Rebirth as a Cooking God

Chapter 400: Plant 1 seed

What is the taste of cuttlefish?

If it is poor food, the moment of entrance, it must be thick and fishy.

However, at this moment a fragrance is occupying the old monk's mouth.

The fishy smell is faint, and it is almost negligible in the icy taste.

At this time, the taste buds have ignored the excess taste.


Yizhen abbot spit out the word, and there was a soft smile on his face.

The cuttlefish slices in the mouth are very soft, smooth and delicious as they chew. Although they are thin, they are very chewy. The more chewed, the sweeter the stronger the taste.

In front of you, there is a gate of a treasure house, which attracts the tasters and chews back and forth.

"Bevel cuttlefish slices!"

The first slice of cuttlefish was clipped by Zhe Xianxian Zuoweimen and placed under the eye.

"The cutting method of fish fillet will create different tastes. So knife skill is very important for fish fillet. Cuttlefish sashimi is very particular about knife method. If it is cut vertically, the fleshy fibers are all broken, and the taste will be soft. If It’s cut horizontally, and the fiber is kept intact, so the meat piece has a chewy head. However, if it is cut diagonally, it also retains the softness and chewy..."

Under the lens, the four judges successively tasted cuttlefish slices, and their expressions were all very strange, and the smile gave people such a kind feeling that they became approachable at once.

Most of the cuttlefish slices on Ling Yu remain.

Tamagawa Ayaka did not move, and the four judges, under the direction of Xia Yu, continued to taste the next fish fillet.

"Carp fish roe, sexual temperature is wood." Xia Yu pointed to Bingzhi Lingyu.

The judges order chopsticks in turn.

"San carp?"

After tasting, the abbot's face glowed with faint joy.

Earlier, Xintian was moistened by water, and the dried land became fertile. After eating a carp of a mountain carp, a moment of throbbing brewed and thrived in the bottom of my heart.


When the old monk tasted the fish clams carefully, and the throat knot swallowed down, there was a small sprout in the heart field.

None of the four judges spoke, as if staring at the bud in their hearts.

Perhaps, each of them saw different scenery.

The audience can only speculate on Xia Yu's dishes through the lens and close-up pictures.

The first two fish fillets.

The judges ate quietly, talking but quietly.

To put it more intuitively, Zhexianxian Zuoweimen does not have "shirring"!

Commander Yuan Yue’s explosive clothing has been regarded as a quality indicator by the public. If his standard of explosive clothing has not been reached, how can his sliced ​​fish dishes face off with Tamagawa Ayaka’s “Must Kill” pastry?

The venue has a small disturbance.

The audience whispered.

"It seems like a very ordinary sashimi set!"

"I think so too, except that the decoration of the plate has been replaced with an ice sculpture. What's the matter, it makes me look forward to it!"

"Loss is also reasonable..."

Listening to these voices, Guan Xingchen secretly smiled.

Burst clothes?

What he paid attention to was the natural expression of the four pillars of the neon gastronomy.

Regardless of the external reaction, Xia Yu still calmly guides the four judges to try the third type of fish clam, "Carassius auratus, **** is earth."

"Carassius auratus?"

Commander Yuanyue yelled a piece of fish clams from Bingling,

No, it should not be a piece, but a piece!

As thin as a strand of silk, as thin as thin strands of fish roe, one by one, the commander-in-chief of the moon reveals the color of surprise, scrolling the fish roe with chopsticks, and finally the end of the wooden chopsticks is actually layered with transparent colored rope .


Swallow it in with a mouthful.


The sound of discussion disappeared instantly.

The kimono once again fell off the commander of Yuanyue.

"Something is coming out!" Zhe Xianxian Zuoweimen was shocked and touched his heart.


Yes or no.

What kind of food illusion can make the demon king difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Out, out!"

It was the abbot of Yuchuan who exclaimed, her chopsticks fell to the ground, she stumbled back two steps, horrified, unbelievable.

The true Abbot barely kept calm, but he didn't dare to chop the chopsticks and try the second one.

Boom! Boom!

Heartbeat is abnormally fast.

For a monk with a heart like water, this is simply the shock of a meteorite hitting the earth. He held the chopsticks tightly, breathing deeply, but the throbbing in his chest was so real, as if it were one with his heartbeat.

On the contrary, it is the most peaceful goddess.

She stared at Xia Yu and actually smiled. At this moment she suddenly became younger and returned to her twenties, becoming a trainee witch who looked back under the cherry trees in the Chiyoji Shrine and smiled.

"Do you want to plant a seed in my heart?" the generational goddess asked.

Xia Yu pursed her lips and did not answer.


He pointed to the fourth ice feather, "Sea bream, slightly cool... it's gold!"

This time, the first taster became a thousand generation goddess.

She seemed to be looking forward to the seeds in her heart, the moment when she thrived and transformed.


The shape of the fish roe has changed again.

The fish clams of this sea bream are finally familiar to everyone in Jiujiuliao, Ichiro Haseya and Shinji Takei!

Each piece of fish roe is a small mirror!

The faces of the thousand generations of goddesses are reflected in the fish slices, and the picture is suddenly blurred.

Eat it, the neck blue muscles bloom!


It seemed that he had been attacked by violent artillery fire, and the little bud in the heart field might die at any time under the weather of lightning.

Suddenly, the Chiyo goddess opened her eyes. This time without Xia Yu’s guidance, she stretched the chopsticks to pick up the pufferfish sashimi on the fifth feather. When she swallowed it in, the whole person was shocked, and her face was an incredible look. .

The remaining three reviewers are close behind.


The electric snake banged off.

"Where is this?"

A thousand generations of goddesses look around, the barren land is in front of them, the air is as fresh as rain, and the purple electric snake spreads at the end of the sky.

It was night, and there was boundless darkness.


There was a deep voice behind him, and the four judges stood in a row, looking up at the dark clouds condensing into the sky.


Another lightning fell, this time the lightning has been around for a longer time, the four people can see the world's ancient trees in the sky.

Thunder and lightning struck the world tree, the flames rose, and the sky seemed to be lit.

Looking at the dim sky again, the four judges stared at each other in shock.

On this day, it was actually supported by a giant tree!

It opened up chaos and a new world appeared!


The flames burned the branches of the old trees, and the leaves were fluttering. Who knew that when the broken branches fell to the ground, they sprout buds and thrive quickly, and the old trees were surrounded by small trees soon.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth.

Five elements live together, five elements live together, a new world.

"It turns out so!"

After a while, Zhexian Xianweiwei opened his eyes and could not help applauding.

"I have witnessed the birth of the world!" Yizhen Abbot also looked at the young chef with incredible eyes, "Five Elements! I didn't expect that the small fish fillet also contains the Five Elements attribute, corresponding to the Avenue of Heaven and Earth! Even more incredible is , You blend the five elements into your own cooking!"

"Bloom and bear fruit."

Chiyo Goddess said softly: "One flower and one It turns out that the chef can really give a world of cooking."

The abbot of Tamagawa said nothing.

"Boy, how did you do it?" She stared at Xia Yu suspiciously.

Seen by the four judges with a monster-like look, Xia Yu coughed but changed the subject:

"Do you think my five fish roe combinations can compete with Chef Yuchuan's "must-eat" dishes? "


The venue is quiet.

Yuchuan Ayaka looked straight away, and Xia Yu stared back at him without looking at each other.

The audience was surprised and excited.

I thought the reviewer would take some time to comment more, but I didn't expect this young chef to cross this link and come directly to the final fight.

Swords crossed! (To be continued.)