries the palace group!

The bells came from the palace group.